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Comments Thread For: Warren Reveals That Fury Is 'Very Philosophical' As He Plots Usyk Rematch

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  • Comments Thread For: Warren Reveals That Fury Is 'Very Philosophical' As He Plots Usyk Rematch

    Tyson Fury is "philosophical" about losing for the first time, to Oleksandr Usyk for the undisputed heavyweight title. The 35-year-old was winning the most significant heavyweight fight for 25 years until the impressive Usyk transformed their contest to almost stop Fury in the ninth round at the Kingdom Arena in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia and ultimately to earn a deserved decision.
    [Click Here To Read More]

  • #2
    “Very philosophical – disappointed obviously – but philosophical."

    - Philosophy should be to stop clowning around and fight like you mean it.
    - Simple...........
    Smash Smash likes this.


    • #3
      The ref saved Fury--he was out on his feet. That deprived Usyk of a fabulous KO. Fury had a 40 lb weight advantage and still almost got KOd. I keep saying boxing needs a super-heavyweight divison from 230 lbs and up.


      • #4
        Read the article but still not sure what Warren is revealing here.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Tibburon245 View Post
          The ref saved Fury--he was out on his feet. That deprived Usyk of a fabulous KO. Fury had a 40 lb weight advantage and still almost got KOd. I keep saying boxing needs a super-heavyweight divison from 230 lbs and up.
          Why do you keep parroting this nonsense, Wilder knocked people with similar weight advantages and even "stopped" one guy who out weighed him by 180 pounds (Wilder 215 vs Nichols 398​), Haye beat Valuev who outweighed him by 99 pounds (Haye 217 vs Valuev 316​), Joe louis knocked out Carnera with a 64 pounds weight advantage (Louis 196 vs Carnera 260½​), Musina knocked the same Carnera with an 80 pound weight advantage (Musina 184 vs Carnera 264​) and I could go on and on...

          What you mean to say is you hate Fury and you want him relegated to a division that's deemed less appealing or take away the opportunity for "small" heavyweights to prove themselves...
          Last edited by Boro; 05-23-2024, 08:30 AM.
          Jack_sh*t Jack_sh*t likes this.


          • #6
            Originally posted by juanpablo View Post
            Read the article but still not sure what Warren is revealing here.
            this is what is known as damage control for Fury by way of "Warren" ---- Warren the foreign ...... Warren the phony with his talk two days ago about Fury and mental illness to excuse bad behaviour Warren looking to sell tickets.....


            • #7
              Warren has being going full Bricktop all over social media raging about people taking what Fury says seriously instead of making allowances for his bi-polar disorder.

              Tbh, it's hard to take anything either of them say about Usyk seriously at this point.

              Usyk says Fury can have his rematch if he wants it, which means exactly what it says on the tin.

              Fury says he wants the rematch, which could mean anything.
              Last edited by kafkod; 05-23-2024, 08:37 AM.
              Damn Wicked Damn Wicked likes this.


              • #8
                so warren heard his furys corner telling him incorrectly he was winning the fight but he 'ran to him' & told him u have to make sure (cos he knew he wasnt winning the fight of course), thanks for that frank


                • #9
                  He can plot all he wants, Usyk is gona give Fury the same rematch Fury gave to Wlad and the same rematch he was planning to give to Usyk.

                  Go watch Fury's previous interviews, he does not believe in rematches.

                  8-4 Usyk + KO in 9th

                  Usyk completed the boxing game with 100%.
                  All achievements. Time to retire as one of the greats.
                  Last edited by MrShakeAndBake; 05-23-2024, 11:17 AM.
                  pollywog pollywog likes this.


                  • #10
                    Tyson Fury has to just take some positives from the entire experience. The mere public, and the critics in life only understand two things 'Winning and losing'. Well that is how they appear to operate, although I suspect most of their lives technically? All they have done is lost, and when they are not losing they are existing in the middle ground.

                    The middle ground is where you will find all the critics 'Not daring enough through the fear of losing, but comfortable enough to talk a good one and knock people while they are going through trails and tribulations'.

                    The positives Tyson Fury can take from his fight vs Oleksandr Uysk 'Was quite simply, it was a competitive fight'.

                    Both Joshua and Fury know, through experience that they can compete with Uysk 'Oleksandr Uysk is not miles better than ether of them. I have proven this through the statistics of the fights'.

