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Larry Merchant is racist.

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  • Originally posted by WBC WBA IBF View Post
    Fat **** has ran away from his thread. Burn those calories fat man.


    • everybody is racist, its the ones who actually harm others behind their racism that we need to worry about... historically there is a particular group of people who have a notorious history in this field...


      • Originally posted by Young Bidness View Post
        Very good post.

        I can't convince nor waste my time convincing others to like Canelo. Everyone has preference. It's as arbitrary of a waste to convince someone whom is a Nike purist over Adidas or whatever. Who gives a fook. I prefer nationalistic tensions for rivalries vs pulling race cards. For example Brits can't be AJ fans without being called Hearn lovers or racists. This is why many black Brits and their youtube channels aren't LDBC.

        I also give users benefit of doubt for those whom train or have trained before, or boxed. For example, many don't like Andre Ward's style from the perspective of what they prefer having trained for years. There are basic fundamentals and world styles, but we can't be pulling race cards whenever possible. Then there's personal circumstances for people having lost money at events or betting.

        For example, is it racist for a casual group having gone to see Floyd vs Ortiz (in a family event or with friends) having spent a holiday budget only to see Floyd KO Ortiz in that manner? Many Floyd fans and even Ortiz fans could've been turned off to that event. THey have every right. Criticize Floyd for that and its automatically racist?

        At least Canelo ran it back with GGG for those whom felt sour or thought their money was wasted in the first fight. Even if those original attendees didn't trust attending the rematch they at least saw that Canelo showed up in the rematch.

        In other words GGG is a h0m0***ual and the LDBC are prison lovers
        We live in a world of all or nothing at all. I find the PBC loyalists to be similar to other easily triggered groups like feminists. Criticize one woman and they all gang up on you calling you a misogynist, **********, ***ist, etc. Criticize Floyd, Ward, Hopkins, Wilder and you are a racist, plain and simple. Never mind that you might be a fan of other black fighters like Crawford, Spence, Thurman, Porter, GRJ, Haney, Shakur, if you don't get on the bandwagon of certain fighters, you are deemed a racist. Either that or they subscribe to an all or nothing at all mindset.

        Back when Jermall Charlo was coming up, I predicted he would be the top dog at 160 by now, that he'd clean out the division. I don't mind admitting I was dead wrong on that one. He has shown no true ambition to fight the best or be the best. Typical flash over substance from the PBC clan. But now, when I criticize him the knee-jerk reaction is that I'm a GGG fanboy or it must be a race issue.

        I rooted for GGG over Canelo. That doesn't mean I hate Canelo. I rooted for Canelo over Floyd and Kovalev, and Kovalev over Ward, and Spence over Porter even though I like both fighters. Nothing wrong with rooting for or against a particular fighter depending on who their opponent is, but tell that to the hardened fan.

        Floyd made a career out of smoke and mirrors. His fans want to live vicariously through his success, arrogance and undefeated record. Most of them have nothing going for themselves, so he serves as their inspiration, a martyr.


        • I am a white guy from Brooklyn, and you are goddamn right Larry Merchant is racist, and he is a miserable bitter old man, I really have grown to hate him over the years watching HBO boxing events, I literally say out loud sometimes "SHUT UP LARRY" while I'm watching a fight when he says something absurd and ******. Used to love him, but he has shown his true colors, he is a little ***** journalist.


          • Originally posted by Goldie View Post
            Well a lot of you people are racist. That’s why race is usually brought up when y’all offer these ridiculous criticisms of Floyd. Nobody takes that “well he avoided the best at their best and never proved himself” bs seriously. Y’all clearly have an ulterior motive to hate on him and the most obvious motive would be race. I joined this site in 2012 and there hasn’t been one day that I’ve come to this site and not seen threads on the front page hating on Floyd trying to discredit his career/legacy. You people spend every day hating on this man and it’s supposedly a coincidence that it’s all the non black people? None of the Floyd hate from non black people is rooted in race and it’s Floyd and his fans who are the actual racists lol?

            “Don’t talk about race.......but since you brought it up Floyd is the racist”

            You can have whatever opinion you want, just be honest about it. Y’all don’t judge Mayweather on just his boxing ability and resume. Y’all have personal issues with him that have absolutely nothing to do with boxing.

            You don’t even understand what this discussion is even about lol. This isn’t about Floyd’s ”nature”. Get someone who can actually read and comprehend what this is about, then try again.

            You inadvertently prove my point. Many of you are downright ****** yourselves but want to question Floyd’s intelligence. It’s hilarious who people completely divorce themselves from reality when they log online.
            Yeah I have problems with reading comprehension, I am known for that in this here parts... And your blitherblather all over the place is the antidote! I don't know what point you want to prove my friend and could not give two f ucks. Not all people hate for the same reasons. Floyd has issues that are part of his personality. do they come from race? don't know don't care...Don't give two f ucks. As James the pragmatist once told students: If the barn burns down you eat roast pig...

            Or, as this generation so quaintly puts it; 'It is what it is.' Now go continue to be a moron its charming.


