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Comments Thread For: Fight Is On After Ryan Garcia Misses Weight For Devin Haney Clash

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  • #21
    lots of guys in the sport have not won a world title, this unprofessional clown show guy is one of them yet hes somehow a ppv draw and calling himself the face of boxing as well, he needs a reality check, only tank can call himself the face of boxing & not bother with titles


    • #22
      so is everyone onboard with bills plan of sending devin out to kill ryan in the ring?
      BestPR BestPR likes this.


      • #23
        Dude lost 1.5M shaking on a bet he knew he was gonna lose just to not look like a sucker in front of people and ends up looking like a bigger sucker anyway. Swear these younger internet dudes' brains are non-existent. Social media really got these younger folks acting braindead just for likes and attention. If he loses, he's probably gonna crash out on an epic level and shatter into oblivion with the firestorm of criticism he's gonna get on the same platform that made him the star that he is portrayed to be. Sad how people so insecure that they need validation so bad from people they don't even know nowadays.
        Last edited by Griever0730; 04-19-2024, 01:54 PM.


        • #24
          Well this fight lost all of its steam.


          • #25
            Originally posted by Liondw View Post
            Wow, okay, actually going to pay half a million per pound overweight. He must be getting a really big salary of millions, more millions than I thought.

            Yeah, he looked like a middleweight walking around, and walking without a shirt, and with a rucksack.

            Anyway, is this a bad sign of his lack of preparation and focus, or should he stop trying to continue at 140 lbs and just go to welterweight after this fight?

            I think yes, he and Haney should move to welterweight after this. Stop this extreme dehydration and squeezing in to make weight to get every advantage.
            Tank made $30 million vs Ryan and Ryan prolly made the same or maybe more.,
            Ryan will prolly make $20 million at the very least on this fight.

            Today’s crop of fighters are a joke
            shwaap shwaap likes this.


            • #26
              Disrespectful, and unprofessional!!! NYC, don't waste your time with this clown! I hope Devin knocks his bum azz straight the f--k out in 3! Can't wait to watch YouTube on Sunday morning!
              champion4ever champion4ever likes this.


              • #27
                what else can go wrong with this event?

                ryan gets popped for something?


                • #28
                  Originally posted by Jab jab boom View Post
                  Of course he is, he’s 100% in this for the money. Nothing else. He’s cashing himself out.
                  The way he has been acting I was started to believe that he won't make it to fight night. He did well with how much attention the Davis fight got him until he got stopped. But now he seems like his head is all over the place.


                  • #29
                    Garcia is a dumb fcuk. Like it or not, Haney is a true all-around professional. I hope Haney beats the living crap out this muthafcuka!
                    Last edited by BestPR; 04-19-2024, 01:38 PM.
                    champion4ever champion4ever likes this.


                    • #30
                      if u can make it in new york u can make it anywhere

                      go ryan u can do this

