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Comments Thread For: Malignaggi: Only F***ing Morons Didn't Realize Canelo is Dirty!

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  • So NOW we know he was telling the truth about PAC. Because if you believe him now, you believe Pac was also on them.


    • Originally posted by oscar9992 View Post
      Canelo failed drug twice! PEDs amount in 1'st failed were much higher than 2'nd failed test.

      Defending fraud juicehead cheater as usual.
      Are you fuccing ******? Of course the first failed test is gonna be higher than the second one! It's common sense!


      • Fighters are insiders. They have a very good idea who is dirty. Su****ious physical changes, unexpected strength and stamina gains, gossip leaking out of gyms, Ped dealer leaks...

        Shooting the manger doesn't make the message untrue. You're wasting your breath venting on all the things you don't like about Pauli. He's an insider. You're not. Bread's posts are awesome. He is very careful in what he has to say about who is using but he makes it clear he knows the problem is widespread. He's an insider.

        High school kids use PEDs. You think boxing is clean? Go troll people who like bowling.


        • Originally posted by BigStomps View Post
          Are you fuccing ******? Of course the first failed test is gonna be higher than the second one! It's common sense!
          He failed drug test... Means he is juicing cheater like everyone else taking PEDs you ret@rd.


          • Canelo is juicing period. Riding on Oscar........ Golovkin knew all along but waiting for posterity.


            • Originally posted by oscar9992 View Post
              He failed drug test... Means he is juicing cheater like everyone else taking PEDs you ret@rd.
              You ****** motherfuccer! You said you knew Canelo was cheating before he had the two failed drug tests... How did you know he was dirty before the tests were made public??
              Were you sucking his **** while he was taking PED's??
              How else would you know before everyone else knew??


              • Originally posted by BigStomps View Post
                You ****** motherfuccer! You said you knew Canelo was cheating before he had the two failed drug tests... How did you know he was dirty before the tests were made public??
                Were you sucking his **** while he was taking PED's??
                How else would you know before everyone else knew??

                D*ckhead, he has been juicing for a while now... may be his entire PRO career...

                Both Canelo and Smith cancelled the VADA testing for their fight.



                • Originally posted by sterilizer View Post
                  More like he beat a super-green, inexperienced, drained to the point of looking cadaverous, fame and money-hungry newcomer who needed the spotlight desperately. And the "juiced" comment is utterly ****** IMHO. Another hater jumping on the bandwagon AFTER THE FACT, the latest tests, showing just traces of a banned substance, but who SAID ANYTHING ABOUT CANELO'S "JUICING" IN THE PAST?

                  The huge Canelo that beat Cotto would have walked through all of Mywether Jr's repertoire of pot-shot punches and defensive trickery.

                  He would have attacked his body like Castillo did in their 1st fight which Floyd won very arguably. It would have been competitive. And at 155, Canelo being huge like he was vs. Cotto, Canelo had a big chance of winning it, because Floyd would have pulled a Lara for sure after feeling a few of Canelo's brutal blows to the stomach.

                  You're entitled to your opinion, but that green Canelo would have been beaten badly by Lara and Cotto themselves, had he fought any of the two the day he fought Mayweather Jr. at that catch weight. Canelo learned from that fight not to be so naive, not to drain himself like that. Had he learned that previously vs. Lara and Cotto BEFORE Mayweather Jr., and fought at 155's Canelo weight, not at 152 or whatever weight Floyd chose to his convenience, a totally different story might have happened.
                  Well, to be honest the title and subject of the article is saying something about Canelo juicing in the past. I'm getting a sense that you don't really fancy FMJ too much? The "Huge" Canelo that fought Cotto only weighed 3 more pounds pre fight night against the Canelo that fought Mayweather.

                  Also, the catchweight that CA and FMJ agreed upon was only 1 pound south of what Canelo weighed the fight before he fought Floyd. I think I may have given Canelo 2 rounds when he and Mayweather fought and I don't think any amount of weight would have helped him on that night, in fact I don't think any version of Canelo could beat the version of FMJ he fought that night in 2013.

                  I'm not getting this whole "green" Canelo either.... Didn't CA fight Lara less than a year after he fought FMJ and again just 3 pounds heavier? We can speculate all day but some people say that Lara won his fight against Canelo and I don't see a 152lb Alverez losing to any version of Cotto due to their fighting styles. Cotto was tailor made for Canelo.

                  I'll be standing by


                  • Originally posted by BigStomps View Post
                    So what made you think Canelo was on PED's before the failed test??
                    You aren't too bright are you? Anyone with half a brain noticed how Canelo could weigh in at a catchweight (Caneloweight) on the day before weigh in and magically rehydrate 25 lbs the day of the fight. No other boxer has been able to bulk up the way Canelo did for the bulk of his big fights. He won't have that advantage now so who knows if the rematch with Golovkin happens. He won't be able to use his magic juice. It should be interesting to see what transpires...


                    • Originally posted by oscar9992 View Post
                      D*ckhead, he has been juicing for a while now... may be his entire PRO career...

                      Default Both Canelo and Smith cancelled the VADA testing for their fight.

                      That don't mean nothing you little biitch!
                      It's like me saying you're a fuccing FA-GG cause you like having long hair and you love to wear skinny jeans.
                      So tell me are you a FA-GG???

