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help brothassss

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  • #11
    Originally posted by passdabutter View Post
    fool supplements help
    im not looking to do it unhealthily.....

    like myoplex is some of the healthiest **** you could put into your body
    Bull****, that. Myoplex contains aspartame, which is one of the WORST things you can put into your body.

    Clean food -- raw veggies, raw fruit, lean meats, and water -- those are the healthiest **** you can put in your body. Add green tea and a multivitamin, and get up every morning and do your freakin' roadwork. I cut nearly 40 lbs. in 6 months without supplements; I boxed 3-4 times a week, lifted weights on the off days, and ran stairs every morning for an hour. The only supplement I took was whey protein, and a psyllium cleanse near the very end.

    EDIT: During this time, my weight went from 205 to 165, my heart rate from 78 to 49, and my blood pressure and cholesterol dropped to the lowest they had ever been in the 15 years of records my doctor had on me. He was blown away, not just at the weight loss, but the conditioning. And I was 35.

    I just said this in the steroid thread but it bears repeating so mods, excuse the cross-post:

    The pain, hardship, and sacrifice you must endure to get into fighting shape will help prepare your mind and your spirit for what happens in the ring once you ARE in shape. And on that, getting into shape is the EASIEST part of boxing, for ****'s sake. So if you need shortcuts to get into shape, what the hell kind of boxer do you think you're gonna make? There are no shortcuts once you're in the ring.

    Do it the hard way. You'll be a better fighter for it.
    Last edited by fraidycat; 08-02-2007, 09:42 PM.


    • #12
      i found that gnc whey protien works better than myoplex and its cheaper you can get to tubs full of gnc whey for the price of one box of myoplex


      • #13
        I say this is what you do:

        First: Stop eating. I mean, completely stop eating.

        Second: Start yourself on a quick and healthy prominant dose of crystal meth, twice a day, each (now this part's important) with a meal.

        Third: Watch the pounds just melt from your body.


        • #14
          A clean diet and plain old hard work will get the weight off.

          My diet isn't particularly great at the moment but I've still lost 10 pounds through hard work. So getting your diet in order with some serious boxing training will get the weight off in no time.
          Last edited by Darkstranger; 08-03-2007, 10:49 AM.


          • #15
            Originally posted by fraidycat View Post
            Bull****, that. Myoplex contains aspartame, which is one of the WORST things you can put into your body.

            Clean food -- raw veggies, raw fruit, lean meats, and water -- those are the healthiest **** you can put in your body. Add green tea and a multivitamin, and get up every morning and do your freakin' roadwork. I cut nearly 40 lbs. in 6 months without supplements; I boxed 3-4 times a week, lifted weights on the off days, and ran stairs every morning for an hour. The only supplement I took was whey protein, and a psyllium cleanse near the very end.

            EDIT: During this time, my weight went from 205 to 165, my heart rate from 78 to 49, and my blood pressure and cholesterol dropped to the lowest they had ever been in the 15 years of records my doctor had on me. He was blown away, not just at the weight loss, but the conditioning. And I was 35.

            I just said this in the steroid thread but it bears repeating so mods, excuse the cross-post:

            The pain, hardship, and sacrifice you must endure to get into fighting shape will help prepare your mind and your spirit for what happens in the ring once you ARE in shape. And on that, getting into shape is the EASIEST part of boxing, for ****'s sake. So if you need shortcuts to get into shape, what the hell kind of boxer do you think you're gonna make? There are no shortcuts once you're in the ring.

            Do it the hard way. You'll be a better fighter for it.
            what is aspartame what does it do


            • #16
              Originally posted by passdabutter View Post
              what is aspartame what does it do
              its an artificial sweatener. Its in "sweet and lows" and diet pops. Honestly i'd drop the supplements cause judging from your posts your relying on them instead of actualy putting forth an effort

