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Dozens killed in Brussels terrorist attack

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  • #41
    Originally posted by *OG Wenger* View Post

    World leaders will come out with sound bites like "we'll never let the terrorists win" etc, then do the exact opposite.
    "We will never let them win. As an act of solidarity against terrorism, we vow to allow 2,000,000 more unscreened 25 year old male Muslim immigrants into our country. Tolerance is the most powerful weapon."


    • #42
      Originally posted by BostonGuy View Post
      It's really just plain cowardice and misguided political correctness. How many terrorist attacks does there need to be for world leaders to start connecting the obvious dots. If majority of the terrorist acts in the world (and these terrorist attacks are becoming more and more common) are committed by followers of Islam, isn't a logical explanation - well maybe it has something to do with the religion. Why can't world leaders just entertain this notion and talk about it opening and honestly. It's an uncomfortable conversation but it's one that needs to be had. Lest we repeat this cycle over and over again.
      while I agree wholeheartedly that a discussion needs to be had and something needs to be done, no world leader will say there is a problem with Islam because if 10,000 Muslims commit terrorist acts and there are 2 billion Muslims in the world, it is irresponsible, bordering on ******ed, to suggest there is a problem with Islam when .0005% of those practicing the religion commit acts of terror.


      • #43
        Originally posted by JrRod View Post
        I know it's not all Muslims and we have to be careful to not paint everyone with one brush, but for **** sake something has to be done about this.

        Don't worry we'll just kill those with unkempt bearded ahole wearing a dress kind of ******s.


        • #44
          Originally posted by Pigeons View Post
          Sad. In 5 months, we've had 130 taken in Paris, 14 in San Bernardino, and now at least 34 in Brussels. Not to mention these attacks are commonplace in Africa and the Middle East. Hard to find a solution outside of extermination, but you can't exterminate a billion people. So we live with it.
          There may be something in between surrendering to them and exterminating them.

          Mass unscreened immigration doesn't need to be part of life. It's perfectly feasible to keep these problems quarantined in some cave in Yemen.

          Unfortunately the one political candidate suggesting this solution is demonized by the entire media as a "racist" (apparently by people who think Sunni extremism is a racial category).

          So instead we will simply let the invasion continue until it hits the boiling point and another war is declared.

          Humans don't like to prevent problems. They like to be rank and file politically correct yuppies and agree with everything until conditions become unbearable, then they flip the **** out and declare war.

          The people who attempt soft prevention are always depicted as Lord Voldemort/Darth Vader.
          Last edited by ////; 03-22-2016, 10:25 AM.


          • #45
            Originally posted by The Big Dunn View Post
            Probably because if 10,000 Muslims commit terrorist acts and there are 2 billion Muslims in the world, it is irresponsible, bordering on ******ed, to suggest there is a problem with Islam when .0005% of those practicing the religion commit acts of terror.
            muslims in the West, in the US anyway, are relatively peaceful because our laws supersedes quranic law. muslims in Russia for the most part don't identify with their religion. you can see where i'm getting at here. anywhere you look where the muslims are devout and are the majority, there is death and destruction. sunni vs shia, muslims vs every minority group under the sun. that statistic is so misleading and actually quite offensive to minorities who have to live under islamic oppression, moderate or extreme. and it's 1.6 billion btw.


            • #46
              I vote for Germany to start up their furnaces.


              • #47
                Islamic State has claimed responsibility for the two bomb attacks in Brussels, a news agency affiliated with the group said. (link is in OP)


                • #48
                  Originally posted by Body Movin' View Post
                  muslims in the West, in the US anyway, are relatively peaceful because our laws supersedes quranic law. muslims in Russia for the most part don't identify with their religion. you can see where i'm getting at here. anywhere you look where the muslims are devout and are the majority, there is death and destruction. sunni vs shia, muslims vs every minority group under the sun. that statistic is so misleading and actually quite offensive to minorities who have to live under islamic oppression, moderate or extreme. and it's 1.6 billion btw.
                  SO its 10,000 out of 1.6 billion. Does that really make a difference.

                  The point is simple-there is not a problem with Islam, there is a problem with Terrorism. To Boston Guy's point, I think any World Leader would be asinine to frame the issue as a problem with Islam when by any measure about .0005% of those practicing the religion are committing acts of terror.

                  AS A COMPARISON, and not to deflect from the issue or change the discussion; when those leading the blacklivesmatter movement make negative assessments and statements about police officers based on the actions of a few, you and others want the actions of the majority to drive how the issue is framed.

                  I think the same logic and reasoning should apply when discussing this issue.


                  • #49
                    Originally posted by Weltschmerz View Post
                    Islamic State has claimed responsibility for the two bomb attacks in Brussels, a news agency affiliated with the group said. (link is in OP)
                    No way. I'm stunned.

                    I figured it was going to be Hindus or Buddhists, or maybe some Jehovah's Witnesses. I'd never have suspected peaceful muslims could do something like this.


                    • #50
                      I reckon they did this just to give the lounge summat to talk about. Been a few days since we did "fuckin' Muslims", ain't it?

