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More athletes and celebs needs to speak out on how wrong being gay is

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  • #91
    Originally posted by Jesus_Christ View Post
    Shut up dude.
    God is great
    Jesus is coming


    • #92
      Originally posted by Jc8804 View Post
      Jesus has the cure for your kind.
      Its a disease.
      God is great
      You're truly special.

      Have you really got nothing better to do with your time?

      We all know what psychology says about males who preach hate against *******uality.

      Hiding in any closets lately?


      • #93
        Your pathetic!


        • #94
          Very sad thread.

          We got dudes in here worrying about who another dude fcks. That's female ****.


          • #95
            Originally posted by Jc8804 View Post
            Your the morons who think your ancestors are tadpoles .

            The word of God is the truth. Jesus is savior.

            No one can prove God doesn't exist.

            Science can prove so much.
            Social media and denial along with self responsibility have driven people away from
            God. But God is a forgiving Father
            You don't prove a negative...You see what a moron you are? Its good for gay people to have a hater like you, it puts them in a better light. Now go prove to me that Santa claus doesn't exist! Ah!! can't can you? moron...

            Listen when society socially engineers ***uality it bothers me...whether it be prepubescient girls on underwear commercials, or boys wearing dresses...society has no business making ***uality a trend, a fad.

            As far as people who are in fact gay well God made them that way didn't she? Its when people try to interpret the great creator, or what is sanctioned by what **** Gregory calls the "real God" that the sh1zzle hits the fan!

            So grow up hater.

            BTW I am a Lesbian know how I Know? well I went into this bar last night and this drop dead cutie is next to me and I ask her if she would like a drink, so she tells me shes a lesbian...I ask her "whats that?" she points to another drop dead gorgeous chick and tells me all the things she would like to do to I tell her "oh!! then Im a Lesbian also!"
            Last edited by billeau2; 02-24-2016, 04:25 PM.


            • #96
              Originally posted by Jc8804 View Post
              God is great
              Jesus is coming
              Dude....take night classes and maybe in two generations your great grandkids will develop a thumb.


              • #97
                It's unbelievable that the mods allow threads like this to be made, but I guess if they actually moderated this forum properly then they would lose a lot of traffic because of all of the crazy fanboys creating daily threads to hate on certain fighters.


                • #98
                  Originally posted by Jc8804 View Post
                  Jesus is coming
                  Twice today, actually.


                  • #99
                    Originally posted by Jc8804 View Post
                    A very high percentage of gay people cheat.
                    They pass diseases/plague.

                    Then your gonna complain about cawk fighting yet you watch boxing and ufc and you would likely watch a death match between two humans .. gtfoh

                    Belief is a choice but being gay isnt?

                    Gay people just dont wanna believe they have mutated dna/missing chromosomes. A disease with no cure thus far

                    If everyone were gay the population would end.
                    Ill bet more gay people believe in stem cell, aliens, having tad poles for ancestors anlong with test tube babies.

                    Get real. Our creator created man and woman ,two exact opposites ,yet a perfect match together to reproduce .
                    Did you just compare c*ck fighting with watching boxing? SMH.

                    Nobody chooses to be gay you fool.

                    It's how a person feels naturally.

                    Our creator? Who the ****'s that then?


                    • You tell 'em, Bobby.

