By Mark Vester

The trainer of champions, Freddie Roach, is not worried about the size and stength of Antonio Margarito. Manny Pacquiao, barely 5'7, faces the near 6-foot Margarito on November 13 at Cowboys Stadium in Texas. Roach told's Keith Idec that he isn't worried because Margarito is very hittable and hittable opponents don't worry him in a Pacquiao contest.

The last time Pacquiao face a very large opponent was Oscar De La Hoya in 2008. Pacquiao moved up by two weight divisions to make his welterweight debut. He battered De La Hoya before the "Golden Boy" had enough and stayed on his stool.

Roach predicts an even more brutal display of punching ability by Pacquiao. Because Margarito is so hittable, Roach says Pacquiao could end up battering him even worse than De La Hoya.

"This guy is much more hittable [than De La Hoya] and likes to exchange a lot more," Roach said. "And when Manny can hit somebody, I usually don’t worry that much about it."

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