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Best work out routine to get buff

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  • #11
    Originally posted by ukbox View Post
    Diet plays the biggest part. Push, pull, legs is atg
    Look at utilising time under tension & mind-muscle connection
    Im planning on getting a shyt load of calories in

    Time under tension and mind muscle what????


    • #12
      5x5s are great. I do a hybrid powerlift and bodybuilding routine. For example, chest day I'll do 5x5 bench and then I'll do 10-12 rep bodybuilding supplemental workouts for chests and triceps.

      Then just switch benching for squats on leg day and deadlifts on back day.

      I used to do traditional 5x5 (Bill Starr maybe?) where you bench and squat 2-3 days a week. That's too much for me, hurt my back doing that ****.

      But training is only half the battle, you gotta up your calories and protein intake. Eat clean lots of chicken breast, salmon. You really only need protein shakes post-workout, but if you can eat directly after a workout, you really don't need shakes.

      I used to only weigh 145-150. Now I'm about 170. But it's also age, that young man metabolism makes it hard to make big gains.


      • #13
        Originally posted by Willy Wanker View Post
        5x5s are great. I do a hybrid powerlift and bodybuilding routine. For example, chest day I'll do 5x5 bench and then I'll do 10-12 rep bodybuilding supplemental workouts for chests and triceps.

        Then just switch benching for squats on leg day and deadlifts on back day.

        I used to do traditional 5x5 (Bill Starr maybe?) where you bench and squat 2-3 days a week. That's too much for me, hurt my back doing that ****.

        But training is only half the battle, you gotta up your calories and protein intake. Eat clean lots of chicken breast, salmon. You really only need protein shakes post-workout, but if you can eat directly after a workout, you really don't need shakes.

        I used to only weigh 145-150. Now I'm about 170. But it's also age, that young man metabolism makes it hard to make big gains.
        Good shyt wanker i plan on adopting your style also by doing additional triceo dips and shoulder push ups etc

        As for calorie and protiens ive used OptimumNutrition SeriousMass before. Its like 1200+ calories with 50g of protien per serving so ill have that along with any chicken breast and shyt.

        How long before you were 170lb?


        • #14
          do yoga...i went from 150-180 doing ripped af now


          • #15
            Originally posted by -MEGA- View Post

            There’s so many different variations of each exercise you could do to work different muscles.

            Burpees And Jump rope are also very good.

            All body weight exercises are good and get you cut hella quick. All you really need to do is be able to push your own weight anyways.
            Exactly. I read books on prison wirk outs and solitary work outs

            Dudes were getting big on doing 500-1000 push ups a day


            Check how swole this motherfcvka got doing 1000 push ups a day


            I can vouch for something simmilar.
            I was hitting 500-700 push ups a day and getting mad swole


            • #16
              Originally posted by -MAKAVELLI- View Post
              do yoga...i went from 150-180 doing ripped af now
              I will keep that in mind

              I will jog on the spot to build my legs up


              • #17
                Originally posted by i_am_a_champ View Post
                Ok you motherfcvkas

                Im 5'7 and 130lbs or so

                Kinda stayed at this weight since i used to box in the amatuers at feather/super feather weight

                Now i wanna be buff! I wanna bulk up

                I did stronglifts 5x5 routine about 10 years ago and i went up to about 162lbs from 130lbs or so in 4 months

                Shall i do this again?

                What do you fellas reckon

                What is a good bulking routine.

                Your boy is ready to beast it
                Lift heavy and take lots of protein. I love cardio but over the last year and a half Ive suffered from a really bad plantar fasciitis. So over the past couple months Ive layed off pounding the pavement and have taken up full body weights/circuit training. Id always lift weights even when i was doing cardio but the amount of sets went up from 3 to 5, & id only lift upper body. The weight I rep also increased so I do no more than 12. I also incorporate my legs before my legs were just toned from cardio.

                Start with a legs, than chest, back, shoulders, triceps, biceps, & lastly abs.

                Do 5 sets, no more than 12 reps no less than 6, take a minute break between a set, & add weight after each set. Lastly, work a different part of the muscle everyday, for instance, for chest do a regular chest press monday, incline tuesday, decline wednesday, butterflies thursday, diamond press friday, & various pushups on Saturday. Same for the other muscle groups.

                Youll be sore the first week so if u need a rest day do it but youll be ok if weights arent foreign to u.


                • #18
                  I think the ultimate way to get muscular would be to find some muscle babes and wrestle them every day and inject test with them. You'd definitely get a lot stronger.


                  • #19
                    Originally posted by i_am_a_champ View Post
                    I will keep that in mind

                    I will jog on the spot to build my legs up

                    jogging is mandatory for me before i lift...i cant lift cold for some reason

                    i do 25mins of cardio before hitting my weights routine

                    and like many said here, diet is important...make sure you're taking in enough lean protein


                    • #20
                      Originally posted by i_am_a_champ View Post
                      Good shyt wanker i plan on adopting your style also by doing additional triceo dips and shoulder push ups etc

                      As for calorie and protiens ive used OptimumNutrition SeriousMass before. Its like 1200+ calories with 50g of protien per serving so ill have that along with any chicken breast and shyt.

                      How long before you were 170lb?

                      Around 2013, I just made a better effort with my diet and went from about 145 to 160.

                      Then it took about another two years to get to 170. Most people make big gains when they start a new program or diet, but then it gets harder to add the additional pounds. It's also normal to gain some fat with muscle, the only way to build pure muscile without any fat is with roids.

                      My weight fluctuates between 165-175, depending on the time of year. I like to get a little more bulky for the winter and more lean in summertime. I never get out of that range.

