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Pac/Floyd investigation, documented punches (disputed rounds) blow by blow

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  • Originally posted by Spoon23 View Post

    You've fuvked up dude. Learn to retreat.

    It's over.
    LMAO. You're welcome to keep this going...if you want to watch that 17-9 lead melt down to a loss. LMAOOOOO. want more, or you ready to cry uncle?

    15 - 9 right now. Do you want more, or do you give up?


    • Originally posted by Spoon23 View Post
      # It's about who outpointed who, and 16-9 for Pac that's the story for round 2
      We were down to 15-9 last I checked. Ok. Let's continue:

      Another shot on the back that he credited. Mayweather does pull him in for a clinch, but it's still not a scoring blow.

      Score: 14-9 Pacquiao.

      Claims that this shot lands, that in fact goes whizzing by Mayweathers head. You can see it in the follow thru. Go check the video. Here is the follow thru:

      Score now: 13-9 Pacquiao.


      • Very interesting sequence. He claims that this blow by Mayweather shouldn't count. Claims it is an illegal wrist blow. I see a left hook to the temple.

        He then claims that a blow by Pacquiao lands immediately afterward. What??? Not at all. He claims you can tell that it lands by the sound. LMAO. The sound you hear is clearly Mayweather's left hook. Go check out the video!

        You can clearly see the separation between Mayweather's face and the glove.

        Score now: 12-10 Pacquiao

        He gives Pacquiao credit for an uppercut in this sequence. What? Yea ok. I'll accept that. He however ignores two blows Mayweather throws in the clinch. Claims he is holding and hitting. I clearly see Paquiao holding, and as I already stated, he gave Pac credit for a blow he landed while he was clearly holding

        Score now: 12 - 12 Even.

        Once again, he claims Mayweather is holding and hitting. I clearly see Pacquiao holding Mayweather's arm and refusing to fight out of the clinch while Mayweather throws 4 blows.

        Score: 16 - 12 Mayweather

        There was some more questionable stuff, but I'll leave it at that. So um....yea. I reviewed your round 2 video now. You got what you wished for. All time stamped.

        Any question?

        psttt...Your videos are shlt!!!


        • lol delusional score card

          Let's recap TravestyNY, I firstly asked you this question below, so that I can have you boxed in and be able to precisely pick on your thoughts, so I can finish this loop of despair you are in, in that way you don't have to unleash your pathetic lame arguments to me and be dragged into your loop of despair were in like those who had fallen to your lame world were ****** into a world were logic does not exist. I made sure I won't be trapped in a long arduous, nonsensical, pathetic debate with you, were in, it will go on and on and never ever stops, just as you've done to ADP02. The guy is admirable he had so much patience and understanding to give you a shot at making sense, but what happened to him, was a nightmare scenario, you pulled him to the gates of hell, You lured him in a place were logic and common sense does not exist. A place were UP is Down, Right is Left, and Left is right..
          I didn't want to be part of that craziness.. SO I asked you this question below to put a stop to you ******ity.. Thinking by asking this I will prove how dumb you really are.

          I ask a simple question related to the round you were questioning. It was a simple question to see how much rationality you have left in your sorry existence. Knowing this was an old boxing match. I only ask to give your take in one round. It was a very simple question..

          And what did you say? You said you haven't looked at the round. The round that you were questioning.. WTF?! ****** alert!! Why you did that? There is only 2 rational reasons for that. - 1, it only shows you are arguing about something you didn't really have inept knowledge off in the first place. It only shows that you have a preconceived notion of what you want to believe happened that night, like how the Judges in this fight did too hahahaha! Or 2 you are one big fuvkn' liar who would lie to your teeth and say whatever will help you with your weak lame arguments. Problem is I caught it, it showed how much of a ****** you still are. What does it all mean?

          Arguing over a topic you are clueless is the dumbest thing you can ever do in a forum and It also mean your actions did show, that when pushed comes to shove you caved in like a vagina and retreated like a frozen vagina who didn't know what to do, but to retreat like a fa6 hahaha!

