By Mark Vester

Former three division welterweight champion Antonio Margarito is livid with Golden Boy Promotions President Oscar De La Hoya. The Golden Boy President has often called for Margarito to receive a lifetime ban from the sport of boxing. De La Hoya believes Margarito knew that his handwraps were loaded for the fight with Shane Mosley in January 2009.

Hesiquio Balderas of quotes a Margarito interview from TV Azteca, where the Mexican fighter blames De La Hoya's West Coast influence for the California State Athletic Commission denying his application for a license two weeks ago.

"I don't know what he has against me, I really don't understand, what I do know is that he had a big influence in the California State Athletic Commission with everything he said against me, I am upset because he talked too much and said some nasty things and he has a shady past himself that most of us know about," said Margarito.

Margarito was De La Hoya's former sparring partner but the two Mexican fighters began a verbal feud when De La Hoya refused to fight Margarito in 2008. Margarito is set to face Manny Pacquiao on November 13. He predicts a knockout win.

"I hope [De La Hoya] takes off the fishnet, stops acting like a sissy and fight me, if you have something against me then get in the ring and fight. I will knock Pacquiao out, and show the world that I am back, this is the fight of my life and Manny will be in for a tough night, I wont quit like De La Hoya did," Margarito said.