                    People can check some of my posts, I have made this week 'In one of my posts, I analysed both Joshua's and Fury's performances vs Uysk'.

                    Oleksandr Uysk is operating a near maximum levels of effort and execution in order to beat both Tyson Fury and Anthony Joshua.

                    Were as everyone who truly understands boxing, knows? That both Fury and Joshua stylistically as fighters 'Have a more vast operational window than Oleksandr Uysk at Heavyweight'.

                    Operational Window: The amount a fighter can alter their style, preparation, tactics, and sometimes even physique on a fight by fight basis. Both Fury and Joshua have the ability to morph their physiques into completely new weight classes on a fight by fight basis, and with this altercation comes a new challenge for their competitors.

                    Anthony Joshua in his last 3 fights has weighed in at 255 pounds vs Franklin, 250 pounds vs Helenius, 251 pounds vs Wallin, 252 pounds vs Ngannou.

                    And this is not a new thing for Anthony Joshua 'Joshua weighed in at 250 pounds vs Kiltschko. Wladimir Kiltschko vs Anthony Joshua was the greatest Heavyweight title fight of the past 25 years'.

                    Tyson Fury could so easily morph his body back up over 270 + pounds 'And with that altercation will come a different type of challenge for Oleksandr Uysk'.

                    Note: Those traits stylistically which both Tyson Fury and Anthony Joshua have, in my opinion makes it very difficult for certain fighters 'To continuedly keep on beating them, when they are embroiled in a battle over a duration of fights'.

                    This is already evident and can be seen in the two Anthony Joshua vs Oleksandr Uysk fights 'The trajectory of that match up, suggest that Joshua would make the 3rd fight even more competitive. Joshua in the second fight, produced the most improved effort out of the two fighters'.

                    And I have a very similar perception of the Tyson Fury vs Oleksandr Uysk match up 'Those are difficult fights for Oleksandr Uysk'.

                    Oleksandr Uysk is a great fighter, he is the most accomplished active fighter in the entire of boxing 'And he has achieved the greatest physical feats of achievement pound for pound in the sport'.

                    But when you analyse Uysk as a fighter 'Unlike past Heavyweights, that have invaded the Heavyweight Division from the cruiserweight Divisions. Uysk does not really have any super hero type a attributes that could negate Heavyweight fighters in a instant'.

                    David Haye had immense power, speed, athleticism, and his defensive capabilities at his peak were superior to Uysk. Evander Holyfield had extreme levels of brute strength, endurance. Combined with a high invulnerability to physical attacks, and some sort of healing factor.

                    I have never really rated, or regarded Oleksandr Uysk as that type of fighter 'Uysk almost every time he fights a top level Heavyweight. Uysk is having to fight those Heavyweights in a very difficult way'.

                    The two fights with Joshua were very difficult fights 'Uysk had to climb a Heavyweight mountain twice back to back, and he has just climbed one more Heavyweight Mountain in Tyson Fury'.

                    Oleksandr Uysk's attributes as fighter 'Allow him to win fights, but almost every single time he has to fight these other Heavyweights in a very difficult way'.

                    Where as in comparison on a fight by fight basis 'Definitively for sure with Anthony Joshua there can be dramatic altercations in the action of his fights. And Tyson Fury during his career has shown that type of ability to a certain extent'.

                    Anthony Joshua right now as we speak, is destroying, decimating, obliterating and systematically taking apart his opponents 'The action in his fights has altered. Because Joshua's best attributes allow him at Heavyweight that type of performance dexterity'.

                    Tyson Fury also to a certain extent has this same ability 'To dramatically alter the action of his fights, on a fight by fight basis'.

                    Oleksandr Uysk if he fights ether Tyson Fury or Anthony Joshua again 'Will ether attempt to out skill those fighters, or out last them with his endurance. Because that is what his best attributes allow him to do, and that is always going to be a very difficult challenge for him. If both Fury and Joshua are in solid condition'.

                    To conclude: Anybody that says, that Tyson Fury does not have a chance of beating Oleksandr Uysk in the rematch 'Is talking complete nonsense. Fury was beaten by Uysk, but he was not beaten up for the entire duration of the fight'.

                    Both Fury and Joshua have a serious chance of beating Oleksandr Uysk, I have always been adamant that if the 3rd fight between Joshua and Uysk is called for? I would back Anthony Joshua to win' etc.

                    Last edited by PRINCEKOOL; 05-23-2024, 01:56 PM.

