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Comments Thread For: Ryan Garcia: I Don't Need To Box - I Do It Because I Love It and I'm That Good

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  • #11
    Originally posted by MesicoFistology View Post
    Whoever wrote this articles is obviously a uniformed idiot. Ryan isn’t fighting for the belt anymore. He missed weight so he can’t be winning it
    Someone in the police force? The army? Maybe the coast guard.


    • #12
      He’s acting up because he knows he’s going to lose. He said he knew he was going to lose the Tank fight before it started. He has a loser mindset.

      He knows he won’t beat Haney but his mouth started writing checks his ass can’t cash. So now when he takes another L he will say it was due to his menta health, partying etc…


      • #13
        Can he hold onto his social media fanbase if he keeps losing? He likes the adulation, but he keeps coming up empty handed.


        • #14
          Rygar is fooling everyone! He’s super locked in that beer was FIRE!


          • #15
            he is an elite fighter on the pads but not in the ring... maybe he can be p4p number 1 on the youtube circuit after this


            • #16
              Originally posted by Monty Fisto View Post

              Someone in the police force? The army? Maybe the coast guard.
              took me a minute to get this very good


              • #17
                Boxing scene, don't forget, Ryan is not fighting for the title as he missed the weight limit.

                Anyway, we're in for a wild ride I think, with their fight. Expect anything.


                • #18
                  Originally posted by Corelone View Post
                  If it was something I heard, I might put it out of my mind, but Its what I see that bothers me. Ryan has no defence, the shoulder roll is just desperation. He doesn't set up his shots, his hook and jab are solitary, disconnected. He doesn't use angles, he uses speed to jump in with his hook, but like Hagler said and Tank proved. He who leaps, sleeps.
                  Great observations. No head movement to speak of... Especially in the lower divisions people are thrown hands so fast if you're not anticipating with your shoulder and head you're going to get clipped. And yes he fell in love with his power the other big danger. Even bona fide punchers like Matisse have to set things up.

                  I don't know who's looking after this kid but they really let the inmates run the asylum at this point. I actually feel sorry for Haney.


                  • #19
                    Originally posted by Griever0730 View Post
                    Exactly what people who are fake and insecure do when pressure is breaking them and have nothing else to hang onto. Brag about having money and superficial things to the people less fortunate than them. This supposed to be a man of God, yet shows no real morals as a person whatsoever. It's a shame that there's so many weak-minded folks who keep giving this kid sympathy while being played for fools consistently with the victim mentality that everybody nowadays seems have adopted. Just shameful.
                    Real talk right here.


                    • #20
                      Ryan is cringeworthy in every way

