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Mayweather's IV injection (Master thread)

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  • Originally posted by b00g13man View Post
    So why isn't WADA on the case? Or have they been miraculously paid off too?
    WADA is a rules and laboratory testing organization not rules enforcement.


    • Originally posted by Zaroku View Post
      And you know this how?
      Because I know how non-profits work you dumbass. The money had to go somewhere. They paid 5X the standard cost so that extra money had to go somewhere. A non-profit cant bank the money. They cant give the money back to shareholders. USADA doesn't do any charity work. The only place the money can go is their pay structure.


      • Originally posted by Divine Hammer View Post
        ask urself why did floyd need prohibited iv therapy (which requires tue) and a prohibited amount of saline (masking agent) when he could have easily drank liquids??? it doesn't add up. and don't believe the usada and nsac (who conveniently changed their tune) damage control. u just look like a gullible fool.

        hahahahahahahah it's so obvious that something shady was going on. but only floyd farts want everyone to look away and think nothing nefarious went on. completely disgusting.
        Manny & arum sued Floyd for defamation of character, and I believe he won a civil judgement! Good for manny!!! Yeah PAC man!

        Why doesn't he file a civil action in this case and get the justice he deserves??? Why wouldn't manny protect his reputation now after losing the biggest fight of his career?

        Manny, sue Floyd for cheating! Take him to civil court! Do it! You owe it to your fans!! Your fans are waiting Manny! PAC please bring legal action and get the best investigators, help your fans! You say you love them, and we know they love you to a fault!

        Please PAC! Ask big papa, Big Daddy Arum to lend you his team of top lawyers who are on retainer all year long! It won't cost you a dime PAC! Make those Harvard lawyer get paid for work, not for sitting in their hands!

        PAC, all boxing fans are united in this! Do it! Manny! Talaga?!?!? Manny!
        Get your justice like you did before!


        • Originally posted by Zaroku View Post
          I laugh at them all the time! Great stuff really! They are like chicks you dump, who have to pretend they dumped you! Great stuff!

          People's court time!

          "Ask your doctor today, if a dose or reality might be beneficial to your condition!"

          An effective treatment which can help improve objective thinking and logical non emotional reasoning skills!
          I notice that most of your posts are simply sucking the ****s of other Froid fans. You poor mother****ers always need affirmation from others.


          • Originally posted by GTTofAK View Post
            Because I know how non-profits work you dumbass. The money had to go somewhere. They paid 5X the standard cost so that extra money had to go somewhere. A non-profit cant bank the money. They cant give the money back to shareholders. USADA doesn't do any charity work. The only place the money can go is their pay structure.
            I actually work in finance!
            Show your paper trail or shut up!
            I won't call you dumbass, as that is pretty much understood!
            Best regards!


            • Originally posted by Zaroku View Post
              I actually work in finance!
              '$1.55 is you chage sir, have a nice day.'

              Is not finance.


              • Originally posted by GTTofAK View Post
                WADA is a rules and laboratory testing organization not rules enforcement.
                these floyd farts are clueless. trust me. i constantly have to repeat myself and they still don't get it.

                floyd shouldn't have been granted tue for a prohibited method and for a prohibited amount of saline when he could have EASILY rehydrated via oral rehydration. WADA has strict guidelines on who can be given tue for iv therapy (and floyd doesn't meet any of them). none of this makes sense. also the fact that he needed to get this done at his home rather than a nearby hospital (in that case he wouldn't need a tue). also the fact that he is seen drinking liquids at his weigh-ins at welterweight.

                it becomes VERY clear what floyd needs the iv therapy for when u actually use critical thinking.


                • Originally posted by Zaroku View Post
                  Manny & arum sued Floyd for defamation of character, and I believe he won a civil judgement! Good for manny!!! Yeah PAC man!

                  Why doesn't he file a civil action in this case and get the justice he deserves??? Why wouldn't manny protect his reputation now after losing the biggest fight of his career?

                  Manny, sue Floyd for cheating! Take him to civil court! Do it! You owe it to your fans!! Your fans are waiting Manny! PAC please bring legal action and get the best investigators, help your fans! You say you love them, and we know they love you to a fault!

                  Please PAC! Ask big papa, Big Daddy Arum to lend you his team of top lawyers who are on retainer all year long! It won't cost you a dime PAC! Make those Harvard lawyer get paid for work, not for sitting in their hands!

                  PAC, all boxing fans are united in this! Do it! Manny! Talaga?!?!? Manny!
                  Get your justice like you did before!
                  hahahahahahahaha resorting to bringing up manny. pathetic. i asked the questions first and u couldn't answer any of them. instead u bring up manny and arum. very telling i think hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.

                  ur hero is a fraud. just deal with it. prohibited iv therapy and a prohibited amount of saline (masking agent) to treat simple dehydration????? seriously get a clue. it's easy what is going on.


                  • Originally posted by GTTofAK View Post
                    '$1.55 is you chage sir, have a nice day.'

                    Is not finance.
                    hahahahahahahahahahahaha these floyd farts are the most delusional fan base out there. floyd gives usada over 100k for 'testing'!!! far above their asking price. so common sense says that it is definitely bribe money. but floyd farts continue to argue that 2+2 = 5.


                    • Originally posted by GTTofAK View Post
                      I notice that most of your posts are simply sucking the ****s of other Froid fans. You poor mother****ers always need affirmation from others.
                      Attention! Attention! All readers!
                      I am a boxing fan! I criticize all boxers!
                      Gimme a name and I can tell you their good and bad points!

                      I wrote more than once Floyd is not an ATG for me!
                      I have also stated he lost his first fight to Jose Luis Castillo! He is not undefeated for me! I don't care if Floyd won the rematch, he lost the first fight!


                      You are just mental!

