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Comments Thread For: V. Klitschko Admits End is Near, Rips David Haye

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  • #91
    Originally posted by Ravens Fan View Post
    I really don't care if you are or aren't a Floyd fan. Simply because they are two different situations with different histories as well as variables. That is not even taking into account that Haye is no where near on the same level and has no where near the negotiating leverage of either Manny or Floyd. Also this fight should have already happened and I am not up on the latest Floyd Manny soap opera crap but I don't remember that fight ever being as close to reality as Haye-Vitali.

    And please refresh my memory who was it that took the Valuev route instead of fighting Vit? And you say it doesn't matter but it really does when it comes to the negotiating tactics of Haye. Because as I see it Haye really cannot be trusted. And that takes me to the next point.

    I find it absolutely amazing how so many on this forum act as if they know what went down behind closed doors during the negotiation process. The reality is unless you or I were sitting in the room or have read the contracts we really have no clue as to what happened. Therefore we have no clue as to who is telling the truth. Because, and I may be wrong, I am sure that there is a lot more to the negotiating process than a shouting match during a press conference.

    And as they say you hear two sides of the story and the truth is somewhere in the middle. Well, if I was a betting man I would bet on Vitali because Haye is the known liar. And how do I know this? Because he is the one who has lied since he moved up to HW. To include his fake injuries to help explain away his crappy fights. Again you act as if this doesn't matter and I simply disagree because there is a not so pretty history between the two camps that cannot be ignored.

    I also believe that you need to pull out a Webster's and look up the word fake. Because you are confused because it cannot be fake if I am telling you my opinion as I see it. So you may disagree with me but I have not tried to mislead anyone or deceive you so it cannot be fake.

    You also need to come down off your super fan high horse. No I take that back. Because I really don't care that you somehow believe that you a better or bigger or the baddest or even the most mature boxing fan on this forum or for that matter the entire world. And why, simply because we disagree? Life is to short to sweat the small stuff. But hay if you want to be the bestest and most mature boxing fan on the forum you can have my vote.

    In closing I will say that I am hoping that this fight happens about as much as I hope Floyd fights Manny. But in all honesty and for different reasons I no longer care if either of the fights gets made. But don't get me wrong because as much as you may not believe me I am still a fan and I will watch the fights. And I will root for Vitali and I really don't care who wins the other one. But again if Vit decides to call it a day and retires I don't believe he owes anyone an apology.

    By the way calling you liar had nothing do with Floyd and everything to do with the fact that I just don't believe you.
    I don't see how you can sit there and say there's two sides to every story and we don't know what's been going on behind closed doors and then say haye's a liar. You are contradicting yourself throughout that post, which to me makes it completely irrelevant.


    • #92
      Originally posted by Andrew5550 View Post
      WOW! This just shows how delusional Klit fans are these days. Solis was fat, overweight and not in shape when he fought Vitali - and you justify that by going back to the Amateurs? He didn't even KO Haye - Haye just gassed out, he wasn't on the floor. Have you even seen the fight? I bet you haven't. Solis was more hurt in the second round of that fight than Haye was in the entire tournament. Anyways, fact of the matter is that Vitali is the champion, and he should take on the best or leave the belt and retire. He's not doing that and hasn't been doing that for years. The list of bums he's lined up over the last couple of years (sosnowski, charr, shannon springs to mind) is disgraceful. Also, when Chisora fought Vitali everyone was saying how tough he was and he gave Vitali the hardest fight since Lennox and bla bla. In the press conference they said he was a warrior. When he fights Haye he's a shot bum? Come on man, fight or retire. Simple.
      Like Haye is the best.....

      Dude is a parttime fighter.


      • #93
        Originally posted by BattlingNelson View Post
        Like Haye is the best.....

        Dude is a parttime fighter.
        Name me a HW not names Klitsckho that he wouldn't beat? And please don't even go to Pulev, Boytsov or Povetkin.


        • #94
          Originally posted by joe strong View Post
          since haye lost to wlad it's always been vitali doing the barking about wanting to knock out haye. everyone on this site & in the boxing world has seen the videos & tv shows with you & haye talking & at the end of the day vitali did nothing but make excuses. he said if haye beat chisora he would fight. he was thinking either chisora would beat haye or the suspensions after the brawl would prevent them from fighting for awhile so vitali did lots of talking. then warren pulled a rabbit out of a hat & 30000 watched haye obliterate chisora. then he fights charr? vitali barked at lennoix for retiring & not fighting him but now you are doing the same thing to haye but the only difference here is lennox actually beat him & vitali hasn't fought haye.... he should fight haye or STFU & retire.he needs to make a decision on his future to retire or fight on. retire already so we can have a unified champion even if it's only for 1 day. since vitali won't fight wlad alls it is doing is holding up the division.

          Might as well close this thread now because there are no arguments for this right here^^^


          • #95
            I hope Haye doesnt get the fight, he's messed about too much, people on here saying Vitali should eirther fight Haye or retire, why? Remember Haye retired, Haye is the one who is actually mocking the sport.

            Vitali is still an active heavyweight, David should fight a few other's first, he doesnt want to he's not a true fighter. He wants the biiggest pay day possibie and that about it and I hope Vitali doesnt give it to him.


