by Joaquin Trejo 

Victor "Nene" Zaleta finished his training camp for the flyweight world title fight of the World Boxing Organization (WBO), which is owned by Omar Narvaez, and takes place on February 12 in Buenos Aires, Argentina: "I'm going all out, I want to go back to Mexico as world champion."

Zaleta gets his bags ready to travel on Sunday to the South American country and said that he was very well prepared, with about 150 rounds of "sparring" in addition to running every morning.

"I know the fight is very difficult, but I told myself the same thing when I faced former world champions, Eric Ortiz, José Antonio Aguirre and Gilberto Keb and we won," recalled Zaleta.

Zaleta said his game plan will be to attack and counterattack because "I will look to knock him out at all times so I won't expose myself to the local judges. If I can't knock him out, then I have be very dominating for a decision."

With a record of 17-1, with 9 knockouts, Zaleta revealed that arrive in Buenos Aires only to adjust a few technical details and maintain physical fitness because "training camp is over and I can say I feel very strong and very fast. I will not fail, I will be the new champion of the WBO."