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Why Ali betrayed Malcolm X

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  • Why Ali betrayed Malcolm X

    "Turning my back on Malcolm," says Muhammad Ali 40 years after the fact, "was one of the mistakes that I regret most in my life." To his credit, Ali has come to grips with this tragic misstep, at least partially. His faithful, however, have not. To maintain both Ali and Malcolm X in the same unstable pantheon – an astonishing bit of myth juggling – they have had to gloss over an all but unforgivable act of treachery. [details]

  • #2
    Originally posted by BIGPOPPAPUMP
    "Turning my back on Malcolm," says Muhammad Ali 40 years after the fact, "was one of the mistakes that I regret most in my life." To his credit, Ali has come to grips with this tragic misstep, at least partially. His faithful, however, have not. To maintain both Ali and Malcolm X in the same unstable pantheon – an astonishing bit of myth juggling – they have had to gloss over an all but unforgivable act of treachery. [details]
    In ALI's book "The Greatest" I read where he talked about his first encounter with Malcolm X after he was expelled from the nation.

    It was when Malcolm returned from Africa. He saw Ali and ran up to him very happy to see him because they had been very very close. Ali says all he did was look Malcolm in the eye and said very coldly "You turned your back on the honorable Elijah Muhammad, that was the wrong thing to do my brother." He then walked away. He said Malcolm had a very pained look on his face, then he had a look on his face that suggested acceptance. Malcolm would then say this....."I have lost alot on life, and losing Muhammads friendship is one of the most painful."

    If you ask me, Ali is a son of a ***** and a weak coward for letting someone else tell him who his friends can be. He turned his back on a man who had done nothing but care for him.


    • #3
      No doubt a cold thing to do. He clipped Malcolm when Malcolm needed his friends the most.


      • #4
        I read about that too. I forgot what book it was, but it said something different. It said, Ali didn't even look at or talk to Malcom X, ever again.


        • #5
          Originally posted by The Devil
          If you ask me, Ali is a son of a ***** and a weak coward for letting someone else tell him who his friends can be. He turned his back on a man who had done nothing but care for him.
          ^I have to agree.Well....It dosent really make me like ali any less but,the same quality in any other person would make that person a PoS.


          • #6
            Ali has always been a man who has a VERY WEAK CHARACTER outside the ring. He's a piss-poor husband who frequently abandons his wife in place of another.

            Malcolm X being assasinated was one of the lowpoints of this so-called ****** brotherhood. It didn't help that Ali was a coward not to lend X a hand when he needed it most.


            • #7
              he betrayed him cuz thats how ******s do


              • #8
                I dont think you guys read much about Ali and X, etc otherthan the occassional article, etc. I can see you really have NO IDEA about the background involved here. Number #1.. Ali was a KID when all this was going on... how many 24, 25 year olds in the world are REALLY on top of things? Think back towhen YOU were that age and some of the ****** things you did and said back then. And #2.... Ali COULDNT side with Malcolm over Elijiah... Let Ali choose Malcolm over Elijiah and see what would happen. And I am sure most of you do not know this but Elijiah Muhammad passed away in 1975... and it was not long after that Ali converted to orthodox Islam. There are certainly reasons he wanited until Elijiah passed before he converted.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by ICEMAN JOHN SCULLY
                  I dont think you guys read much about Ali and X, etc otherthan the occassional article, etc. I can see you really have NO IDEA about the background involved here. Number #1.. Ali was a KID when all this was going on... how many 24, 25 year olds in the world are REALLY on top of things? Think back towhen YOU were that age and some of the ****** things you did and said back then. And #2.... Ali COULDNT side with Malcolm over Elijiah... Let Ali choose Malcolm over Elijiah and see what would happen. And I am sure most of you do not know this but Elijiah Muhammad passed away in 1975... and it was not long after that Ali converted to orthodox Islam. There are certainly reasons he wanited until Elijiah passed before he converted.
                  Agreed 100%


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by ICEMAN JOHN SCULLY
                    I dont think you guys read much about Ali and X, etc otherthan the occassional article, etc. I can see you really have NO IDEA about the background involved here. Number #1.. Ali was a KID when all this was going on... how many 24, 25 year olds in the world are REALLY on top of things? Think back towhen YOU were that age and some of the ****** things you did and said back then. And #2.... Ali COULDNT side with Malcolm over Elijiah... Let Ali choose Malcolm over Elijiah and see what would happen. And I am sure most of you do not know this but Elijiah Muhammad passed away in 1975... and it was not long after that Ali converted to orthodox Islam. There are certainly reasons he wanited until Elijiah passed before he converted.
                    Maybe, but the fact is, the Ali's trend of abandoning his commitments in place of another, of compromising his stand in place of convinience continued on for years.

                    You forget that maturity is a matter of mindset and not a matter of age. You may be 80 for all I care yet still have the brains of a brat. In contrast, you may be a teener and yet has more sense than most oldies.

                    Ali was just a guy who's easy to manipulate. A guy who couldn't control his urges. A bad womanizer. A notorious braggart. No wonder he easily dumped Malcolm just because other people pressured him to do so.

                    Ali may be a boxing great inside the ring. But outside it. Ali was a piss-poor creature for a man.

