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Smug yet thoughtful
Platinum Champion - 1,000-5,000 posts  1893
Last Activity: Today, 07:27 PM
Joined: 03-20-2020
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  • There is quite a strong ethical argument for banning boxing. There are various arguments against, including that criminalising boxing would drive it underground & cause more violent fights with fewer safeguards & less medical support. In the end, however, the main argument against banning boxing...
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  • 'It was horrible matchmaking. Any fighter under 23 needs to be developed and matched properly. Matching a 20yo against an undefeated 30yo with a 90+% KO ratio is a huge/****** risk'.

    Don't agree. You need to move young fighters along to know if they any damn good. I remember an 18-yo...
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  • I gotta say I read the article about Sylve before the fight & it concerned me. Boxing is too brutally hard a sport to ever not be voluntary. I got the clear impression that Sylve never wanted to box & his dad forced him down that road. Obviously, lots of boxers come from fighting families, but...
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  • Oh the 'gay' one got through!
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  • 'Badhi, 30, who was ten years younger than Sylve, 20'

    You have this AI software that will not allow me to state on this site, for example that Panama Al Brown was gay, or that Benny Leonard was a ***, & it doesn't pick that up? Come on....
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  • At one point I was really high on Buatsi, & thought he would be next British world champion. I more support Yarde but I definitely thought Buatsi was the man. He had that thing that you got from Mexican boxers, back in the day, of seeming completely relaxed in the ring even in a fire fight. Then...
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  • '100 percent agree, but some people act like Ryan had loaded gloves or something, Haney got what he deserved he is a dirty fighter Il love to see him fight more guys with a left hook,did U see him sparring tank he threw so many dirty punches when tank wasn't even looking, I v also seen clips of him...
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  • His skills are strictly limited but he does bring some power. Brad Pauls - Cornwall's Rocky Graziano...
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