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Comments Thread For: Pacquiao Plans Legal Battle With Mayweathers, Golden Boy

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  • What Test? He was willing to take test 3 times you ******. Gayweathers making there own rules you idiot. Just like working in a company that has their own Lab Drug testing and you pass all the test. but then some dumbass still thinks your taking something and goes out to the company's regulations.
    Its like saying Boxing is currupted.


    • Sr. Mayweather Will Definetely Lose...

      Old man May publicly accused Pacman of using ED, Paulie didn't say it. He will
      have to pay Pac millions of dollars after the court ruling. It is a guaranteed KO for Pac @ the court room. All the comments that is being typed here can be used againt Sr. for defamation.
      Jr and GBP will get away with it but their credibilty will definetely be affected.


      • A Lawsuit? Against Mayweather Jr. and Golden Boy? Get the phuck outta here! Pacquaio may have a remote chance of suing Mayweather Sr. because of accusations he's made but neither Mayweather Jr. or Golden Boy have accused Pacquaio of anything. They simply want him to comply with their requests. Furthermore, why not sue Malignaggi (depending on who you talk to there are ongoing discussions for a Pacquaio vs Malignaggi fight) who along with Mayweather Sr. has come out and publicly questioned your integrity. This shyt is turning into a sideshow.


        • I've never seen Pac call out someone, he's really angry at these HGH/Steroid accusations from the Mayweather camp. He called out Floyd and called him a coward! It's become personal now for him and I'm pretty sure he's gonna open up a vicious can of whoop ass. If Floyd doesn't fight him, he's surely is ducking.


          • Smart move by team Pacquiao.

            1. They baited team Mayweather and Goldenboy to issue slanderous/libelous statements by appearing not to agree on the drug-tests.

            2. Gets enough ammo to suit Mayweather and Goldenboy.

            3. Pacquiao would eventually agree to the drug-tests, throwing the ball back to team Mayweather. But now team Mayweather and GBP not only have to worry about preparations for the fight but would be mentally burdened by a multi-million dollar lawsuit slapped against them.

            4. Pacquaio will agree to the drug-tests, and by slapping Mayweather with a lawsuit, team Pacquiao gains an edge in negotiations. Floyd will lose leverage on other stipulations of the fight, and he'd be more pressured to sign on the dotted line.

            5. Win lose or draw, Pacquiao will collect damages from the lawsuit, and in the effect actually get more than the 50/50 share they agreed to before the fight.

            6. Finally, Pacquiao might actually get legal ammo to officially severe contractual ties with GBP.

            7. team Mayweather and GBP have been played.


            • good come back ,but still just damage control.


              • oh just ***in take da test manny then wipe floyd clean out come march the 13th realy is getin personal and ugly gona make for an even better fight and i think a pac left is ***** mayweather down his defense best be better than its ever been before cause manny on a mission


                • LOL this is getting ridiculous.

                  He is going to sue them based on what? The fact they are asking for an anti doping test?

                  The only person they can possibly sue is Mayweather Snr because of his past comments, but its gonna be almost impossible to sue PBF and GBP for asking something as part of a contract. They have never come out and accused Pac of steroid use.


                  • LOL how can Pacquiao try to sue Mayweather?????

                    That's like if you stole something from a shop, then refused to show the shop attendant your bag, and then tried to sue them for embarrassing you in front of the other customers!



                    • This is not the pac man talking here guys. It's not. We already know who these words are comming from. Buttom line, take the damn blood test. A lot of athletes are not honest.