            • #96
              Originally posted by Andrew5550 View Post
              Name me a HW not names Klitsckho that he wouldn't beat? And please don't even go to Pulev, Boytsov or Povetkin.
              They'd be among the first I'd mention. Exactly who has Haye beaten?


              • #97
                Originally posted by HarshaSankar View Post
                Dear Sir, November 7th, 2012

                Is Haye A Pathological Liar?

                1.After his loss to Wladimir Klitschko in July 2011, he wanted a rematch. WK refused because Vitali Klitschko keenly wants to box Haye. VK wants to KO Haye for personal reasons alone. In reply, Haye expressed a keen interest.

                2. In October 2011,Haye, no longer a champion, retires. He claimed money offered by VK was not right and his career is over.

                3. In November 2011, he claimed he may come out the retirement to fight a Klitschko.

                4. VK, after offering a firm fight proposal to Haye, got tired of Haye's ambiguity. VK replaces Haye with Dereck Chisora in early December 2011. Chisora's performance against one-armed Helenius in December 2011 and his readiness to fight VK on February 2012 impressed VK.

                5. During the press conference Haye crashes,after Klitschko defeated Chisora with one-arm, Haye demands that VK fight him on financial terms agreed to in December 2011. Was Haye's statement an outright lie? Why would VK agree to terms with one fighter and yet fight another fighter?

                6. Despite that,VK offered a fight to Haye in Moscow on September 8th 2012. There is ample evidence to support this. While Haye did not refuse this offer, he accepts another offer to fight Chisora on July 14th,2012.While he insisted on fighting VK in September,VK naturally withdrew his offer. The two main reasons for this withdrawal were

                A. What if Haye lost in July? Then VK's fight with Haye would make no sense.
                B. Even if Haye won, what if he sustained injuries and cuts that prevent him from preparing properly for VK in a short 8 week gap? Haye was already infamous in using "little-toe"excuse.Why give Haye an opportunity to cite excuses?

                7. Haye cited that VK's team told him that VK would fight the winner of Haye-Chisora?
                That is an absolute fabrication. Why would VK do that, considering he had just beaten Chisora handily? If he wanted to fight Chisora again,then there would have been an immediate rematch. VK has always wanted to fight Haye. So why would he jeopardize that by wanting Haye to fight someone else?

                8. In September 2012, VK cited Haye, and not Manuel Charr, should have been his opponent at the September's fight press conference.

                9. In late September, Haye cited his unwillingness to fight in Ukraine because of racist "death threats". Yet VK's ideal place to fight would be Ukraine considering he is a highly active politician in that country..

                10.In mid-October, Haye claimed to have an iron-clad contract with VK, with all terms and conditions defined except date and venue. Since VK is head of a new major party that is now mired in national politics, why would VK give Haye such a contract? No one has corroborated Haye's claim.

                Since VK's future is uncertain as he is become a prominent political figure in a nation of 46 million, it is the utmost hope that WK calls out Haye and then have finally fights the Brit before March 31st, 2013. Step-aside money can be offered to Povetkin for this to happen.

                There would finally be closure to this miserable ordeal. Yet Haye refuses to put forth any serious effort to land a match with either Klitschko. A fight with Tyson Fury on December 1st would have guaranteed him a title shot. Yet Haye opt to go to an Australian jungle for a weeks to participate in a reality show. VK remarks to the effect that how can anyone take Haye seriously when he decides to do this? VK still trains hard despite his heavy political demands.

                Very Truly Yours,
                Harsha Sankar
                I'm a Haye fan but this is a great post. Vitali offered him a fight, Haye neither signed nor turned it down but he took the Chisora fight and thought Vitali would sit around and wait for him. It doesn't work like that.


                • #98
                  Go fight another out of shape no-hoper like Manuel Charr then. Whatever. No-one cares, Vitali.


                  • #99
                    Originally posted by Light_Speed View Post
                    I'm a Haye fan but this is a great post. Vitali offered him a fight, Haye neither signed nor turned it down but he took the Chisora fight and thought Vitali would sit around and wait for him. It doesn't work like that.
                    You do understand why Haye did that right?

                    Derek Chisora dishonored the British flag by wearing it around his ugly face and than slapped Vitali. It caused worldwide outrage and was a dark stain on England.

                    David Haye loves England and bleeds London blood. He was disgusted by the fact that a thug animal like Chisora will wear the beloved Queen's Flag on his face and than proceed to act the way he did. David wanted to punish Chisora for defiling the British flag and he did just that. Haye taught Chisora a lesson.

                    I understand that he should have fought Vitali, but David Haye choose to defend his country and the Queen's honor instead.

                    I wanted him to fight Vitali, but I'll be damned if I speak ill of the man who put his life on the line against an iron chin monster for all the right reasons.


                    • Originally posted by Light_Speed View Post
                      I'm a Haye fan but this is a great post. Vitali offered him a fight, Haye neither signed nor turned it down but he took the Chisora fight and thought Vitali would sit around and wait for him. It doesn't work like that.
                      Bert Boente TOLD Haye to fight Chisora and the winner could get Vitali at the VK-Chisora post-fight press conference. This is all smoke and mirrors from VK.

