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Marquez: "Lara could end up getting knocked out"

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  • #61
    Originally posted by Dinamita 03 View Post

    Marquez predicting a Canelo ko over Lara in a recent Golpe a Golpe episode. Kind of surprising he would say anything positive about Canelo since he's always looked down on his career. It's in Spanish, but basically he stated how speed was the key in this matchup that if Lara couldn't maintain the distance with hand speed and use his feet movement properly he won't be able to maintain Canelo's onslaught.

    They referenced the Angulo matchup where Lara was down twice ,while they dismissed any sort of triangle theory beforehand, Marquez regards Canelo as a "smarter" pressure fighter than Angulo who has much faster hands and is far more accurate.The first couple of rounds would favor Lara but ultimately Marquez believes the combination punching and accuracy of Canelo will be too much and the Cuban runs the risk of a ko.

    Any Thoughts?
    He knows what's up, Lara is too weak for Canelo's attack. He will get broken down in 5 rounds.


    • #62
      Originally posted by .:: JSFD26 ::. View Post

      Posted from App for Android
      So is Lara's chin...dude is gonna get wrecked.


      • #63
        Originally posted by Dinamita 03 View Post
        Really what did I miss? I did my best at translating the key points of what they said without adding perosnal opinion.Marquez emphasized foot movement from Lara as well as hand speed as the keys to this fight. He also mentioned how ultimately "smart" pressure would be too much for Lara to overcome considering Canelo has fast hands and has good combinations.

        Marquez never officially predicted a knockout for Canelo at all, but what he said was that Lara also liked to stop and trade sometimes that if he does that it would be a mistake and "he could get knocked out". What he emphasized was that Lara should never stop his lateral movement to win, and that he needed to use that movement and boxing skills all through the 12 rounds, but if he ever stops to trade he could get knocked out every time he said it (puede ser) could be.

        They also say a+b doesn't equal C , but then talk about it's good to mention that Angulo dropped Lara twice, and what that may mean (speculating it means something), but then never mention or think it's as important to speculate what it means that mediocre ass Trout was out-boxing the crap out of Canelo most of their fight, and Lara is a far superior boxer than Trout, but they didn't do that little bit of course as expected.

        I loved watching them try not to be biased it was fun especially watching the announcer try his best to get Marquez to root for Canelo somehow, I liked it.


        • #64
          Originally posted by DannYankee09 View Post
          Marquez never officially predicted a knockout for Canelo at all, but what he said was that Lara also liked to stop and trade sometimes that if he does that it would be a mistake and "he could get knocked out". What he emphasized was that Lara should never stop his lateral movement to win, and that he needed to use that movement and boxing skills all through the 12 rounds, but if he ever stops to trade he could get knocked out every time he said it (puede ser) could be.

          They also say a+b doesn't equal C , but then talk about it's good to mention that Angulo dropped Lara twice, and what that may mean (speculating it means something), but then never mention or think it's as important to speculate what it means that mediocre ass Trout was out-boxing the crap out of Canelo most of their fight, and Lara is a far superior boxer than Trout, but they didn't do that little bit of course as expected.

          I loved watching them try not to be biased it was fun especially watching the announcer try his best to get Marquez to root for Canelo somehow, I liked it.
          That is interesting and makes sense but JMM is still right that Lara will have issues if he can't keep his distance if he gets dropped or not. I would also say that is a pretty harsh interpretation of Canelo-Trout, but if Lara can maintain distance he should find success better than Trout did


          • #65
            Originally posted by The Gambler1981 View Post
            That is interesting and makes sense but JMM is still right that Lara will have issues if he can't keep his distance if he gets dropped or not. I would also say that is a pretty harsh interpretation of Canelo-Trout, but if Lara can maintain distance he should find success better than Trout did
            I think Harsh interpretation would be the guys who said he was winning i dont think Trout was winning especially after doing the booty dew, but it was a much closer fight than what the judges had thanks to Canelo letting Trout outbox him. Canelo has this weird ******ed habit of trying to box a better boxer, and try to beat them at their own game which would not serve him in this fight. He did the same thing with Mayweather as well.


