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Why does Anthony Joshua get a lot of hate?

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  • There's a difference between criticism, and hate.

    Hating is reserved for the portion of the community that has nothing better to do than start crap. They work hand in hand with the portion of the community that is desperate to create a false narrative - and be validated by having people respond to it.

    AJ is a good fighter with a strap - and AJ's fans need to stop searching for the "haters" with a flashlight, it's becoming obsessive.


    • Originally posted by juggernaut666 View Post
      Sorry to say but that kid is delusional,i put on at least 15 pounds LEAN muscle from 18 to 25 without training to be a world class athlete. anyone who thinks you cant put on even more quality muscle nowadays ped free from teens to 20's has never actually trained before. AJ sleeps eats and trains working out/boxing/ you think he was a track star by accident...does this REQUIRE great genetics? I proved that imbecile wrong and he went off a rant about spelling mistakes as well....
      Sorry to say but that kid is delusional
      No, I just have more awareness about what's going on around me than you do.

      ,i put on at least 15 pounds LEAN muscle from 18 to 25 without training to be a world class athlete.
      Yes, that's perfectly fine. Anthony Joshua put on 30 lbs of lean muscle in two years. See where I'm coming from? It would have taken you fourteen years to put that amount of muscle on.

      You = 15 lbs in seven years (2.214 lbs per year)

      Joshua = 30 lbs in two years (15 lbs per year)

      Do you actually think that by training a couple of hours a day extra and with a better diet, you can gain almost eight times as much muscle in a year? No way.

      anyone who thinks you cant put on even more quality muscle nowadays ped free from teens to 20's has never actually trained before.
      I... I can't even be bothered to start making more corrections on your spelling and grammar, so I'll leave this one and the rest of them out.

      Of course you can put on muscle from your teenage to adult years. You cannot put on 30lbs in two years though. That's physically impossible.

      do you think he was a track star by accident...does this REQUIRE great genetics?
      I can clearly see you're not from the UK. We're not like the Americans in the sense that we tend to study more, as opposed to exercising.

      He broke his school record on the 100m time. That's not being a trackstar, how the hell is he a trackstar? He just happened to have the fastest one hundred metre time in his school and that just means he was a fast runner and enjoyed exercise as a kid. I broke my school record for bench press, it doesn't mean I'm going to be a powerlifter. It just means I was strong when I attended school.

      And no, he was 6'6. Everyone knows that taller people have longer strides. I highly doubt there were many other 6'3+ children in his school. It doesn't require good genetics at all.

      If he was so good at sprinting, why didn't he become a sprinter?

      I proved that imbecile wrong and he went off a rant about spelling mistakes as well....
      No, you really didn't. I didn't see a reply back from you? Because you know what I said was true and so does everyone else. I simply pointed out that you failed to spell words from your native language properly and that you clearly aren't the sharpest tool in the shed when it comes to intelligence.

      I love how you downvoted me too and the message you put in the comment was filled with spelling mistakes. LOL.
      Last edited by motivational; 05-28-2016, 07:41 PM.


      • Originally posted by sicko View Post
        Who said I haven't? I'm just not as shallow and insecure as you are that you have to accuse someone you don't know of being on something
        No, you're just ignorant and clueless.

        No-one accuses Joshua of being on roids because they're insecure. They do it because it's blatantly obvious to anyone with more than half a brain and a working pair of eyes. His body literally cannot exist in nature. Take your self-righteous head out of your arse and you'd see that.


        • Originally posted by juggernaut666 View Post
          Sorry to say but that kid is delusional,i put on at least 15 pounds LEAN muscle from 18 to 25 without training to be a world class athlete. anyone who thinks you cant put on even more quality muscle nowadays ped free from teens to 20's has never actually trained before. AJ sleeps eats and trains working out/boxing/ you think he was a track star by accident...does this REQUIRE great genetics? I proved that imbecile wrong and he went off a rant about spelling mistakes as well....
          He seems to have his head plenty screwed on to me. The human body can achieve incredible things drug free, but there are still limits. When you see someone blatantly surpassing those limits you can only react with scepticism. To do otherwise would be naivety of the highest order.

          Joshua might have "great genetics" but that doesn't make him superman.


          • Originally posted by WTF Huck! View Post
            No, you're just ignorant and clueless.

            No-one accuses Joshua of being on roids because they're insecure. They do it because it's blatantly obvious to anyone with more than half a brain and a working pair of eyes. His body literally cannot exist in nature. Take your self-righteous head out of your arse and you'd see that.
            Says the guy accusing someone of being on PED's without knowing for sure but I'm the "Ignorant" one


            • Originally posted by Real King Kong View Post
              For literally years everyone complained about the heavyweight division being dead, the klitschko brothers being boring, nobody being in shape etc, I mean there was a time Chris areolla and Seth Mitchell were the best prospects in the division, remember that?

              Then we get Joshua

              Massive puncher
              In great shape

              Pretty much everything people clearly wanted in a heavyweight. Comes along, wins an early title, has a great start to his career, putting on exciting fights.

              And he gets hate....

              Makes no sense to me, can someone explain

              Because he isn't American


              • Originally posted by motivational View Post
                Yes, He had been training for a couple of years and he had a good physique but it wasn't amazing, hell I had a better physique than him when I was eighteen.

                Let's make it clear that Anthony Joshua is not a genetic freak. Mike Tyson could bench 200 lbs when he was twelve. The majority of people at the gym can't even bench half of that. He was always a huge guy and it was clear that he had incredible genetics.

