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Comments Thread For: Wilder Manager Contacts Hearn, Reacts To 'Publicity Stunt' Claim

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  • Originally posted by Robbie Barrett View Post
    "Until then, it would be non-productive to meet." - Shelly Finkel

    Says it all. they don't want to meet and make the fight.
    We are on the same page you and i😂😂. The thing is I know Wilder wants the fight and team Wilder do to but it’s ego’s. Wilder and Joshua are more than keen to lock horns and the money men who are not even entering the ring are preventing this. Team Wilder have been weird from the start but Let’s not pretend that Eddie is innocent in all this. The reason Eddie is getting a break in the states is because he is riding the stardom of Joshua mania every network wants a piece of him and Eddie can deliverhim. However potentially one right hand by Wilder can bring that to a end. Understandable apprehension

    Joshua wants to get paid and Hearns plans for expansion is none of his business . Fans alike don’t care we just want to see the fight. Though Wilder’s team antics are giving them a easy escape route so if this fight doesn’t come to fruition they have no one to blame but themselves...... sorry about the essay


    • Originally posted by mvooom View Post
      For those of you AJ fans, deals are first made before contracts are sent in most reasonable businesses worldwide. They are not going to shake hands and get in the ring, they are going to have to sign a piece of paper first.

      The idea of Finkel showing where the money came from just shows where Hearn and AJ stands in all this. Why not just say "sure I will accept if you show me where the money came from right after". Why do they even need to know where the money came from? Wondering if it's drug money or what? Anyone asked where the $12.5 million was coming from? Hearn and AJ don't want this fight else they would have jumped at this or atleast call Wilder's bluff. It's just a deal not a contract. Accept it cuz thatz what you asked for?

      Then Hearn said something like " tell us where the money came from and we will think about it" WTH? That sentence says everything. They want out.
      Bro I’m a AJ fan and first instinct hearing the deal I thought what a master stroke now we have to accept the deal but with each hour that passes something about that deal looks untoward. Don’t get me wrong I’m not questioning whether they have the money but this is the same team that lost purse bids to Povetkin and was going to take their champion to Russia.

      Eddie being a chartered accountant and joshua’s Promoter can he not ask? Joshua when hearing the news said let’s roll.

      I just want the fight to happen I think Joshua knocks out Deontay but m under no illusion Deontay can not to the same and if he does I will come on here and congratulate you. It’s just a fights not life or death


      • Originally posted by Eff Pandas View Post
        Show me another fight Hearn has discussed more "Alternate Paths" for than Joshua's next fight? Hearn is acting like there are a dozen interesting fights out there. There isn't. There is one. Hearn is scared of Joshua getting beaten & this shot at something insanely big getting blown up in his face. Can't say I blame him, but it is what it is.
        Show me a fight that got made by one side posting an offer on social media, then refusing to negotiate with the other side when asked.

        Show me a fight that got made by the B side posting an offer on social media and telling the A side "You have 24 hours. Take it or leave it"

        Show me a fight that got made by one promoter refusing to negotiate with another when asked.

        Tell me why, if Wilder's team really want the fight, they are refusing to talk to Hearn.

        Understand this - AJ made at least $60million in the last 12 months. He doesn't need Wilder to make the same, and more, in the next 12 months.

        Understand this - the general view of this business, the view taken by most unbiased fans and boxing journalists, is that Wilder's side now need to meet with Hearn and let him know the details of what they have on offer.

        The only people who think different are idiot Wilder fan boys and people with an anti-Hearn agenda.

        And I'm sorry, but unless you prove me wrong, I'm now including you in that last category.


        • If team Wilder really cancelled todays meeting with Hearn to negotiate the fight then whats else needed to prove that team Wilder is full of shit? How ****** are the people who still defend him? Hello? Any braincells left?


          • Originally posted by R_Walken View Post
            The thing is Hearns on record saying he wants AJ/Wilder to be about him and create storylines about his beefs with Dibella and Finkell

            This egotistical MFer actually Believes he’s increasing the fights bottom end acting like a
            Disrespectful clown

            This is business And I don’t think it’s about growing up on Finkells part I’ve never read or heard anything about him that would indicate him being hard to deal with or unprofessional

            Just a case of Haymon / Finkell trying to f.uck over Hearn for being disrespectful and probably for a variety of other reasons

            It’s not like he really needs a meeting to verify the offer because everyone involved knows the offers legit and if not on the up and up AJ would be able walk away

            If AJ wants the fight, Hearn can’t be like I know I guaranteed you less but don’t take this record breaking offer and everything you asked
            For and more because they won’t take a meeting on something that right now doesn’t need one
            Finkel 'trying to **** over Hearn' is immature and thus if that is what he's doing then yes he does need to grow up.

            An yeh you're right they don't need a meeting to verify the offer, but they do need a meeting to sort out all the other finer details. Why not do both at once and actually make this fight happen?

            You really won't be able to convince me that being unwilling to have a sit down discussion until Hearn 'agrees' is a good thing. It's a roadblock, just like Hearn asking for proof is a roadblock. A roadblock that appears to be stemmed from their desire to one-up each other.


            • Originally posted by Deus View Post
              Finkel 'trying to **** over Hearn' is immature and thus if that is what he's doing then yes he does need to grow up.

              An yeh you're right they don't need a meeting to verify the offer, but they do need a meeting to sort out all the other finer details. Why not do both at once and actually make this fight happen?

              You really won't be able to convince me that being unwilling to have a sit down discussion until Hearn 'agrees' is a good thing. It's a roadblock, just like Hearn asking for proof is a roadblock. A roadblock that appears to be stemmed from their desire to one-up each other.
              ya man finkel needs to grow up

              cause hes the one that was calling himself "Shirley" in the media!!

              oh wait...that was hearn....while finkel was waiting for hearn to get back to him with numbers since december


              • Wilders team is bluffing they ain’t got that kind of money


                • Originally posted by juggernaut666 View Post
                  Money doesn't have to be agreed to over the internet bc Hearn or anyone with a brain isnt going to put his fighter in that position .

                  No fight in history has ever agreed to anything without a meeting at least .
                  Duco wouldn't agree to meet with Hearn until the percentage had been agreed upon. Once the percentage was agreed upon, they met in person and hammered out the details.

                  Do you realize how ****** you sound when you say something has never happened before and it literally happens all the time?


                  • Originally posted by Ray* View Post
                    Again how can you say yes or no to a 50m dollar deal? AJ call their bluff for 50m and they came up with it. “Let’s rill” There is no turning back from that. Next step?
                    But AJ doesn't have the legal right to accept the offer. Hearn has an exclusive promotional agreement and AJ saying yes means nothing if Hearn says no. They have to negotiate with Hearn for the right to secure AJ's services.

                    So before they meet with Hearn, they just want to confirm that there is an agreement in principle on the financial element, obviously pending that the other details end up being worked out to mutual satisfaction.


                    • Originally posted by WBC WBA IBF View Post
                      Duco wouldn't agree to meet with Hearn until the percentage had been agreed upon. Once the percentage was agreed upon, they met in person and hammered out the details.

                      Do you realize how ****** you sound when you say something has never happened before and it literally happens all the time?

                      Higgins and Hearn communicated via phone regularly. They both wanted the fight and there was total transparency.

                      Hearn tries to call and set up meetings and Wilders managers make it difficult.

                      He's on record as saying there was no contact for 2 weeks from his initial offer. He had to reach out via an affiliate to try and set a meeting. And then they released a su****ious counter offer with a 24hr deadline and cancelled the scheduled meeting.

                      There's a clear difference to the way Duco operated and Team Wilder operates.