            • #66
              Originally posted by DannYankee09 View Post
              I think Harsh interpretation would be the guys who said he was winning i dont think Trout was winning especially after doing the booty dew, but it was a much closer fight than what the judges had thanks to Canelo letting Trout outbox him. Canelo has this weird ******ed habit of trying to box a better boxer, and try to beat them at their own game which would not serve him in this fight. He did the same thing with Mayweather as well.
              That is true that would be more harsh.

              Canelo is pretty much a straight up boxer, I don't even know that I would call him a boxer puncher, but he is offensive minded so I guess that description fits.

              That is the reason to like Lara, because if Canelo sits around and tries to box on the outside which he does try to do often he is playing into Lara's hands. Still Canelo is better on the front foot, so there is reason to think Canelo can make it work.

              That is why it is an interesting fight even though it is actually pretty simple, although it might not be interesting after a few rounds because either Lara will be able to keep his range making Canelo follow him around or Canelo is going to be able to maneuver Lara into his wheelhouse


              • #67
                Originally posted by .:: JSFD26 ::. View Post
                Lara has no power at all. And you're not biased at all.

                Posted from App for Android
                I never had anything for or against neither Canelo or Lara. I know more about boxing than you. Canelo will look like a big muscly 160lber, while Lara, a guy who couldnt really hurt Perro, will look like a welterweight. Learn about boxing slow man.


                • #68
                  Originally posted by Weebler I View Post
                  Angulo was always going to meet Canelo head-on. Lara is going to be more like Floyd, in fact, he's likely to stand in front of Alvarez even less than Floyd did.

                  I don't see Canelo as a hunter, I think he might struggle to cut off the ring.
                  As I pointed out, you all paint Lara as this defensive specialist like Rigo. Rigo can step side, step back, slip punches from all angles, and leap to the other side of the ring. Lara one dimensionally runs in a straight line backwards and does NOT move his head. Perro is a slow bum with no power and was hurting Lara. While Canelo didnt even feel his shots. I think Lara is slow too. Canelo is fast af and waaay better than Perro.

                  Look at when Nelo was pressuring Perro. When he does that to Lara, Lara will look too small for Nelo. Like I said before go back and read my other comment. I went into more details.


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by DannYankee09 View Post
                    Marquez never officially predicted a knockout for Canelo at all, but what he said was that Lara also liked to stop and trade sometimes that if he does that it would be a mistake and "he could get knocked out". What he emphasized was that Lara should never stop his lateral movement to win, and that he needed to use that movement and boxing skills all through the 12 rounds, but if he ever stops to trade he could get knocked out every time he said it (puede ser) could be.

                    They also say a+b doesn't equal C , but then talk about it's good to mention that Angulo dropped Lara twice, and what that may mean (speculating it means something), but then never mention or think it's as important to speculate what it means that mediocre ass Trout was out-boxing the crap out of Canelo most of their fight, and Lara is a far superior boxer than Trout, but they didn't do that little bit of course as expected.

                    I loved watching them try not to be biased it was fun especially watching the announcer try his best to get Marquez to root for Canelo somehow, I liked it.
                    Hence the name of the the tread "Lara could end up getting knocked out" again he said Lara could.... could as in possibly get ko'd. I never said he predicted a ko read the thread title again for clarification. Obviously you didn't agree with their prection no need to go full ****** and say Trout was outboxing Canelo when he couldn't land anything clean throuhgout the fight.

                    Like I said I posted this because I was schocked Marquez would say something positive about Canelo , that dude is anything but bias towards the ginger.

                    Again if you failed to read the name of the thread it reads...Lara could, as in possibly and I'm not guaranting it will happen but this is what I predict, get a ko. As in Marquez thinks Canelo might get a ko.
                    Last edited by Dinamita 03; 04-20-2014, 02:33 AM.

