Originally posted by supremelygifted
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If the first negotiation came first, that wouldn't mean Manny is or was on peds because it could also mean that Manny refuses to give Floyd power to dictate to him and rather listen to the commissioner instead. But as the first negotiation failed, compounded with the failure of second negotiation, Manny started to relax and agree to some of Floyds terms.
Now, one poster said he does not believe Floyd or Manny are on peds. I agree. I say, innocent until proven otherwise. I give Manny's success in moving up in weight to Manny himself for hiring the best trainers.... Alex Ariza for the weight gain and conditioning and Freddie Roach for improvement in techniques and coming up with good fight plans. It is not peds folks. It is hard work, discipline, and dedication.
The bottom line is, Manny have been taking random drug testing in the past. Just not within certain time with valid reasons whether you like it or not. After all, I don't think Floyd had ever given blood sample within a week of the fight during his professional boxing career. If he has not, then why is that? Probably same reason Manny has.
Ones again, Manny has been tested numerous times Just like Floyd have, and both have been clean so far except for that xylocaine thing that Floyd supposedly had taken. I am not sure if that would fall under illegal drug.