By Ruslan Chikov

The promotional team of WBO middleweight champion Dmitry Pirog (19-0, 15KOs), is convinced that Sergio Martinez (48-2-2, 27KOs), the WBC's Diamond champion, will do everything possible to avoid a potential unification in 2012. Pirog's team made a recent offer to Martinez, reportedly $3 million, for a unification showdown in Russia. Martinez's promoter, Lou DiBella, countered with a $6 million dollar demand.

"In my opinion, all of these statements from DiBella - he is simply refusing the fight," said Pirog's lead promoter in Russia, Kirill Pchelnikov.

"They don't want to face Dmitry Pirog, at least in the near future. The question here is not even the millions of dollars involved. If we offer them $6 million, they would find other excuses. Why should he fight Piorg when he can face two boxers where his victory is guaranteed, for the same money [combined with both fights]. We are ready to fight with everyone, and even with Martinez if he gives us the nod. We are ready to fight him at any time and anywhere."

"But in addition to Martinez, there are other boxers, and we have other options for Pirog. As far as the next opponent, that will be revealed later on. The only thing I can say - we have had discussions with [WBA champion] Felix Sturm, but he refused to fight Pirog, and he booked a fight with Englishman Martin Murray."