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More athletes and celebs needs to speak out on how wrong being gay is

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  • #81
    Originally posted by anthonydavid11 View Post
    I think it's a "consensus is right" attitude. Whatever is popular at the time, goes. It's all really ******. When those who get their way now see it go the other way again, they'll be pissed just like the people against it are pissed now. It's all one big cycle.

    In the end, who cares? What people want to do is their business and Pac can say whatever he wants. That's free speech.
    Yes, exactly, live and let live!


    • #82
      A very high percentage of gay people cheat.
      They pass diseases/plague.

      Then your gonna complain about cawk fighting yet you watch boxing and ufc and you would likely watch a death match between two humans .. gtfoh

      Belief is a choice but being gay isnt?

      Gay people just dont wanna believe they have mutated dna/missing chromosomes. A disease with no cure thus far

      If everyone were gay the population would end.
      Ill bet more gay people believe in stem cell, aliens, having tad poles for ancestors anlong with test tube babies.

      Get real. Our creator created man and woman ,two exact opposites ,yet a perfect match together to reproduce .


      • #83
        Originally posted by Jc8804 View Post
        A very high percentage of gay people cheat.
        They pass diseases/plague.

        Then your gonna complain about cawk fighting yet you watch boxing and ufc and you would likely watch a death match between two humans .. gtfoh

        Belief is a choice but being gay isnt?

        Gay people just dont wanna believe they have mutated dna/missing chromosomes. A disease with no cure thus far

        If everyone were gay the population would end.
        Ill bet more gay people believe in stem cell, aliens, having tad poles for ancestors anlong with test tube babies.

        Get real. Our creator created man and woman ,two exact opposites ,yet a perfect match together to reproduce .
        when did you choose to be straight? are you just doing it because you wanted to be a member of the in group in society?


        • #84
          Originally posted by mathed View Post
          Does he still cheat on his wife? The main premise of Christianity is that it's never too late for salvation. But to be saved, you must believe, truly believe and to do this you must change your ways.

          So no one is making anything up, not ignorance either. Believe what you want but the majority of kids now days exhibit *******ual traits. It's the crap they put in food, stuff that gets flushed down the drains that makes its way into municipal drinking water.

          It's just a sign of the times, people can deny it all they want, it doesn't matter. Belief is a choice, if it were easy to see or know the truth, there would be no point in faith.
          Not sure if I'm reading this right, are you saying that drinking water turns people gay?


          • #85
            Originally posted by Jc8804 View Post
            General population . more people need to stand up for what's wrong .

            Everyone knows butt holes were made to take a shht.
            Like alcohol and drugs ,domestic violence ,all this gay stuff is poisoning the youth .

            Spreading ***ual diseases along with
            It being gross to be around. Can't even watch normal TV programs with out it being force fed.

            I teach my kids that its wrong and nasty and that those people have a disease with no cure.

            This is my freedom of speech and terrific opinion.
            "Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned.


            • #86
              Originally posted by daggum View Post
              when did you choose to be straight? are you just doing it because you wanted to be a member of the in group in society?
              Like i said

              God created a man and a woman.
              Two exact opposites yet a perfect match for one another

              Being gay is like having two left thumbs or
              Three eye balls.

              There wasnt no big **** in space and then earth became and then your tad pole ancestors just became a male and female by chance and started reproducing to become an ape one day ,all the way to where gay people played on their i phones watching gay adult videos.

              Jesus is the son of God and we are in the end of times


              • #87
                Originally posted by ReIoaded View Post
                Vito was a good earner and I felt bad that they had him whacked just for being a gay.

                Vito was good at being a gay because he kept his love life out of public. He only dressed up like one of the Village People and didn't perform gross dance moves in the privacy of the gay bar. He was respectful of society and was wrongfully murdered.
                Meh, I was ok with Vito's death.

                I'll admit they were a little hard on him (pun intended) but you can't be a gay maffioso, you just can't do it.

                I'm ok with gays, I wanted Omar from The Wire to be killed orgianlly on discovering that he was gay but he turned out to be one of my favourite characters in the end.


                • #88
                  Originally posted by robertzimmerman View Post
                  Of course I judge him for watching c*ck fights.

                  It was the act itself?

                  So he enjoys watching two birds rip each other to pieces, who've been forced to fight with razor blades etc, yet he thinks it's disgusting for two adults to have gay ***?


                  It just shows you what a ****ed up world we live in.

                  He thinks that's disgusting, but he'll cheat on Jinky?

                  That's an ignorant man with no morals, values or principles, going through life doing as he pleases.

                  Once again, a man who goes through life doing as he pleases, whilst judging how another man lives his life, is a ****ing joke!

                  Now Manny saying he was religious and didn't personally approve of gay relations is one thing, but to say that 'they are worse than animals' is downright disgusting.

                  He's an ignorant, hypocritical, uneducated piece of ****.

                  So what you're trying to say, is that YOU are a gay vegan. lol.

                  Manny cheated on his wife years ago, ask for forgiveness and now lives a Christian life.

                  **** fighting is those countries is like watching bull fighting in Spain and other Spanish speaking countries. Completely normal for those respective countries, but at the end of the day being ***** is abnormal in each and every country in this world.

                  And yes you're right, it's ****ed up world we live in when people think being gay is normal.


                  • #89
                    Originally posted by robertzimmerman View Post

                    Of course I judge him for watching c*ck fights.

                    So he enjoys watching two birds rip each other to pieces, who've been forced to fight with razor blades etc, yet he thinks it's disgusting for two adults to have gay ***?
                    The only response I have for you at this point, is one of your very own quotes in this thread:

                    "We'd all be much better off if we didn't judge each other, we accepted people's beliefs, and we tried to help each other as best we could. The world would be a much better place."

                    Check out the ironic hypocrisy of the words highlighted in bold.
                    Last edited by ReIoaded; 02-24-2016, 02:56 PM.


                    • #90
                      Originally posted by Jc8804 View Post
                      Like i said

                      God created a man and a woman.
                      Two exact opposites yet a perfect match for one another

                      Being gay is like having two left thumbs or
                      Three eye balls.

                      There wasnt no big **** in space and then earth became and then your tad pole ancestors just became a male and female by chance and started reproducing to become an ape one day ,all the way to where gay people played on their i phones watching gay adult videos.

                      Jesus is the son of God and we are in the end of times
                      Shut up dude.