            • Fail b#tch made thread. Swear some of u guys are softies. That was racist? Gtfoh


              • Originally posted by billeau2 View Post
                Yeah I have problems with reading comprehension, I am known for that in this here parts... And your blitherblather all over the place is the antidote! I don't know what point you want to prove my friend and could not give two f ucks. Not all people hate for the same reasons. Floyd has issues that are part of his personality. do they come from race? don't know don't care...Don't give two f ucks. As James the pragmatist once told students: If the barn burns down you eat roast pig...

                Or, as this generation so quaintly puts it; 'It is what it is.' Now go continue to be a moron its charming.
                Obviously you don’t read and comprehend well, because you’re still running off at the mouth about nothing that’s relevant to what I’m talking about you in this thread. Then you have the nerve to try and run this simpleminded “I don’t give a f**k about what you’re talking about” game when you clearly do lol. You quoted me, I didn’t quote you. If you didn’t care you wouldn’t have quoted me.

                Since you’ve decided to pester me, let me clue you in. I’m not questioning why people hate on Floyd here because I know why. What I’ve challenged in this thread is posters here labeling Floyd as unintelligent. Floyd may not be educated or “book smart” and he’s obviously not the most articulate, but he’s clearly intelligent and he’s proven that inside and outside the ring. He’s one of the smartest fighters we’ve seen and it’s telling to me that on a boxing site, you have so-called boxing fans trying to label one of the smartest fighters ever(both in the ring and on the business side) as unintelligent.

                I couldn’t care less what any of you think about Floyd’s personality, the that’s all irrelevant when discussing him as a fighter.

                Originally posted by GhostofDempsey View Post
                There is no ulterior motive for criticizing Floyd. It's very transparent on my part. I find him to be an overrated, boring fighter. I'm entitled to that opinion as a boxing fan. But, it's cheerleaders such as yourself who expect unconditional praise for your favorite fighter based upon your own personal bias. News flash: Floyd isn't going to add you to his Christmas Card List just because you defend his honor on an internet forum. He wouldn't p i s s on you if you were on fire. He doesn't give two shyts about you or any other fan of the sport. Get over it.
                You sound like a woman, a little boy who hasn’t learned not to act on emotion, at best. Like you’re saying something just to lash out lol. I don’t play stan wars.

                Of course you’re entitled to your opinion, and so am I. Here’s my opinion. In your woman-like outburst you’ve inadvertently proved my point. This is personal with you. You don’t like Floyd as a person and that dislike slants everything you say about him. When you say he’s boring, overrated, unintelligent and etc, that’s coming from someone who has a personal bias against him. You don’t have to praise Floyd, but you’re clearly biased in your commentary of Floyd.

                That’s my only point here. The constant Floyd hate that’s on display on this site 24-7/365 isn’t based on boxing or what Floyd did in the ring as a fighter, it’s based on personal dislike. To me that’s a shame because it shows that you’re not true boxing fans.


                • Originally posted by Goldie View Post
                  Obviously you don’t read and comprehend well, because you’re still running off at the mouth about nothing that’s relevant to what I’m talking about you in this thread. Then you have the nerve to try and run this simpleminded “I don’t give a f**k about what you’re talking about” game when you clearly do lol. You quoted me, I didn’t quote you. If you didn’t care you wouldn’t have quoted me.

                  Since you’ve decided to pester me, let me clue you in. I’m not questioning why people hate on Floyd here because I know why. What I’ve challenged in this thread is posters here labeling Floyd as unintelligent. Floyd may not be educated or “book smart” and he’s obviously not the most articulate, but he’s clearly intelligent and he’s proven that inside and outside the ring. He’s one of the smartest fighters we’ve seen and it’s telling to me that on a boxing site, you have so-called boxing fans trying to label one of the smartest fighters ever(both in the ring and on the business side) as unintelligent.

                  I couldn’t care less what any of you think about Floyd’s personality, the that’s all irrelevant when discussing him as a fighter.

                  You sound like a woman, a little boy who hasn’t learned not to act on emotion, at best. Like you’re saying something just to lash out lol. I don’t play stan wars.

                  Of course you’re entitled to your opinion, and so am I. Here’s my opinion. In your woman-like outburst you’ve inadvertently proved my point. This is personal with you. You don’t like Floyd as a person and that dislike slants everything you say about him. When you say he’s boring, overrated, unintelligent and etc, that’s coming from someone who has a personal bias against him. You don’t have to praise Floyd, but you’re clearly biased in your commentary of Floyd.

                  That’s my only point here. The constant Floyd hate that’s on display on this site 24-7/365 isn’t based on boxing or what Floyd did in the ring as a fighter, it’s based on personal dislike. To me that’s a shame because it shows that you’re not true boxing fans.
                  - -Cause he used 900 lbs of security team to restrain his kids while he beat up their baby mama?


                  • 14s
                    Originally posted by QueensburyRules View Post
                    - -Cause he used 900 lbs of security team to restrain his kids while he beat up their baby mama?

                    my wife saw me fight and go to jail in japan for beating a guy who touched my wife... bad move on his part.. my response was not good ... jailed in japan for seventeen days... interesting experience..i do not hit wimmim..


                    • Mills lane did look like an Oreo Jesus fuccin christ.

                      I miss the 90s without internet and without so many overly sensitive sissies.

