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Spence may never fight again according to family and Boxing Socialist

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  • #21
    It's his own fault. Would like to see him fight Crawford, but you pay for your mistakes in life


    • #22
      That's disappointing. I like Spence


      • #23
        I find it so hard to believe that people are ragging on Kev for pointing out that Spence could have killed innocent people by drunk driving....

        ... but then again this is NSB. SMH

        ... and to say "it's OK, you made a bad judgement" doesn't cut it at all. No, you foked up, put people in danger, most likely ruined a great career, and now you have to own it.


        • #24
          That's really not good news if its true. But then it's all been shady about how he is. We've known many a fighter end up in hospital and as soon as they can we are seeing something from a hospital bed or something like that.


          • #25
            Originally posted by spenz View Post
            If it's true that he lost 80% of his teeth in the accident, then I would only imagine the impact it took for it to happen, it's most likely possible that his jaw is severely broken in the process.

            This means it will take many years for it to heal up, he'll be back mostly likely out of prime and he'd be lucky if there's no some sort of traumatic experience that will haunt him every time he is hit hard on that jaw.

            What this means is, the Crawford vs. Spence that we've been Marinating for years is totally gone, poof! Just like that.

            Tomorrow is not guaranteed. This fight would obviously make more money in the future but now it’s unlikely ever to happen. Would they have made money if it had been done?


            • #26
              After what happened to a close family friend because of a drunk driver, I say FUCK Spence.

              I hope he never returns. FUCK HIM


              • #27
                I have a hard time believing he's that hurt when he didn't break any bones, only suffered cuts and bruises, and posted 'I'm a savage' on social media after the fight. I think the issue is more mental or emotional. Whether he's depressed or has PTSD. Let's not forget he took a lot of brain damage against Shawn Porter. That coupled with a near death car accident can be tough to deal with mentally.


                • #28
                  Originally posted by O Prophet View Post
                  See, you're one of those guys that take sneaky shots at people while pretending to give give "well wishes" and mature opinions.

                  Accidents happen and people make mistakes and learn from them. You're not a perfect angel yourself who the fk are you to judge.

                  Go fk yourself dude srsly, everyone sees through you.
                  Accidents do happen but it was the mistake that preceded the accident that is the issue. At least call it what it is. Spence needs to own that serious mistake as do all of us who have made similar such mistakes.

                  Accidents happen and we all make mistakes but they are not the same thing.


                  • #29
                    Originally posted by MDPopescu View Post
                    I said it from the beginning, right here: we didn't know anything about the status of his cartilages and ligaments... nerves ...
                    I still think his main issue is his ***ed up face. All the damage that was reported was "broken teeth, various facial lacerations".

                    He doesnt wanna show his face.


                    • #30
                      I can understanding not wanting to show his face if he looks like Tom Cruise from Vanilla Sky but if his injuries are career ending why would they keep that from the public? At some point the truth will come out.

