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Lomachenko exemplifies the sweet science, not Floyd or Rigo

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  • Originally posted by Goldie View Post
    If its just about him then you didn't have to compare him to anyone else. You can show appreciation to one fighter without disparaging others. You made it about race when you went out of your way to show appreciation for a non black fighter by trying to discredit te appreciation that two black fighters receive. "This non black guy is a true example of a fighter who epitomizes the sweet science, not those two black guys". Then you go on to cry about black boxing fans and generalize them as racists. So give that "why must it always be about race" bs a rest. You aren't fooling anyone throwing subliminal rocks then hiding your hands.

    Here's a PSA to all closeted racists. You don't have to come out and tell people that you're racist in order for people to pick up on your racism. You didn't have to mention race for the racial undertones of your post to be detected. You made a ****** silly comparison and the agenda for you making the comparison can certainly be questioned. Your reaction to people questioning your agenda here only solidifies the su****ion. People who fall back on the "reverse racism" garbage whenever they're questioned are usually the biggest racists. It's the Pee-Wee Herman "I know you are but what am I?" defense.

    Don't deflect. This is about your thread. The poster that you're trying to deflect on isn't the only one who senses racial undertones here. Again, your comparison is irrational. Dude has 5 fights and you're comparing him to guys who are much more accomplished. Your thread makes no sense other than you want to discredit the two black fighters that unnecessarily mentioned in a thread supposedly made to appreciate another fighter.

    I would never make such a silly irrational comparison on the strength of trying to discredit other fighters. If I wanted to appreciate a black fighter if just explain why I appreciate the black fighter. I wouldn't tear or discredit two other non black fighters to big a black fighter up. I'm not a racist though.
    blah blah undertones, code words, dog whistles. same ole tired script. damn paranoid mofo.

    lomachenko is the white man behind the tree


    • Originally posted by QuebecSTAR2 View Post
      is dis **** below sweet science or sumo wrestling?

      dude, stop spamming.


      • Originally posted by YOU WILL LOSE View Post
        womp womp womp
        Next time don't bother quoting me unless you've got something to say.


        • ...and if you come back with "that's just one fight", well here are a few more of the top of my head all in his early twenties and a prime champion like Loma.


          • he is jealous of floyd and rigo.. rigo will ****ing school him back to chernobyl... and make him suck ***** ****.


            • lack of offence, no where near enough volume and doesnt even hit that hard for the weight
              Moves so much in the ring and doesnt seem to let his hands go
              Thats why someone as primitive as salido beat him hands down


              • Originally posted by joseph5620 View Post
                I like Lomo too. He's one the future stars in boxing. But this thread has agenda written all over it.
                Originally posted by joseph5620 View Post
                Actually he exemplifies the pigmentation you prefer in boxers.

                The statement was raised years ago on this very forum, that if Floyd had a certain pigmentation, or lack thereof, he would be praised endlessly.

                I, as a fan of boxing think Lomochenko has a very bright future. But to start making threads like this one, about him so far in advance of him facing legitimate competition just feeds those biased but accurate statements made years ago.


                • Dumb thread. Lets see him vs p4p competition before coming anywhere near these comparisons.

                  Aren't you the same guy that had Rios KOing #48?


                  • Originally posted by b00g13man View Post
                    Dumb thread. Lets see him vs p4p competition before coming anywhere near these comparisons.

                    Aren't you the same guy that had Rios KOing #48?
                    You cant tell by the way he fights already?

                    I dont know but stepping in a boxing ring over 500 times in his life and ONLY losing two times is ****ing amazing!


                    • If we compared talent (imaginary world if everyone fought at the same weight) Lomachenko would be a clear #1 followed by Rigo. Then a toss up between Mayweather & Ward then Pacquiao.

