By Jhonny Gonzalez

When first they faced off in 2008, the fight took place in Las Vegas and Antonio Margarito (38-7, 27KOs) stopped Miguel Cotto (36-2, 29KOs) in eleven rounds. The rematch takes place on December 3rd in New York's Madison Square Garden. New York City is Cotto's second home, and the entire Puerto Rican crowd will be cheering him on. Margarito is not planning to gamble with a distance fight. He plans to start fast for a knockout victory before twelve.

"The first time I beat him, I can tell you that I never looked for the knockout. This time, I'm going to put a lot more pressure on him. I feel very strong, physically I'll be fine and I'm positive he won't win. I'm going to knock him out. I do not want leave the outcome to the judges, especially in New York which is practically a branch of Puerto Rico," Margarito told Sal Rodriguez.