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Comments Thread For: Report Claims More Than 20 Million People Watched Illegal Streams Of Usyk-Fury

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  • #31
    Originally posted by FinitoxDinamita View Post

    I wouldn’t pay for fights if it was in 8K. Only time I felt like I got my moneys worth were Don King cards back in the days.

    I never knew buying PPVs was still a thing haha. Im watching them for almost free.
    Id rather contribute to the sport what I feel is reasonable rather that give nothing I buy some and not others, I want the sport to survive and prosper just within reason, its over priced today but also a vicious circle with such high purses demanded for the biggest fights.


    • #32
      I pay for the internet so whatever it shows is free


      • #33
        20 million fake boxing fans.
        MusoMeanderings MusoMeanderings likes this.


        • #34
          I pay every time and stream never. I obviously don't judge those that do, but I don't steal. I am not happy about paying for mediocrity though.


          • #35
            Originally posted by Atypicalbrit View Post
            Stream quality has been fairly good lately but there was no way I was relying on one for a fight of this magnitude, I bought the PPV this time.

            If anyone won't pay for this fight (and decent card) then they're not realistically a customer. Imagine the stream suddenly freezing in round 9!

            It's a bit different for the average PPVs that have been put on. At the right price I'd pay, but happy to illegally stream if it's not providing value.

            I still don't believe illegal streaming costs the distributors. It's their crappy cards and overpricing that costs them sales.


            • #36
              Originally posted by fifth_root View Post

              WTF, is it really the quality they stream a highly priced event?! The least they must offer is FullHD at some 50 to 60 frames.
              For what? Seeing Fury's nipple hair?
              HeyDeebo! A.B Counterhooks likes this.


              • #37
                Originally posted by Nightfall View Post
                I pay for the internet so whatever it shows is free
                Now that's funny!!! Lol
                bimhead bimhead likes this.


                • #38
                  So, let me see if I can get this right….

                  - The most corrupt sport in the world.
                  - Can be over in minutes due an early TKO.
                  - Involves some of the most reprehensible characters (promoters and combatants).
                  - Judges that are either inept, bent or both.
                  - Fights that potentially involve you having to get up in the middle of the night (depending on where you are in the world).
                  - Usually pointless undercards.
                  - A farce of a belting system.
                  - Already paying monthly subs.
                  - Zero interest in the fans.

                  …………AND YOU WANT ME TO PAY FOR THIS?!?!?

                  You corporate mother****ers can gargle my b*lls


                  • #39
                    So . . . who's the victim here?
                    vicious_uppercut vicious_uppercut likes this.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by alexnation View Post
                      When they start putting together stacked cards, I am more than willing to pay. Paying for 1 fight is a no go for me
                      The Saudi cards have gone from good to great in recent times. Usyk v Fury was a very good card and June 1st, even without the main event is a great card!

                      But why pay when there are better options?

