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Is Mayweather The Most Hated Boxer Of All Time?

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  • Is Mayweather The Most Hated Boxer Of All Time?

    I can't think of any other boxer who divides boxing fans more than he does, can you?

  • #2
    If I had to take a guess, I'd say Ali in his prime was probably more hated.


    • #3
      I cant think of a Boxer is dislike more than Floyd if im honest. At the same time i can appreciate his god given talents. Never missed any of his fights, mostly on the basis he may get knocked out next time, but i still deep down enjoyed watching a master at work.


      • #4
        In my lifetime of watching boxing i think Mayweather definately takes the cake in being the most hated amongst casuals.
        That's how he made so much money.


        • #5
          He's definitely up there. There are other guys where the split between people who hate them vs people who like them was great, such as Broner, but honestly Broner and the rest are small time compared to Mayweather in the grand scheme of things. The only other guy with the same level of cultural recognition who provokes the same kind of divided response is probably Mike Tyson, as a lot of people thought he was a thug, rapist, criminal etc, but as he's mellowed out as he got older he's become less of a polarising figure. Even when he was the baddest man on the planet more people hero-worshipped him than Floyd did, people were tuning in to watch him destroy people rather than to watch him lose.


          • #6
            1. Jack Johnson
            2.Muhammad Ali
            3. Floyd Mayweather


            • #7
              The top dog in any sport gets the most hate. Mayweather got more than most because he was on top for so long and defeated so many fan favourites.


              • #8
                I remember everyone hated Naseem and zab infact Floyd was the fan fav when he fought zab. Never seen so many people so happy when Kostya schooled zab.


                • #9
                  If you are here between 2007-2015 yes. Despite his extraordinary talents and skills he was being constantly clowned here for being a duck, and whatnot. And those were all justified during those times.
                  Canelo and Pac fight, albeit too late changed all the scenario, and he saved his legacy.
                  He’s not much hated now.
                  I’ve always supported Floyd, but his issues and controversies during those times were straight out laughable and it was hard being a fan.

                  2007-2015, yes, and no one might be able to surpass that.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Robbie Barrett View Post
                    The top dog in any sport gets the most hate. Mayweather got more than most because he was on top for so long and defeated so many fan favourites.
                    Is that your personal take on it.
                    No it’s because he messed people about too much. Tried get things in his favour all the time.
                    Didn’t fight the people people wanted him to at the time they wanted him to.
                    Claimed to be TBE and didn’t behave as if he wanted to do what he had to do to be that. Never fought outside backyard. So the word world champ don’t suit him as well as other champions. If he fought outside his country he might have endeared himself more. He’s did enough to be an A t g mind you.
                    But never went extra mile. Claimed he’d beat ggg but don’t do it. Could have beat Sergio but didn’t as he’s not risk taker.
                    Last edited by hugh grant; 09-02-2018, 04:49 AM.

