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Comments Thread For: Pacquiao rips *****'s views on gay marriage

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  • #91
    Originally posted by Dominicano Soy View Post
    This man says it best

    One of the few times I'm gonna disagree with u, but this guy is wrong. First of all, Idc what gay ppl do, that's their business. Doesn't affect me. And they should have every right given to any other person. With that said, it has Bern known for some time that *******uality is a naturally occurring phenomena. It occurs in nearly every intelligent species that exists on this planet and many others. Now I'm not gay, but have no issues with gay ppl.


    • #92
      another religious ****** who believes 4000 year old fairy tales written by the Sumerians.

      Not only that but IQ was so low 4000 years ago that this is the ultimate troll.

      A bunch of tribesmen with 50 IQ who just discovered writing create a few of their legends/ kids stories.

      4000 years later?

      The idiots who are supposed to be "evolved" follow these stories as law by the letter.

      Humans are nothing but savages in the grand scheme of things, we arent evolved, we're complete jokes.


      • #93
        being gay is a sin

        end of story

        respect pacuquiao for sticking to his faith and not being a ***** and pandering to the main stream zionist controlled *******ual media


        • #94
          Originally posted by Medved View Post
          another religious ****** who believes 4000 year old fairy tales written by the Sumerians.

          Not only that but IQ was so low 4000 years ago that this is the ultimate troll.

          A bunch of tribesmen with 50 IQ who just discovered writing create a few of their legends/ kids stories.

          4000 years later?

          The idiots who are supposed to be "evolved" follow these stories as law by the letter.

          Humans are nothing but savages in the grand scheme of things, we arent evolved, we're complete jokes.

          Thank You!!! I say this all the time, but I'M the crazy one. lol


          • #95
            Originally posted by Medved View Post
            another religious ****** who believes 4000 year old fairy tales written by the Sumerians.

            Not only that but IQ was so low 4000 years ago that this is the ultimate troll.

            A bunch of tribesmen with 50 IQ who just discovered writing create a few of their legends/ kids stories.

            4000 years later?

            The idiots who are supposed to be "evolved" follow these stories as law by the letter.

            Humans are nothing but savages in the grand scheme of things, we arent evolved, we're complete jokes.
            Good post .........


            • #96
              maaaaaaaaaaan this is just nasty its like im in rome all over again


              • #97
                Originally posted by LeeVanCleef View Post
                Haha this became a religion thread
                yeah and everybody is confused and typing on the key board hard as hell!!!! lol, i guess serg is gonna want to fight pac mang now and he will come out with a rainbow during the ring entrance while pac comes out with the dagon fish god pope hat!!!!

                i wonder will this get the pub that floyd got when he brought up j lin


                • #98
                  Originally posted by DempseyRollin View Post
                  Boxing champion Manny Pacquiao has come out swinging against US President Barack *****'s personal endorsement of same-*** marriage.

                  ONE OF THE GREATS
                  Where do Joe Frazier and Muhammad Ali rank among the best boxers of all time?
                  In an interview with the National Conservative Examiner, the religious Pacquiao said *****'s view was nothing more than a direct attack on the morals of society and the will of God.

                  "God only expects man and woman to be together and to be legally married, only if they so are in love with each other," he said.

                  "It should not be of the same *** so as to adulterate the altar of matrimony, like in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah of old," he added, citing the Bible.

                  Recently voted Forbes' fourth most influential athlete, the Filipino described same-*** marriage as an "abomination" and went on to say that America should be the model of morality for other countries to emulate.

                  Pacquiao, currently the World Boxing Organization welterweight champion and regarded by many as the best pound-for-pound boxer on the planet, already has a burgeoning career out of the ring. He is a member of the Philippines legislature, hosts a weekly TV game show and has his own vegetable business. He is also hoping to become a leading Christian evangelist after having a religious "awakening."

                  Last week ***** became the first US president to say publicly that he backed gay marriage. Although many politicians, showbiz celebrities and commentators have expressed views on the contentious issue, high-profile members of the sporting community have been largely silent.

                  ***** supports it cause he's gay himself. he slept with Larry Sinclair a Piano boy from Wrights church. He also traveled with Reggie Love in one plane and Moochelle and the kids would travel in another, just wierd if you ask me.


                  • #99
                    Originally posted by nysoxfan84 View Post
                    Any dude that's against gay marriage is fcking ****phobic **** himself. If you're indeed a hetero***ual male, then you really shouldn't give a crap what gay people do with their lives. The more gay men that get married the happier straight men should be. It just means more pssy for the rest of us. The only reason I'll give Manny a pass is because he's just another brainwashed sheep who takes the fairy tale book known as The Bible literally.
                    The only sheep is those who follow The ***** train wreck and his gay beliefs. Marraige is between a Man and a women !


                    • Originally posted by BRITISH PRlDE
                      lots of pple on boxingscene will be p1ssed off cause of pacquiao's statement. reason: lots of FA_GGOts on this forum LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
                      Not really..most of us are just not stuck in the 16th century...oh wait. I think they had gay people back then too right????

