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Comments Thread For: Weeks Explains His Decision To Stop Canelo-Angulo

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  • Comments Thread For: Weeks Explains His Decision To Stop Canelo-Angulo

    Referee Tony Weeks explained his decision to stop last Saturday's fight between Saul Alvarez and Alfredo Angulo at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas. Angulo took a lot of punishment in the match, but he was never close to going down. At the start of the tenth round, Angulo was hit with a good uppercut and Weeks stepped in to wave things off. Angulo, his corner, and thousands of Mexican fans were upset. Some of the fans in attendance began to throw beer, water bottles and other items in the ring.

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  • #2
    Great stoppage, angulo was a punching bag! Don't know what happened to angulo but he seemed lethargic.


    • #3
      the stoppage was fine it was just anti climatic.


      • #4
        You know what's ****** about that though? About the doc saying "Tony, if he takes one more good shot, stop the fight". Canelo was landing good, hard shots repeatedly all night long. If you're just one shot away from ending the fight, then why not just end it right there? That next clean shot was going 100% going to come, so what the f**k was the point in continuing if that was indeed the thought process.


        • #5
          Maybe I am in the minority but I believe that this was a good stoppage. Personally I would have stopped it at the end of the previous round but Weeks did what he needed to. Angulo, much like he did against Lara, looked slow and old but against Lara he had an opponent who couldn't take his shots and Angulo managed to land some real haymakers. Canelo on the other hand looked sublime.


          • #6
            Originally posted by MisterHardtop View Post
            Maybe I am in the minority but I believe that this was a good stoppage. Personally I would have stopped it at the end of the previous round but Weeks did what he needed to. Angulo, much like he did against Lara, looked slow and old but against Lara he had an opponent who couldn't take his shots and Angulo managed to land some real haymakers. Canelo on the other hand looked sublime.
            I'm with you. By the middle of round 9 I was like,"you know they could stop it any time and I won't be pissy about it."

            Maybe the ref could have found a more dramatic moment to stop it, but El Perro was done. He wasn't gonna' hurt Canelo and he sure wasn't gonna' outpoint him.

            Good stoppage.


            • #7
              Exactly, of course, like any boxing fan, I felt for Angulo and I knew why he cried, he, like many warriors before him, wanted to go out on his shield. Sadly it just wasn't meant to be and in Canelo he found his ceiling.


              • #8
                Canelo could have ended the fight whenever he wanted but strung it out to give the PPV audience their 'money's worth'. He looked so menacing beating up on Angulo. Felt so bad for him when after asked by Virgil "Is his power bothering you" he says "a little bit". Angulo seems like such a nice guy after watching All Access. Good job on the stoppage Tony Weeks.


                • #9
                  Very good stoppage. I also have respect for the manner in which he explained his decision to Angulo after he called it. He had no issue with making himself accountable and explaining his actions, something which the majority of referees are reluctant to do.

                  Whilst it wasn't a sustained attack that he was incapable of withstanding, the nature of that final shot signified a tipping point in the fight. The heavy punishment that he was already taking had merged with humiliation. That would have become ritual in the final two rounds. I have no desire to see that happen to a proud man.

                  Thankfully, and to the credit of boxing's officials, neither did Tony Weeks.


                  • #10
                    I thought it was a good stoppage and Weeks had Angulo's best interest in mind .

