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Only time Spence took VADA test he looked like ****

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  • #41
    Originally posted by Da Pimper View Post
    pls explain how a grown man who excercises regularly managed to grow a set of b1tch t1ts

    Same way a guy fighting in the 1930s did?


    • #42
      It shouldn't be surprising since pretty much every athlete today is on some kind of performance enhancing chemical / drug. Anybody who doesn't believe so is simply delusional, ignorant, dishonest or a combination of those things.

      A 21st century athlete that is not on artificial athletic performance enhancing chemical / drug is not going to be much, if at all different / better than the boxers and athletes during eras before 1980 and especially before 1935.

      The modern / current artificial athletic performance enhancing chemicals / drugs is what enables athletes today to perform at levels which athletes / boxers in some of the past eras could not.


      • #43
        Why I didnt know that, so spence has been denying vada all this time. I thought it was strange when I saw larry comment on this in a previous thread something to the effect that "all fights have drug testing" which duh but it did strike me odd someone who championed better testing when it was mayweather is now basically saying shut up regular testing is enough for this fighter. ODD.


        • #44
          Is VADA still not mandatory, or any other testing in the US?


          • #45
            innocent until proven guilty.... haters


            • #46
              Originally posted by soul_survivor View Post
              Is VADA still not mandatory, or any other testing in the US?
              Gotta agree. Haters have to hate..


              • #47
                Originally posted by _original_ View Post
                Not sure this is a serious thread, but Spence is probably one of the most su****ious top guys right now.



                • #48
                  Originally posted by Robbie Barrett View Post
                  Yep. He was putting in serious work against Peterson, non-stop throwing and wasn't even breathing hard, he looked as fresh as he did at the opening bell.
                  Yeah, is not like the guy could be the hard working beast that everyone that trained with him claims that he is.


                  • #49
                    So if a guy looks bad, the guy is a bum, but if the guy is looking good, he is on steroids, we should ban boxing at all actually, no one is good at it.
                    Btw, Spence looked quite good against Brook who also put a good performance, Spence just took his heart with bodywork.


                    • #50
                      I laugh how Errol got some of you shook.

