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Who's The Best ''TextBook'' Boxer Ever?

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  • Who's The Best ''TextBook'' Boxer Ever?

    and give reasons behind your post!

  • #2
    Harold johnson or joe louis for me, they couldnt of been sloppy if they tried


    • #3
      Most fighters dont follow the textbook example, so thinking of someone is difficult.

      Historically purists seem to like to see a hands up, moving from the waist with side to side movement type of style. The Peek a Boo style seems to please many of these purists and no one did this style better than prime Floyd Patterson. Shame he didn't have a great chin to match his terrific skills.

      The perfect example of the Detroit style is Tommy Hearns. The low left hand being a characteristic.

      That said the truely great orthodox boxers often had styles that would not please the purist. Ali, Holmes, Tunney, Walcott, Robinson, Jack Johnson, Ray Leonard, Jones Jnr are some of the most skilled boxers every to have lived...........but lets face it they were all guilty of leaving their hands low, pulling back from punches unguarded etc.

      Even Joe Louis was guilty of letting his left drop after jabbing and sometimes his head movement was a little stationary.

      Its a difficult question. Tall, rangey guys tend to suit a lower guard style like Ali, Hearns and Holmes, short fighters seem to suit a high guard, bobbing and weaving style like Tyson or Frazier. Its hard to say that the perfect textbook boxer ever existed, but there are some good exponents of the different styles.

      Southpaw: Moorer, Calzaghe, Hamed, Whitaker, Pacquiou

      Unorthodox/open: Jones Jnr, Meldrick Taylor, Walcott, Ali

      Peek a Boo: Patterson, Tyson, Torres

      Of course there are different styles for defense too, Philly shell, cross arm etc........lets just say the textbook could get quite thick very quickly.... ha ha


      • #4
        I am not going to say was best 'textbook' boxer ever. But, dammit Ricardo Lopez was up there. He did everything text book, I didn't see any flaw in him and I thought he was the most perfect all around fighter in the 90's.


        • #5
          I we're talking about standard straight up boxers with a classic jab and straight right I'd be happy to make a shout for Alexis Arguello. Tommy Hearns is also noteworty indeed. Neither of those guys was unorthodox in any way so I guess they are textbook examples as to who you'd show if you're going to teach a kid the fundamentals.


          • #6
            Benny Leonard for me......


            • #7
              I think Bernard Hopkins belongs in the conversation.


              • #8
                By textbook, if you mean the classic way boxers are taught to fight, hands up, tight punches etc

                Winky and Arguello are two good ones.

                Guys like floyd, Toney are great technical boxers but a lot of what they do is a product of their vast experience -they know what works for them, and they know what they can get away with. Not really textbook.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by I_Am_Legend View Post
                  I think Bernard Hopkins belongs in the conversation.
                  I don't think we're on about ****s?

                  The Old LefHook The Old LefHook likes this.


                  • #10
                    Hopkins also.

