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Bradley slams Khan, confirms Abregu date.

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  • #61
    Also, awas88,

    it doesn't come down to a POV, it comes down to realism and clear perception of how things are, understanding of the nuances, no simplistic spin, reductionism or dumbass fanboyism.

    'You don't like Khan and blahblahblah',

    I've defended Khan multiple times on this forum, from charges of a lack of heart and more besides - I'm not defending him on this topic because it's obvious some bull**** is afoot.

    Devon's stoppage of Urango is considerably more impressive than either of Khan's defences, and, in case you hadn't noticed, he's in a rush to fight all the rated contenders on his block right now - Team Khan's in a rush to fight a keep-busy and then Marquez.

    Once more,

    If Khan fights Maidana in the Fall, I will happily eat my words and support Amir in the fight.


    • #62
      Keep filling up a crowd of 2k people.mega fight hahaha shut the *** up.I use to be a fan of this guy now he can *** off


      • #63
        i smell a potential biggest cherrypicker of the sport in the near future.......i thought floyd is passing the torch to


        • #64
          Originally posted by aAgger View Post
          Khan already called out Maidana. What more do you want?

          Just admit it. You dislike Khan only because he completely dominated your boy Paulie.
          Khan shouting about Maidana means nothing if GBP and HBO have no intention of pairing them anytime soon, what about that don't you get? Schaefer wants Khan-Marquez for the Fall, Khan against another carefully selected stepping-stone, a very nice name to give some superficial gilding and prestige to Khan's record - GBP wants Khan to win that fight, they don't give a toot about Marquez.

          Calling out Maidana just looks good to those who don't see the way the deck's being played.

          To the second sentence - don't be ******, I'm not that simple-minded.

          I goddamn expected Khan to beat Paul. Any hope I had of Paul winning was just that, hope. I knew he wasn't anywhere near the old level of form which would've given him a really competetive chance in that matchup, and I was reduced to wishing before the fight that Paulie could just push him a bit on the night.

          Somebody goaded me into betting e-points on him by saying I wasn't all the way with the Magic Man, so I took the bait.

          If anything, Khan beating my guy makes me want to get behind him in fights against the other young guns on his block.

          If Khan does fight Marquez, though, damn straight I'll be pulling for Marquez.

          I don't like Khan that much.


          • #65
            Originally posted by MAGIC M.I.B. View Post
            Also, awas88,

            it doesn't come down to a POV, it comes down to realism and clear perception of how things are, understanding of the nuances, no simplistic spin, reductionism or dumbass fanboyism.

            'You don't like Khan and blahblahblah',

            I've defended Khan multiple times on this forum, from charges of a lack of heart and more besides - I'm not defending him on this topic because it's obvious some bull**** is afoot.

            Devon's stoppage of Urango is considerably more impressive than either of Khan's defences, and, in case you hadn't noticed, he's in a rush to fight all the rated contenders on his block right now - Team Khan's in a rush to fight a keep-busy and then Marquez.

            Once more,

            If Khan fights Maidana in the Fall, I will happily eat my words and support Amir in the fight.
            Thats fair enough


            • #66
              Originally posted by baracuda View Post
              i smell a potential biggest cherrypicker of the sport in the near future.......i thought floyd is passing the torch to
              Oh, look, it's a Pacman teabagger taking a shot at the (more accomplished) rival of Pacquiao's friend, spar-buddy and Wild Card campmate for his perceived ducking, while saying nothing about Team Khan's seeming plan to avoid facing any of the close to prime, genuine threats in his division anytime soon.

              Spare us the phoney piety, Pom-Pom Playgirl.


              • #67
                Originally posted by MAGIC M.I.B. View Post
                Exactly, my man. Not just to the bold, but to both sections of your post.

                But Khan won't be risked in a shoot-out tournament format like that, they're going to feed him Marquez.

                We're in discourse with a Gloryhunting homer in Dirky here, though.

                Guys who transcend merely workmanlike skills with fantastic displays of heart are automatically disregarded as "****e" because they fall short of true world-class, while a pampered (in boxing terms) Golden Boy blessed with attributes and talent but who hasn't faced a comparative fraction of the same adversity is defended to the hilt with his last breath.

                Dirk is a pretty disgusting poster, truthfully. All he does is bait and Gloryhunt.
                So you give me credit in one post then talk trash about me the next. A sure sign that you're losing a grip on your own bull****. So i'll return the favour...

                Judging by the interaction ive had with you, you're a self-indulgent knob head who takes himself and this forum too seriously. Wtf is up with writing an essay for every post when the posts dont even say a lot? Bullet points and videos n **** get a ***in life. Remove yourself from ur own arse.


                • #68
                  Originally posted by MAGIC M.I.B.
                  Oh, look, it's a Pacman teabagger taking a shot at the (more accomplished) rival of Pacquiao's friend, spar-buddy and Wild Card campmate for his perceived ducking, while saying nothing about Team Khan's plan to avoid facing any young, close to prime threats in his division anytime soon.

                  Spare us the phoney piety, Pom-Pom Playgirl.
                  What we know now is that roach has agreed to fight maidana in the fall in countless interviews. Youre just assuming that they wont follow through and go after marquez, I just dnt get why youre criticising before this has actualy happend.


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by MAGIC M.I.B. View Post
                    Finally, it's not Bradley's name so much that I give him a pass for wanting to build up, but the Bradley-Alexander fight itself - those 2 guys are clearly the best in the division, Khan hasn't done anything to prove he's a 3rd guy in that equation, so when that fight does go down it should be with the most dough on the table possible - risk/reward, and that's why both would ideally love a crack at Khan, because the risk from him is lower than the risk from each other, and the reward is higher.
                    So Khan who is new to the division wasnt allowed to build up his name and the Maidana fight by taking on Paulie?

                    But the two established names in the division are allowed to duck each other?

                    Great logic.


                    • #70
                      dang this boxers are starting to become like gayweather :/
                      all about the money :/
                      this fighters will never be greats in the heart of boxing fans, they be b!ches to them!

