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Comments Thread For: Marquez Injured, Stops Training - But Still Has Eye on Miguel Cotto

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  • #31
    Marquez is to old to be fighting at 42 years old he needs to quit


    • #32
      J'kwan Roidanuel Hulquez is a legend. Juan Manuel Marquez though, retired long ago and was a normal mortal. J'kwan Roidanuel Hulquez can beat anyone up to 160 IMO, Memo has this guy all wired up in a lab locked up while he is not training or doing his show Golpe A Golpe. I truly believe Juan died and that his body was transformed into J'kwan and what we are seeing is a cyborg human hybrid, that is my theory. Anyways, good fight. J'kwan by late TKO.


      • #33
        This was the day J'kwan was born and introduced to the world:

        Notice his eyes. Again, he looks dead and powered by something superficial which makes me think he is a complete cyborg but then again I am positive they used Juans old dead body and infused robotics into him.


        • #34
          This was the LAST NIGHT Juan was alive. This was the last time. Memo supposedly killed him and took him to a lab after. I strongly believe this was the last photo of Juan:


          • #35
            Heart of a champion ,but body says stop now!
            Floyd -retired
            Manny -retired
            JMM - pls stay retired


            • #36
              Title should've read: Margarito injured, Still training - But still has eye on Miguel Cotto


              • #37
                Originally posted by larryxxx... View Post
                What a sad little life you lead man,always excuses
                Yours isn't any better, least Pac and JMM fans enjoyed watching their fights.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by BennyST View Post
                  Interesting you say that. So really bad body acne is proof of steroid abuse to you huh? So that means you definitely think Pacquiao is on roids then. Fair enough...he does have a lot of dodgy connections and did heal some supposedly terrible injuries in unheard of, miracle times. Almost as if he had some special 'help'. He's also getting close to 40 years old, and unlike Marquez, is still fighting with speed, power and very few bad injuries, apart from the super healed one.

                  At that age? Hell to the fk yeah! At that age...hell to the motherfk'ing yeah. He had full on fkin welts bro! I mean c'mon, Marquez has never suffered from acne, we know this because we've seen him go through several different therapies including cupping which i started getting after learning about it from one of his videos. I'm all for natural cures and therapies and all that but let's not be blind, that shhh is hella su****ious and there are a a ton of non-pac fans who have voiced as much. Doesn't take away from what he did, his win, his glory, his legacy but there is some serious smoke there. Pacquaio hasn't exhibited one punch power in general, pacquaio bludgeoned his way to a stoppage...hugeeee difference between the two. His handspeed and risk taking went down so did his ko's...I have stated that Margarito took years off Pacquaio in that fight even though he got fked up. Pacquaio was never the same after that fight. Who knows if Pacquaio took anything or not i'm just saying you don't get back acne, chest welts, and a distended stomach from working out naturally.
                  Last edited by turnedup; 05-29-2016, 10:58 AM.


                  • #39
                    I wonder if Morales is interested in fighting again. Thats the only fight I'd consider watching. JMM is broken down. Cotto is a joke if he fights him.


                    • #40
                      Marquez isnt injured, just trying to secure the cotto fight...

