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Comments Thread For: Jeff Horn Announces Retirement, Turned Down Seven-Figure Offer To Return

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  • #21
    Originally posted by Leicesterage View Post

    What...the hell are you talking about?

    States with gun control (i.e. California) have no less gun violence than ones without. That's a fallacy.

    A kid is not going to walk up with a gun in plain view. They're hiding it in their backpack because they know they want the right time to strike.

    If there are metal detectors and they decide to YOLO it anyway, they're getting picked off. It's a no-win and only the most mentally disturbed would even try it.

    Most kids are cowards. The only reason you see the shootings you do is because there's no perimeter defense.

    And no, I don't mean some fat "Paul Blart" hallway cop (which is what you're describing). You need to harden the perimeter to deter 80% of them in the first place. You can't just have "good guy with a gun" - that doesn't work because most of them are cowards too. You need multiple layers of security; including visible deterrents.

    Notice that the vast majority of school shootings are the wide open schools, not the single building/single entrance schools. Do you know why? Because that's a basic form of perimeter security. You add metal detectors like with court buildings and real security behind that, trained to detect body cues, and you've negated 95% of school shootings. Anyone else who tries it is bottom line suicidal, because it'd be a no-win scenario.

    Consider what they're doing as an alternative: training teachers to carry. What's to stop them from going nuts when their check gets cut? Or they get forced to do 'woke' education? Or they had a bad breakup? Or they sleep with a student and they're going to jail?

    'Good guy with a gun' is not the answer. And you're never going to be able to ban guns.

    its not a fallacy. states like california and new york have much less gun violence than most other states, especially in comparison to red states, and its not like the gun control in california or new york is strict in any way shape or form, its just a little stricter than other states. many other factors also contribute to having less gun violence such as better economics, a culture that values life, etc...


    • #22
      Originally posted by Leicesterage View Post

      If a kid punches a bully, it's an increased chance that bully grabs dad's gun and shoots up the place.

      You know it's a different era.

      Still don't know why they refuse to do metal detectors when entering schools. It's okay at airports, but not at schools.
      Always worked for me.

      And nah, school shootings are usually done by weaklings who got picked on and weak parents who raised a soft ass kid but did manage to show them how to shoot a gun but not throw a punch.


      • #23
        Originally posted by Leicesterage View Post

        You can't get rid of guns. You know that.

        The only right answer is perimeter defense.

        If we're going to criticize metal detectors in schools, then we need to yank them from airports and que sera sera.

        But you already know that what I propose is reasonable to help keep the kids safe for a minor inconvenience of a few seconds entering school.

        Columbine would NEVER have worked with basic metal detectors.

        Besides, schools are already prisons. Kids can't leave when they go in.
        People are too reactive, and come up with the greatest ideas ever, in hindsight, once the thing happens. Yeah, metal detectors should have already been around in the 90s. But we’re reactionary creatures, we aren’t proactive.

        It’s like someone who lives in a good neighborhood, a nice home, where nothing has ever happened in the 10 years they’ve lived there. So they don’t think cameras are necessary. Until, that one day where chaos erupts. Burglar, serial killer on the loose, a kid was kidnapped in front of your home and your camera could have helped law enforcement, an armed robbery. Then they react, after the fact.
        Leicesterage Combat Talk Radio likes this.


        • #24
          I got to say this, everybody in every other country in the world, thinks you're mad.
          Everybody in every other country in the world, can't believe you let the NRA & a handful of mental congressmen decide this.
          Everybody in every other country in the world, knows the USA could halve death rates by murder if you made it illegal to own a gun.

          In the end, its up to you, but it is so blindingly obvious to everyone outside the USA.


          • #25
            Originally posted by 1Eriugenus View Post
            I got to say this, everybody in every other country in the world, thinks you're mad.
            Everybody in every other country in the world, can't believe you let the NRA & a handful of mental congressmen decide this.
            Everybody in every other country in the world, knows the USA could halve death rates by murder if you made it illegal to own a gun.

            In the end, its up to you, but it is so blindingly obvious to everyone outside the USA.
            Criminals don't follow the laws. Laws don't change a damn thing.

            I don't support guns, I'm just realistic. You can't ban them.

            All you can do is protect people. Which is what we don't do.

            Metal detectors at sporting events, schools and larger stadium entrances. That's all I'm suggesting. But people think that's too much.

            Yet we're all too happy to force people to stick foreign, lightly tested substances in their arms to enter establishments or risk being fired for refusing to do so. Or force them to wear masks that don't work. Or shut down small businesses that run on slim profits.


            • #26
              Thank you Jeff great career retire with millions in the bank and a win over Manny that p***ed the whole world off well played son.
              Leicesterage Combat Talk Radio likes this.


              • #27
                damn crawfords best win is retiring, sad day for sure


                • #28
                  Originally posted by Leicesterage View Post

                  What...the hell are you talking about?

                  States with gun control (i.e. California) have no less gun violence than ones without. That's a fallacy.

                  A kid is not going to walk up with a gun in plain view. They're hiding it in their backpack because they know they want the right time to strike.

                  If there are metal detectors and they decide to YOLO it anyway, they're getting picked off. It's a no-win and only the most mentally disturbed would even try it.

                  Most kids are cowards. The only reason you see the shootings you do is because there's no perimeter defense.

                  And no, I don't mean some fat "Paul Blart" hallway cop (which is what you're describing). You need to harden the perimeter to deter 80% of them in the first place. You can't just have "good guy with a gun" - that doesn't work because most of them are cowards too. You need multiple layers of security; including visible deterrents.

                  Notice that the vast majority of school shootings are the wide open schools, not the single building/single entrance schools. Do you know why? Because that's a basic form of perimeter security. You add metal detectors like with court buildings and real security behind that, trained to detect body cues, and you've negated 95% of school shootings. Anyone else who tries it is bottom line suicidal, because it'd be a no-win scenario.

                  Consider what they're doing as an alternative: training teachers to carry. What's to stop them from going nuts when their check gets cut? Or they get forced to do 'woke' education? Or they had a bad breakup? Or they sleep with a student and they're going to jail?

                  'Good guy with a gun' is not the answer. And you're never going to be able to ban guns.
                  Yes gun violence still happens in states with gun control because they're surrounded by states that have zero gun control.

                  Like I said gun buybacks and Bill Clinton's national gun control order worked. These are facts and not fallacies.

                  The only people calling for teachers to be armed are ************* and the only ones against gun control are also *************.

                  Gun control is the solution but people like you would rather turn schools into prisons than actually solve the problem by turning in your little toys.

                  I'm not surprised you're brain dead if you think woke education is real. Also you ignored Uvalde again where an entire police force couldn't take out one shooter.


                  • #29
                    Originally posted by Leicesterage View Post

                    Criminals don't follow the laws. Laws don't change a damn thing.

                    I don't support guns, I'm just realistic. You can't ban them.

                    All you can do is protect people. Which is what we don't do.

                    Metal detectors at sporting events, schools and larger stadium entrances. That's all I'm suggesting. But people think that's too much.

                    Yet we're all too happy to force people to stick foreign, lightly tested substances in their arms to enter establishments or risk being fired for refusing to do so. Or force them to wear masks that don't work. Or shut down small businesses that run on slim profits.
                    Anti vax and anti mask

                    what's next? ***** cheated to win the election?


                    • #30
                      Hilarious that a gun control debate broke out in a thread about an Australian boxer retiring. No school shootings down here.

