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  • annoyin

    got jumped the other week,i was with my girl and aload of lads n girls ran over tellin us 2 **** off,we said like *** off wer tryina talk,so i ended up with about 5 men jumpin on my head n aload of girls on her,i wasnt hurt but i cudnt even defend my girl,phsyically,its batterd my confidence but should i let it?

  • #2
    That's really F'ed up man. I can understand what you mean about how it affected you knowing that you couldn't defend your gf, but I wouldnt let it get your confidence down. It's not like you got your ass kicked by 1 guy (which even then shouldnt bring it down a whole lot, because no matter how tough you get theres always going to be some guy that's just as tough or tougher).

    but yeah, thats some BS that they jumped you and your girl



    • #3
      about 5 men jumpin on my head.......,i wasnt hurt
      How did you manage that?


      • #4
        nah, sounds bad. I'm not tryin to be a ****, but you shoulda sized up the situation and kept your mouth shut. I got a friend who talks **** regardless of the situation and he's respected for it around some people I guess, he'll talk **** to 10 people alone and just see what happens...What happened to the guy? He ended up talking **** to the wrong person and got stabbed in an upward motion and they had to do an exploratory to take the **** out of his insides that were in his intestines,(exploratory =slicing the abs in half to get under them)

        just some food for thought.


        • #5
          How is your girl? She ok? If I ever walk with a girl whether it's my sister, my mother, or my girlfriend, I always gotta protect them. No offense, but you shouldn't give a **** about yourself, jsut go and see if your girlfriends ok.

          Did you know them?


          • #6
            thats what i was tryina say,i was hurt yeh but at the time i was more thinkin about my girl 2 care about my injuries,i shudnt of talked **** i know but..neither should they,i wasnt in a position 2 give it bak sein as i was on my own but i didnt wanna be a *****,i tried 2 fight bak but that got me nowere i was 2 outnumberd


            • #7
              and no i didnt know them


              • #8
                my twin brother is a douche bag just like you...we all say that he has half a brain and whenever we go out were gonna lock him in a dog kennel because he does the ******est ****...a couple weeks ago we were walking towards a party and we saw a huge group of people (probably about 30 or 40) partying by a picnic bench and being all drunk and ****** (we were drinking at the campfire) he starts mooning the kids and calling them *******s. Luckily only about 5 kids started running after the 3 of us and then when they come up to us they started bitching out and saying "oh **** we didnt realize you were that old" even though we were 17 and they were 17 also . Then they wanted us to party with them which was pretty ****in funny too


                • #9
                  wots a douchebag?


                  • #10
                    *** those bithces mann. they started talking **** first and then to make matters worse when u give them the same **** they gave u they jump u. **** , u were just standing your ground mann. dont let your confidence get down for the guys that jumped u r the little ***** ass ******* for fighting u 5 on one. and if your g ir l was there u gotta go out like a mann and just ke ep swinging no matter what . always aim Face first then plenty of kicks to balls. not any ***** or kick punches but real m eaning full hard kicks and punches. dont let it get u down mann, **** happends to everybody sometime or another.