          Originally posted by Spoon23 View Post
          lol okay..

          Here I'll help you out. So we can document everything in here for the world to see.

          Do you honestly think Pac has no argument for winning round 2? Simple straight up question.
          Originally posted by travestyny View Post
          I haven't looked over round 2 and I have no desire to.
          What's it's equivalent? It's equal to a soldier retreating back to his base and losing his dignity while raising a white Flag in defeat. That's what! hahaha!

          But, the weird thing about you.. After retreating. When I humiliated you for what you have become. You come back in the fray as if a defeated man can bounce back into battle again like as if nothing happened. lol

          That's not how the world works Bud, learn to admit defeat, and then lick your wounds and fight another day. You've been ****d and fuvked so hard from all corners of this forum as evident to your RED rep since 2008 lol to even dare come back for more hahahaha!

          Anyway, your ******ed spirit of never quitting is commendable, but always remember how easyily I fuvked you up over and over again in NSB that you couldn't even stand straight for days, weeks, and it didn't end there, to add insult to injury, I made you eat crow for your breakfast, lunch, and dinner hahaha!

          Your pussification is seen and etched in stone below, You're a troll that has no credibility left. You suck at arguing, and you suck at defending Floyd. Just by the look at your new frozen photos, I can see how lame your fabricated arguments are again.. The thing is are you worthy of my beat down again? Should I assess this lame photos? I just feel you are a nuisance at this point. You're a waste of time. You'll just pull me back to your loop of ******ity. I have to ponder if I should even entertain the idea of arguing with your points since you flip flop like a biatch. I don't know if I should.. But seeing how ******ed your points are might give me incentive of putting you to ***** st. again.. might be fun.. Hmmm..

          Originally posted by travestyny View Post
          I've trolled you the whole weekend. You should feel lucky, since it is monsoon season here and I didn't have much better to do. This whole weekend
          Should I give this self proclaimed troll my time? Hmm..

          anyway, You remind me of this pink Flip Flops.. I don't know why?? Maybe you should wear them first so I will be motivated in answering your ******ed arguments again.. will you? hahaha!


          You're equivalent to an employee that never went up the corporate ladder hahaha!

          9 years to work on his rep, and nothing to go for. How many mistakes in debating has he made?

          A whole damn much for sure hahaha!

          Credibilty = zilch hahaha!

          Does his new arguments have weight?

          lol off course not hahaha!
          Last edited by Spoon23; 03-05-2017, 09:36 PM.


          • Imagine having your life so ****ed up by Pacquiao's failure you spend two years talking to yourself in a thread about it trying to convince yourself he really won.


            • Originally posted by Spoon23 View Post
              lol delusional score card

              Let's recap TravestyNY, I firstly asked you this question below, so that I can have you boxed in and be able to precisely pick on your thoughts, so I can finish this loop of despair you are in, in that way you don't have to unleash your pathetic lame arguments to me and be dragged into your loop of despair were in like those who had fallen to your lame world were ****** in to your world were logic does not exist. I made sure I won't be trapped in a long arduous, nonsensical, pathetic debate with you, were in, it will go on and on and never ever stops, just as you've done to ADP02. The guy is admirable he had so much patience and understanding to give you a shot at making sense, but what happened to him, was a nightmare scenario, you pulled him to the gates of hell, You lured him in a place were logic and common sense does not exist. A place were UP is Down, Right is Left, and Left is right..
              I didn't want to be part of that craziness.. SO I asked you this question below to put a stop to you ******ity.. Thinking by asking this I will prove how dumb you really are.

              I ask a simple question related to the round you were questioning. It was a simple question to see how much rationality you have left in your sorry existence. Knowing this was an old boxing match. I only ask to give your take in one round. It was a very simple question..

