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Which rules in Boxing are in need of change/update?

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  • Which rules in Boxing are in need of change/update?

    Modern boxing's been around for over 100 years, and goes back even further to the 16th century. A lot of the rules in use today have been the standard for almost as long. Which rules do you think are in need of change though?

    I can think of a few:

    Change the maximum number of rounds from 10 to 11 (Non title fights) , and 12 to 13 (title fights). This slightly removes the chance of a draw as professional boxing judges aren't supposed to score rounds a draw. This will guarantee one fighter winning a majority of rounds in close fights.

    Making the fight official after four rounds, I would change this to 5 rounds. For the same reason as above.

    Some other things I've thought about is change the number of judges from 3 to 5. Adding more judges increases the sample size of scores and gives you a clearer picture of what actually happened.

    None of these things remove the real problems in boxing, but it would modernize the sport a bit
    El_Mero El_Mero likes this.

  • #2
    Accountability for judges, and the ability to overturn ****** cards or ref calls. I'd have video review available, and have judges get the ability to make some money scoring the match via the broadcast. If a judge's card differs too widely from the pool of judge cards, they get penalized in some way and the card gets overturned, and the fight gets rescored by a larger panel of judges. And there needs to be standardization in terms of things like ring size, wrap styles, etc.


    • #3
      Barring injury fight 3 timez a year or get your belt removed


      • #4
        Originally posted by crimsonfalcon07 View Post
        Accountability for judges, and the ability to overturn ****** cards or ref calls. I'd have video review available, and have judges get the ability to make some money scoring the match via the broadcast. If a judge's card differs too widely from the pool of judge cards, they get penalized in some way and the card gets overturned, and the fight gets rescored by a larger panel of judges. And there needs to be standardization in terms of things like ring size, wrap styles, etc.
        Where will these larger panel of judges sit? If it's judges ringside vs judges watch video/tv footage that won't work.

        Their view is different compared to what we watch on TV. Also i think commentary plays a huge influence in people opinion watching on tv a lot of times people just be shouting robbery too often a close fight is a close fight that can be judged differently especially when comparing someone who is watching on tv vs someones view watching it live in the arena.

        I agree there should be more judges. 6 ringside next to each other
        real raw real raw likes this.


        • #5
          The main thing is they need to do something about is clinching that crap is in no way shape or form boxng but the boxers who use it to prevent from actually fighting made the false narrative of it being "boxin"


          • #6
            A-Side rematch clauses before signing on to fight even once need to be eliminated.

            You should get one chance and barring controversy, if you lose you go to the back of the line and let someone else have a shot.


            • #7
              Originally posted by pollywog View Post
              A-Side rematch clauses before signing on to fight even once need to be eliminated.

              You should get one chance and barring controversy, if you lose you go to the back of the line and let someone else have a shot.
              That's what the mandatory system does.

              What you're actually advocating for is no voluntary defences. That puts every bit of power in the hands of the organising bodies.


              • #8
                I agree with odd rds.

                Judging the judges. I think there should be some sort of open to the public system of critiquing judges thats graded on a curve & if you aren't in the top ten% you shouldn't be judging any belt or top ten guy fight. And from there you tier off judges to lower rd fights as they move up or down the judge rankings.

                I'd also like to see judges get monitors like they have in the ufc. Its silly judges got the most important job to the integrity of the outcome but a worse pov than the tv viewer.

                No holding. I think holding at any point should be a foul warning & a pt taken soon after if you keep doing it. Holding to survive after a KD should be a quick 10-8 to 10-7 pt deducted rd. Fighting on the inside is fair play but if you are holding to rest or survive or holding & hitting we need to see more pts taken. Go to mma if you wanna hold a mfer.


                • #9
                  Clinching. It's at an all-time high because refs do nothing to prevent or deter it. It gives long-range boxers a major advantage and/or covers up their deficiencies and is barely even looked upon as a foul these days.

                  Inside fighting is largely dead at this point because why even bother learning it when your opponent can and will just clinch and have the action reset.


                  • #10
                    agree the clinching needs to be fixed.

                    possibly allow video replay for judges/ref but it would take some thought on how to implement it, because if they break up the action for a replay it will benefit the fighter with less stamina or benefit a fighter who was wobbled.

                    something with the weight rehydrations, maybe a 15 pound cap on them, this 20 pound re-hydration **** is ******.

