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  • #21
    other then what i mentioned above, it might have been gang members looking to start something, or people thought you were someone that you weren't.


    • #22
      they where white,i think they wer jus drunk n after a brawl,lets jus hope i recognize 1 of them on theyre own eh


      • #23
        Same **** happend to me when i was 13 cept i was alone and it was four 18 year old guys who knew someone i didnt like but never talked to. I got beat pretty bad but i never fell down had a good shiner but thats bout it. Amazingly though their was some random grade 12's from my school just passing by and came to my rescue and shooed them off.

        I was hella pissed so i pretty much started an all out war i gathered some my older friends so their was a few all out brawls like 8vs8 resulted in some broken bones for one of them. but it ended up getting out of control cause then they like whenever someone was alone and another wasnt the person who was alone got beat. After about a month the police ended up getting involved and it ended.


        • #24
          I wish brawls in Jersey were like that. Fight then it's over. But here, after 1 person fights, it ends up being 100 vs 100 and involves weapons, not guns but knives and bats.


          • #25
            yeh that whole things bull**** what happened to the oldschool 1 on 1?
            Azz thats harsh what happened, you cant beat yourself up about it too much though, remember in the future though, dont feel like your a whimp just because you didnt swear or whatever at them back, if theres 5 of them and 1 of you, and you think a violent situation could occur, you are being logical, not whimpish. And they are ****heads. Id respect you if you took that into account and just left the situation.
            What part of manchester are you from? Thats the thing you live in quite a rough place.


            • #26
              Here anyone who wants it esp you Azza
              This is a free e-book by Geoff Thompson. Its about 40 pages long.
              Careful how you read it though because when you open it up on adobe the pages are all weird so its better to go to the pages thumnail on the left, and use the thung that comes up by clicking on the little pictures of the pages.
              ITs a great book so far, Ive read about 15 pages, its the art of 'fighting without fighting'.
              The book is on the home page.

