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925,000 PPV Buys for Mayhem (Floyd V Maidana 2)

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  • #61
    no matter how many times the haters hate Floyd ALWAYS BRINGS IN THE FOLKS... we PAY to watch floyd WIN and he did JUST THAT LIKE ALWAYS..

    it may not have been one of his most eye catching fights but oh well, we'll do just fine no matter..

    hate hate hate hate whine whine nag nag nag Floyd haters


    • #62
      Originally posted by gamefrk View Post
      LOL I saw that, what's your handle? Andy Finlayson?
      Dean NS is my handle on there


      • #63
        Did better than I anticipated, especially with the lead up to the fight being so dry. I was expecting around 700k


        • #64
          i don't believe a damn word about ppv buys.

          there needs to be some kind of transparent process carried out by a third party.

          promotors and networks have plenty of motivation to lie. i don't trust them.


          • #65
            Originally posted by The Big Dunn View Post
            Fellas, you guys are supposedly real boxing fans. If this number is correct, it means it outsold all of our projections. Isn't that good for boxing?

            No, it isn't because the fight was a farce. No one who watched that fight (I didn't) but I can promise you no one become a fan of boxing watching it. I already knew what to expect and from everything I've read/heard it was exactly what I thought it would be a boring one-sided fight.


            • #66
              Originally posted by Sumthang bit me View Post
              All you talk about is me. Don't you get tired?
              Since when? Lol. I do enjoy owning you in your threads and making u leave them completely lol


              • #67
                Originally posted by BuckToothed View Post
                Half automatically goes to the cable providers... so that's leaves 32.5m+gate+everything else for Floyd and Showtime. We know Floyd is guaranteed 32m, so...
                I know, I said that in my post that half goes to cable providers. And as I said gate is at least 10M if not 15M, 32 covers floyds cheque, 3M to Maidana, 3M to under card fighters, thats still 4M leftover, and that does not take into account closed circuit, movie theatres, overseas rights, merchandise etc... Well over break even imo


                • #68
                  Originally posted by Beater_of_ass View Post
                  No, it isn't because the fight was a farce. No one who watched that fight (I didn't) but I can promise you no one become a fan of boxing watching it. I already knew what to expect and from everything I've read/heard it was exactly what I thought it would be a boring one-sided fight.
                  Man, I like you as a poster but you make these crazy generalizations about what people think and what they like when there is no way in hell you can prove that.

                  I get it, you didn't want to watch the fight. ok. I did and thought it was crap. worst Floyd fight I've ever watched. But we are not everyone.

                  Just accept the fact that people like Floyd and pay to see him fight. His Team made the smart decision to expand the movie theatre option and cater toward his core base.

                  Everyone gravitates to the sport for their own reasons-not necessarily your or mine! Like with other big name fighters-some fans pay to see them perform-not necessarily to see a great fight like us hardcore fans.


                  • #69
                    Those are good numbers. You know it's sad when a PPV does well and so called "boxing fans" only hate on it.


                    • #70
                      Our Lord and Savior Rick Glaser is claiming these numbers are fraudulent and he'll have the real numbers next week!