              And what did you say? You said you haven't looked at the round. The round that you were questioning.. WTF?! ****** alert!! Why you did that? There is only 2 rational reasons for that. - 1, it only shows you are arguing about something you didn't really have inept knowledge off in the first place. It only shows that you have a preconceived notion of what you want to believe happened that night, like how the Judges in this fight did too hahahaha! Or 2 you are one big fuvkn' liar who would lie to your teeth and say whatever will help you with your weak lame arguments. Problem is I caught it, it showed how much of a ****** you still are. What does it all mean?

              Arguing over a topic you are clueless is the dumbest thing you can ever do in a forum and It also mean your actions did show, that when pushed comes to shove you caved in like a vagina and retreated like a frozen vagina who didn't know what to do, but to retreat like a fa6 hahaha!

              What's it's equivalent? It's equal to a soldier retreating back to his base and losing his dignity while raising a white Flag in defeat. That's what! hahaha!

              But, the weird thing about you.. After retreating. When I humiliated you for what you have become. You come back in the fray as if a defeated man can bounce back into battle again like as if nothing happened. lol

              That's not how the world works Bud, learn to admit defeat, and then lick your wounds and fight another day. You've been ****d and fuvked so hard from all corners of this forum as evident to your RED rep since 2008 lol to even dare come back for more hahahaha!

              Anyway, your ******ed spirit of never quitting is commendable, but always remember how easyily I fuvked you up over and over again in NSB that you couldn't even stand straight for days, weeks, and it didn't end there, to add insult to injury, I made you eat crow for your breakfast, lunch, and dinner hahaha!

              Your pussification is seen and etched in stone below, You're a troll that has no credibility left. You suck at arguing, and you suck at defending Floyd. Just by the look at your new frozen photos, I can see how lame your fabricated arguments are again.. The thing is are you worthy of my beat down again? Should I assess this lame photos? I just feel you are a nuisance at this point. You're a waste of time. You'll just pull me back to your loop of ******ity. I have to ponder if I should even entertain the idea of arguing with your points since you flip flop like a biatch. I don't know if I should.. But seeing how ******ed your points are might give me incentive of putting you to ***** st. again.. might be fun.. Hmmm..

              Should I give this self proclaimed troll my time? Hmm..

              anyway, You remind me of this pink Flip Flops.. I don't know why?? Maybe you should wear them first so I will be motivated in answering your ******ed arguments again.. will you? hahaha!


              You're equivalent to an employee that never went up the corporate ladder hahaha!

              9 years to work on his rep, and nothing to go for. How many mistakes in debating has he made?

              A whole damn much for sure hahaha!

              Credibilty = zilch hahaha!

              Does his new arguments have weight?

              lol off course not hahaha!
              You asked for proof your videos are shlt with time stamps. You got what you wanted. Now you complain and offer ad hominem attacks instead of replying to the merits of my post.

              Right on.

              1. I've offered your buddy ADP02 a way to end our convo many times. What do you think my sig is about? He'd rather write novels to me over and over. He doesn't want it to end.

              2. I told you I thought you wanted proof of the author of your video not being accurate. When I gave it, you said you wanted a complete round analysis. When I gave it, you cried as we can see above.

              Next time, be careful what you wish for.
              Last edited by travestyny; 03-05-2017, 05:06 PM.


              • Originally posted by travestyny View Post
                You asked for proof your videos are shlt with time stamps. You got what you wanted. Now you complain and offer ad hominem attacks instead of replying to the merits of my post.

                Right on.

                1. I've offered your buddy ADP02 a way to end our convo many times. What do you think my sig is about? He'd rather write novels to me over and over. He doesn't want it to end.

                2. I told you I thought you wanted proof of the author of your video not being accurate. When I gave it, you said you wanted a complete round analysis. When I gave it, you cried as we can see above.

                Next time, be careful what you wish for.
                Travesty, Travesty, Travesty..

                You don't get do you?

