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Comments Thread For: Weights: Brandon Rios 135-Pounds, Urbano Antillon 134.5

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  • #21
    Rios looks weak, but that's the same way he looked for Acosta. His move up to 140 is inevitable pretty soon. Antillon is no afraid of Rios, but if they go toe to toe Rios takes a shot better. Kermit Cintron wins, but there could be an upset, I don't know if he should still be at 147.


    • #22
      Rios looking sick and drained. YES! My prediction is all coming together. LOL

      Rios is like Ortiz both fighting in weights their bodies have a hard time making especially Rios at 135lbs for a 5'9 built like a bull body. HA! WAR ANTILLON! Make his body learn of your strength.


      • #23
        Brandon rios will stop antillon, and i don't want to see cintron divin where there is no water


        • #24
          I was expecting a more drastic size difference.

          This could be closer than I thought.


          • #25
            I imagine Rios will be as strong as a bull tommorow.


            • #26
              Get out of the picture and have some humility you shameless fame whore Mike Lee. You couldn't last a minute with any of those guys in the ring. Go back to Notre Dame and win another fraternity championship, *****. Bob Arum needs his head examined for promoting this fruit. It is an insult to all real fighters who put their time in and pay their dues...So what he transferred to Notre Dame from Missouri State and has a degree in finance? What does that have to with boxing? Lee is the phoniest poser I have seen in a long time...


              • #27
                Originally posted by Szymonpl86
                and u left out small penis
                He wasn't talking about Eastern Euro fighters.


                • #28
                  War Bam Bam


                  • #29
                    lol what's with the attack on mike lee? he's just doing what any of us would do if we had the chance. he's a good dude - he is big into charity work and what not. he is good for the sport, a lot of boxers start off with little amateur background.


                    • #30
                      but yes WAR Rios. . . Rios has a good build for boxing - i think the extra body fat instead of muscle preserves oxygen, and assists in storing energy. Also he rehydrates very well - guarantee he will be refueled perfectly with some arroz con pollo.

