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Comments Thread For: Many to Blame for Ryan Garcia Coming in Overweight - Mainly the Fighter

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  • #71
    Derrick James is a horrid leader in the gym. no skills and no discipline shown in his overhyped fighters past and present


    • #72
      Originally posted by Poopdick View Post
      Derrick James is a horrid leader in the gym. no skills and no discipline shown in his overhyped fighters past and present
      Try all you might Mr P-****y but Derrick James did not advise Ryan to come to the scale 3 pounds overweight sipping coronas. Nor did he tell him to spend the entire training camp online claiming to have knowledge of all the people involved in horrific child abuse cases but didnt want to provide any info on their whereabouts so authorities could apprehend them. This shyte show of a PPV match falls squarely at the feet of young Mr Garcia. Hey when's your next party? With the name Poop**** you are going to be in high demand my friend!


      • #73
        My second profession after my
        first retirement was civilian law enforcement. What I see Garcia doing in coming in overweight is akin to a legal defence team putting an offender accused of first degree murder on the stand because of a weak case. The defence’s case is so poor that putting the accused on the stand is the only option they have however they know that the prosecutions case is so solid that the probability is that the accused will be convicted. They are simply taking a gamble, a gamble that something the accused says will sway the jury. This is what Garcia is doing. Another dominant loss will harm his ability o make big money and get big fights in the future, they are facing someone utterly superior to Garcia, the only hope he has is to use more weight towards victory and this gamble was worth the 1.5m penalty. It’s either this or get washed.
        only time will tell if the Garcia defence strategy will work
        DClefthook DClefthook likes this.


        • #74
          Originally posted by Smash View Post
          i wonder what the biggest bet someone has placed on ryan to win is
          I think that guy who set himself on fire the other day had a big bet on Ryan.
          DClefthook DClefthook Smash Smash like this.


          • #75
            Originally posted by WarVeteranO01
            Ryan Garcia is the poster child for what's wrong with many in this generation.
            NO it is what is wrong with boxing today. No reason to explain if fight fans dont like his actions outside the ring and his disrespect for the sport let them boycott the fight and then stop commenting on anything he says or does................boxing answere's to Boxing and boxing is all about the money and nothing more it is hollow inside and out.


            • #76
              Originally posted by Poopdick View Post
              Derrick James is a horrid leader in the gym. no skills and no discipline shown in his overhyped fighters past and present
              A big check can show mfers real motivation. I wonder if Ryan gave Derrick that PPV cut Derrick wanted from Errol.

              Ryan's fam seems more motivated by the money over getting their camp/team in order which is more disturbing. And sh^t if Ryan dgaf about boxing than ultimately its whatever. Its free money to Ryan. And I feel like if he loses in bad fashion today he'll start to transition to the "I'm getting paid for the show not to win the fight" guy like many before him have done when they start reaching talent above their ceiling in boxing.


              • #77
                To much to easily & now he's imploding realising he's not what his ego believes he is. With this he now has an excuse to quit again, what are the odds?


                • #78
                  It's an act for sure. His team would have pulled him about by now if it wasn't. He's giving himself the best opportunity to win the fight.


                  • #79
                    The lame King Ry collapse against Tank wrote him off in my eyes, but even before that his problem wasn’t a mystery.

                    Boy’s trying to be a permanent teenager. This is a viable path in hallucinatory America if you have enough money, looks and attention. (Just ask any influencer with an ass out to here.) All he’s lacking is a brain.

                    Haney should put him out of his misery. But who’s going to put us out of our Haney misery? Instead of all this fake hand-wringing about “is this fight good for boxing? Is it safe? Who’s to blame etc” we should be asking how the sport is getting saddled with another dull-ass Dre.


                    • #80
                      Originally posted by Smash View Post
                      i wonder what the biggest bet someone has placed on ryan to win is
                      One bit coin? Ok ok ok ( Joe pechi voice) one shinny penny.
                      Smash Smash likes this.