                At this point in time, you are like a snake oil salesman. You have no honor or credibility to hold a deal in place. You will say anything to get the job done, even if it takes you to lie and cheat your way to a con. That's what you are now. Like how you would conveniently say anything to wiggle yourself out of a pickle. Like this one below. I asked you a simple question. You couldn't man up and answer a simple question. A question related to your inquiry. It only shows what kind of man you are. Your red reputation since 2008 is a reflection of your character my friend. Most Floyd fans in here are already green, and yet it's been 9 years and you have nothing to show for bud. You have a giant placard that says, 'I'm a clown don't take my word for it.' You've fallen hard my friend. You need to get your credibility back up first. Rebuild yourself. No one believes your words. Your like someone selling fake rolex watches. You look so shady, that when you open your trench coat to show your fake watches, the buyers are gone lol

                Originally posted by travestyny View Post
                I haven't looked over round 2 and I have no desire to.
                To explain it more, I have proven over and over how shady you are.. You will lie, you will turn a blind eye when proof is staring in your face just so you can live another day. What you haven't realize about your battles with ADP02, he fuvked you up so bad your head should have spun, but that's the thing with you, you have a selective reasoning, when ADP02 closed it and put a giant turd on your head that should have buried you already, You chose to pretend he's points did not exist. And then miraculously you comeback to him the next day and bicker anew as if nothing happened. And that is why.. He is no where to be found. You call him missing? No, what happened to ADP02 is he realize he was talking to a wall. A wall can never have logic and common sense to have an intelligent conversation to, and that is why he left. You call it missing, when in fact in his point of you, It's game over. The funny thing is you don't realize that and still thinking you'll have mindless battles ahead haha, NO. He is about done with your nonsensical arguments and illogical statements. And now that ADP02 is no where to be found, you shift your sights to me.. As If, I had enough of you trolling me.. Haven't I given you enough crow already? When is enough, really enough for you?

                Originally posted by travestyny View Post
                I've trolled you the whole weekend. You should feel lucky, since it is monsoon season here and I didn't have much better to do. This whole weekend
                To explain it further, You went into battle with your fellow soldiers, moving forward to the fray..the thing is Your fellow soldiers marched forward, while you decided to play dead to duck your way to a possible death. Then when the dust settled and the battle was over. You comeback up tells your fellow soldiers let's go on and fight!

                That's what you did here my friend, You conveniently left when the going gets rough.. You can't just fight back on when the battle has already been won. It's not how the world bud. At this point It will be silly of me to give you another go after this cowardly act that shows your lack of character. But, will see.

                Maybe if you can do me a favor, and wear those pink Flip Flops first. I might give you a shot. Wear it first, then I'll think about crushing you one more time. Okay? Deal?

                Originally posted by travestyny View Post
                I haven't looked over round 2 and I have no desire to.
                Last edited by Spoon23; 03-06-2017, 12:41 AM.


                • Originally posted by DeadLikeMe View Post
                  Imagine having your life so ****ed up by Pacquiao's failure


                  The only failure that night was your IV hero who decided to run and hug for dear life to the disappointment of the paying public lmao

                  Here, Nacho explains it better:

                  Nacho about Floyd: The kid caved. Over defensive on the most important fight of his life.

                  "He knew he was supported by the judges to give a luck luster fight."

                  "He (floyd) lost so much credibility"

                  "the only one throwing punches was Pacquiao"

                  "how can they gave the rounds to a guy who even looks ridiculous running away scared?"

                  "or giving hugs to turn off the fight?"

                  The boos in every Floyd Mayweather hug caught in this footage only shows how boxing fans feel in their frustration of what is an example of what not to do in a super fight of this magnitude.

                  Here's a Father seeing his son as a failure lol

                  @ around 1:38 - You fight like your scared man!

                  @ around 2:05 - Floyd Mayweather losing man?!