                Tyson being a genetic freak, weighed less than Joshua and he had more fat. There's no way Joshua is natural.

                And yes, he gained over 20 lbs of solid, lean muscle when he was transitioning from Olympic boxer to Professional (because you know, he got kicked from the team for being a drug dealer, just thought I'd throw that in there )

                It doesn't even matter how long it took him to get the size, even though that should be proof enough that he's using stuff. You're overlooking the main fact that he has an impossible amount of muscle for a natural human. Period. Look at the physiques of the people he's fought, it's just ridiculous. He's on another level, an enhanced level.

                Firsty, Tarver was banned for an anabolic steroid. Don't get a PED and an anabolic steroid mixed up, they're two completely different things. We're accusing Joshua for steroids because he has a ridiculous amount of size. PEDs have close to no visible effect and will not put on any size. Tarver had loads of muscle by the way, just because you have fat over the muscle does not mean you don't any muscle.

                Povetkin was huge by the way and he wasn't banned for a PED, he took meldonium before they changed the rules and made it a banned substance and it showed up in a drugs test a year after he took it and he wasn't banned because of it.

                You're right about that, I've been training since I was fourteen (so almost ten years) and I was bigger than Joshua all the way up until about twenty, then somehow he started to make crazy gains that he didn't make when he was younger. There's no way that you can gain 30 lbs of muscle in two years and it annoys me that the majority of boxing fans who have little to no education on the subject think that someone can obtain that amount of muscle mass naturally.

                You didn't address me in that comment, so I'll be nice in this post and not call you out on all the misspelled words or words used in the wrong context.
                Yeah OK TEACHER, we're on a boxing forum, what are we grading post now?

                You make some valid points, if he is dirty the truth with come out eventually. I can't say for sure if he is clean or not just like you and others can't say for sure he is "Dirty". The truth will come out eventually if he is dirty but for people to run around and post "He Is On PED's!" like they know for sure is Ridiculous!

                However, this is the mentality of many on this forum, Povetkin gets caught now people want to deflect and talk about everybody else besides the guy that failed his test!


                • Originally posted by sicko View Post
                  Yeah OK TEACHER, we're on a boxing forum, what are we grading post now?

                  You make some valid points, if he is dirty the truth with come out eventually. I can't say for sure if he is clean or not just like you and others can't say for sure he is "Dirty". The truth will come out eventually if he is dirty but for people to run around and post "He Is On PED's!" like they know for sure is Ridiculous!

                  However, this is the mentality of many on this forum, Povetkin gets caught now people want to deflect and talk about everybody else besides the guy that failed his test!
                  Firstly, it strengthens my argument when the people I'm arguing against can't seem to construct a basic English sentence. And I'm not talking about you.

                  Secondly as I said before, Povetkin used a drug when it was not on the banned list. He was not breaking any rules when he used it.

                  These PEDs have a seriously long detection time and it wasn't till a year after he took it that it showed up on the test. It's not really Povetkin's fault since when he took it, he wasn't breaking any rules.

                  Lastly, I'll try to explain this as best as I can. Everyone has has different amount of testosterone according to their genetics. Testosterone controls the amount of muscle we have, the limit of how much muscle we can gain naturally and how fast we build muscle.

                  Some people will have slightly more testosterone than others but never by much. There's simply no need for your body to give you a ridiculously high level of testosterone because human beings don't need a lot of muscle. If you want to be strong, be a chimpanzee. Also, the higher your testosterone levels, the more muscle and higher blood pressure you will have as a result. Your body is not ****** and it does not mess these things up.

                  Anthony Joshua simply has far too much muscle for what a natural amount of testosterone allows. It just isn't possible. Now, you're asking what if something went wrong in his body and somehow he has a far higher amount of testosterone than everyone else? He would show up positive in a drugs test. They would see he has a super high level of testosterone and they would accuse him of doping.

                  All we're trying to say is that his build is not attainable naturally. You don't need a drugs test to confirm what you can already see. This argument is like trying to say that if a dog works really hard, he can become a horse. They're two completely different things. You can be a really big dog but you can't just gain loads of height and muscle and become a horse. No matter how hard the dog works, this just isn't possible naturally.

                  We're also not accusing him of being on PEDs, we're saying he's on anabolic steroids. PEDs wouldn't help him gain muscle or reach that size.


                  • Originally posted by WTF Huck! View Post
                    He seems to have his head plenty screwed on to me. The human body can achieve incredible things drug free, but there are still limits. When you see someone blatantly surpassing those limits you can only react with scepticism. To do otherwise would be naivety of the highest order.

                    Joshua might have "great genetics" but that doesn't make him superman.
                    Thats called athlete myself I would say I know more i'll leave it at that and leave that other looney toon with his agenda! I already know the limit of his actual knowledge on boxing b/c of his other posts and he may know about nutrition compared to yester year but not much else...Peds are classified as anabolic steroids or anything to achieve an advantage which certainly can asdd that muscle size,,,the FACT he tries to convince HIMSELF AJ grew like the hulk over nite is dumb ,but not as dumb as the ppl who follow him...preferably off a cliff...the MORON you refer to with his head on straight doesn't know that!
                    Last edited by juggernaut666; 05-28-2016, 11:55 PM.


                    • Originally posted by motivational View Post
                      I love how you downvoted me too and the message you put in the comment was filled with spelling mistakes. LOL.
                      It's funny how these Joshua loving casuals can't spell for ****. Probably because they're still in primary school.

                      Remember that the likes of Juggernaught & Plunger would gladly lick the sweat off AJ's ballsack given half the chance, you're not dealing with rational people.

