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The Official - I WILL KILL it in the GYM TODAY - MOTIVATION

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  • Did back today and feel great...was good advice from Reed to split up chest and back day, get so much more accomplished....going to add in a cardio/ab only day and just have one day off...feeling great


    • Originally posted by LarryXXX View Post
      Did back today and feel great...was good advice from Reed to split up chest and back day, get so much more accomplished....going to add in a cardio/ab only day and just have one day off...feeling great
      Are you deadlifting? I highly recommend it. It's going to make you stronger, in general. And on top of that, it will probably become your favorite workout, due to the incredible feeling you get when you start to lift heavier and heavier.


      • Originally posted by johnm is... View Post
        Are you deadlifting? I highly recommend it. It's going to make you stronger, in general. And on top of that, it will probably become your favorite workout, due to the incredible feeling you get when you start to lift heavier and heavier.
        Yes started deadlifting and squatting after listening to you..and honestly my strength is getting insane..i see why they call Deadlifting Squats and bench press the big 3..I deadlifted 305 would have tried more but i need to get some gloves because it hurts my hands


        • Originally posted by LarryXXX View Post
          Yes started deadlifting and squatting after listening to you..and honestly my strength is getting insane..i see why they call Deadlifting Squats and bench press the big 3..I deadlifted 305 would have tried more but i need to get some gloves because it hurts my hands
          Yeah it does take a toll on the hands. I don't use gloves. Once you build the calluses the pain is minimal (until you tear one). The problem I run into is grip. I also won't use straps, though, so I'm just using some chalk and some patience until my grip improves.

          You'll be impressed by how quickly your deadlift weight goes up. I got 405 for 1 last week. Weighing 180ish. That's nothing too significant, but I was proud of it.

          I almost passed out, but I got it.


          • Originally posted by johnm is... View Post
            Yeah it does take a toll on the hands. I don't use gloves. Once you build the calluses the pain is minimal (until you tear one). The problem I run into is grip. I also won't use straps, though, so I'm just using some chalk and some patience until my grip improves.

            You'll be impressed by how quickly your deadlift weight goes up. I got 405 for 1 last week. Weighing 180ish. That's nothing too significant, but I was proud of it.

            I almost passed out, but I got it.
            Yea i saw a video of your deadlift and it is insane....i got callus all on my hands and thats what hurts...gotta get some gloves ASAP


            • Originally posted by johnm is... View Post
              I also won't use straps, though, so I'm just using some chalk and some patience until my grip improves.
              Unless you are like me and hit a wall in terms of improving grip...if it is getting better it's been taking way too long to develop. Anything over 365 on dead lift starts slipping out of my hands after 3-4 reps...I guess I'll just blame genetics. I use classic grip 90% of the time if I am going for reps.


              • Originally posted by Banderivets View Post
                Unless you are like me and hit a wall in terms of improving grip...if it is getting better it's been taking way too long to develop. Anything over 365 on dead lift starts slipping out of my hands after 3-4 reps...I guess I'll just blame genetics. I use classic grip 90% of the time if I am going for reps.
                Yeah, if I get to the point that I just simply can't hold it anymore, I'll use them. I actually use the alternating grip (one overhand, one underhand). I've gotten so used to it, that I really can't do it any other way. I have really small hands, so I'm working pretty hard on strengthening grip.

                When I feel like I'm starting to lose it, I just sit it down and re-position.


                • Originally posted by THE REED™
                  Pretty solid Chest day yesterday.

                  Weighed in at 192lbs that morning (yesterday) came to the gym at 193lbs.

                  Post gym weigh in (drank a lot of water during workout)

                  Came to the gym on only 1200 calories (finished the other 500 afterwards)

                  Did 10 mins on the speed bag and then hit the bike for 30 minutes before hitting the bench.

                  Warmed up with 135lbs X 8

                  225lbs X 8

                  275lbs X 7

                  315lbs x 2

                  335lbs x 1

                  345lbs x 1 BARELY failed.

                  225lbs x 15

                  Followed up with some heavy chest flys.

                  Im actually happy about my strength hold with all things considered... My max bench with zero calorie restriction is 355lbs... with a 1700 calorie restriction and only 100 carbs a day Im probably maxing at 345lbs with less sets beforehand, or 340lbs with a normal volume pyramid.

                  Trying to hold onto that arm size.


                  Side arm shot. My stomach pudge is juuuuuuuuust about gone... nother 6-7lbs will make a huge diference.
                  Olympic bar bench press is more show than go. Also over time, you may experience the detriment of having to conform your body to the the bar, i.e. shoulder and/or elbow damage. Have you tried dumbell bench? It's much more difficult, because you have to balance the weight in each hand, but it promotes more even development. Furthermore, freedom of more natural movement means much less chance of shoulder and elbow injury over time.


                  • If you're flat benching with correct form (not flaring your elbows, not back too far under the bar, etc.) you're much less likely to hurt yourself.

                    In my experience, you're more likely to injure your shoulder on incline/decline bench, than on flat.


                    • Today was leg day for me. Back squats, extensions, leg curls, hack squats, leg press, seated and standing calf raises.

                      I've been working hard to get my weight up on squats. Got 315 for 4 today. Not really the depth that I would have liked, but enough for now.

                      I'll do legs again on Saturday. Probably won't squat. Stiff leg deadlifts for sure.