                  @ 2:20 Floyd jr to Floyd Snr.: no matter what I love you.. (ready to lose)

                  Here's a disappointed father reflecting after the fight why he who saw his son's win was a fluke win lol

                  Floyd Mayweather Sr. after the fight :

                  @ 1:50 mark Floyd senior said about floyd's time to retire: 'When you can't do what you use to do it's time.' referring to his son

                  He knew his son dont have it anymore lmao.. He saw his son fight like a vagina

                  # Almost 140,000 viewers.

                  #Chronicle of the biggest scam in boxing history is etched in stone
                  Last edited by Spoon23; 03-05-2017, 09:04 PM.


                  • Originally posted by spoon23 View Post
                    travesty, travesty, travesty..

                    You don't get do you?

                    At this point in time, you are like a snake oil salesman. You have no honor or credibility to hold a deal in place. You will say anything to get the job done, even if it takes you lie and cheat your way to a con. That's what you are now. Like how you would conveniently say anything to wiggle yourself out of a pickle. Like this one below. I asked you a simple question. You couldn't man up and answer a simple question. A question related to your inquiry. It only shows what kind of man you are. Your red reputation since 2008 is a reflection of your character my friend. Most floyd fans in here are already green, and yet it's been 9 years and you have nothing to show for bud. You have a giant placard that says, 'i'm a clown don't take my word for it.' you've fallen hard my friend. You need to get your credibility back up first. Rebuild yourself. No one believes your words. Your like someone selling fake rolex watches. You look so shady, that when you open your trench coat to show your fake watches, the buyers are gone lol

                    to explain it more, i have proven over and over how shady you are.. You will lie, you will turn a blind eye when proof is staring in your face just so you can live another day. What you haven't realize about your battles with adp02, he fuvked you up so bad your head should have spun, but that's the thing with you, you have a selective reasoning, when adp02 closed it and put a giant turd on your head that should have buried you already, you chose to pretend he's points did not exist. And then miraculously you comeback to him the next day and bicker anew as if nothing happened. And that is why.. He is no where to be found. You call him missing? No, what happened to adp02 is he realize he was talking to a wall. A wall can never have logic and common sense to have an intelligent conversation to, and that is why he left. You call it missing, when in fact in his point of you, it's game over. The funny thing is you don't realize that and still thinking you'll have mindless battles ahead haha, no. He is about done with your nonsensical arguments and illogical statements. And now that adp02 is no where to be found, you shift your sites to me.. As if, i had enough of you trolling me.. Haven't i given you enough crow already? When is enough, really enough for you?

                    To explain it further, you went into battle with your fellow soldiers, moving forward to the fray..the thing is your fellow soldiers marched forward, while you decided to play dead to duck your way to a possible death. Then when the dust settled and the battle was over. You comeback up tells your fellow soldiers let's go on and fight!

                    That's what you did here my friend, you conveniently left when the going gets rough.. You can't just fight back on when the battle has already been won. It's not how the world bud. At this point it will be silly of me to give you another go after this cowardly act that shows your lack of character. But, will see.

                    Maybe if you can do me a favor, and wear those pink flip flops first. I might give you a shot. Wear it first, then i'll think about crushing you one more time. Okay? Deal?

                    Originally posted by spoon23 View Post

                    @ 9:15 - oh, oh, left hook to the body (author failed here it didn't land)

                    lmaoooo! Keep ducking!


                    • Originally posted by travestyny View Post
                      lmaoooo! Keep ducking!
                      lol You still don't get where you are? You have no credibility. Your words are shyit at this point. You should be flattered I'm still talking to you.

                      You are what you are because of you hahaha

                      Wear the flip Flops first bud.. I might change my mind.. Read the last paragraph of my last post. I offered you a deal. For walking out from a battle there are serious consequences. In the military, a soldier that chickened out from a battle was stripped of his ranks and removed from duty. All I'm asking is you wear this Flip Flops first, and then we can talk again. You ran last time bud, you punked out like a headless chicken. There are consequences. Wear this flip flops and this will help you get back up in building lost credibility. Okay? Deal?

                      Originally posted by travestyny View Post
                      I haven't looked over round 2 and I have no desire to.
                      Last edited by Spoon23; 03-05-2017, 09:06 PM.

