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Comments Thread For: Jeff Horn Announces Retirement, Turned Down Seven-Figure Offer To Return

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  • #11
    That guy is trash anyway. Good riddance.


    • #12
      Originally posted by ProblemChild_JakePaul View Post

      I imagine any next Benn opponent will be paid handsomely due to Benn's past PED use
      Benn used to live in Australia so would have been a homecoming and gladly accept Matchroom to arrange


      • #13
        Turned down millions my ass.

        They probably wanted him for a fight at 147 and he knows he cant make it anymore


        • #14
          "A lot of kids just don't know what to do. Or they've got a parent that says, 'Just punch him in the nose, and they'll be right'. I know, that's what my dad told me back in the day, but it doesn't always work.“

          Works better than being a little b/tch who gets told to go tell the teacher, who will do nothing, which leads to the bullied kid wanting to shoot up the school because he can’t defend him or herself.


          • #15
            Originally posted by -Kev- View Post
            "A lot of kids just don't know what to do. Or they've got a parent that says, 'Just punch him in the nose, and they'll be right'. I know, that's what my dad told me back in the day, but it doesn't always work.“

            Works better than being a little b/tch who gets told to go tell the teacher, who will do nothing, which leads to the bullied kid wanting to shoot up the school because he can’t defend him or herself.
            If a kid punches a bully, it's an increased chance that bully grabs dad's gun and shoots up the place.

            You know it's a different era.

            Still don't know why they refuse to do metal detectors when entering schools. It's okay at airports, but not at schools.


            • #16
              Originally posted by JJ75JJ View Post
              His soul taken by Tszyu. I think we need more bullying at school actually. Younger generations are *****s who cry because they have to do work.
              Younger generations cry about having to work more than older generations because yall ruined the economy


              • #17
                Originally posted by Leicesterage View Post

                If a kid punches a bully, it's an increased chance that bully grabs dad's gun and shoots up the place.

                You know it's a different era.

                Still don't know why they refuse to do metal detectors when entering schools. It's okay at airports, but not at schools.
                Or get rid of the guns because schools shouldn't become prisons


                • #18
                  Originally posted by bullydean View Post

                  Or get rid of the guns because schools shouldn't become prisons
                  You can't get rid of guns. You know that.

                  The only right answer is perimeter defense.

                  If we're going to criticize metal detectors in schools, then we need to yank them from airports and que sera sera.

                  But you already know that what I propose is reasonable to help keep the kids safe for a minor inconvenience of a few seconds entering school.

                  Columbine would NEVER have worked with basic metal detectors.

                  Besides, schools are already prisons. Kids can't leave when they go in.
                  Last edited by Combat Talk Radio; 07-02-2023, 12:32 PM.


                  • #19
                    Originally posted by Leicesterage View Post

                    You can't get rid of guns. You know that.

                    The only right answer is perimeter defense.

                    If we're going to criticize metal detectors in schools, then we need to yank them from airports and que sera sera.

                    But you already know that what I propose is reasonable to help keep the kids safe for a minor inconvenience of a few seconds entering school.

                    Columbine would NEVER have worked with basic metal detectors.

                    Besides, schools are already prisons. Kids can't leave when they go in.
                    You mean the gun control that worked with Clinton?
                    The gun buybacks that have been working across the nation?
                    The gun control that has worked in every 1st world nation?

                    Your lack of intelligence is clearly obvious if you think a school is comparable to an airport.

                    Oh yeah buddy. Putting armed guards and metal detectors in a school doesn't make a difference. How is a metal detector going to stop a kid when armed guards haven't deterred them?

                    Did you already forget about Uvalde?


                    • #20
                      Originally posted by bullydean View Post

                      You mean the gun control that worked with Clinton?
                      The gun buybacks that have been working across the nation?
                      The gun control that has worked in every 1st world nation?

                      Your lack of intelligence is clearly obvious if you think a school is comparable to an airport.

                      Oh yeah buddy. Putting armed guards and metal detectors in a school doesn't make a difference. How is a metal detector going to stop a kid when armed guards haven't deterred them?

                      Did you already forget about Uvalde?
                      What...the hell are you talking about?

                      States with gun control (i.e. California) have no less gun violence than ones without. That's a fallacy.

                      A kid is not going to walk up with a gun in plain view. They're hiding it in their backpack because they know they want the right time to strike.

                      If there are metal detectors and they decide to YOLO it anyway, they're getting picked off. It's a no-win and only the most mentally disturbed would even try it.

                      Most kids are cowards. The only reason you see the shootings you do is because there's no perimeter defense.

                      And no, I don't mean some fat "Paul Blart" hallway cop (which is what you're describing). You need to harden the perimeter to deter 80% of them in the first place. You can't just have "good guy with a gun" - that doesn't work because most of them are cowards too. You need multiple layers of security; including visible deterrents.

                      Notice that the vast majority of school shootings are the wide open schools, not the single building/single entrance schools. Do you know why? Because that's a basic form of perimeter security. You add metal detectors like with court buildings and real security behind that, trained to detect body cues, and you've negated 95% of school shootings. Anyone else who tries it is bottom line suicidal, because it'd be a no-win scenario.

                      Consider what they're doing as an alternative: training teachers to carry. What's to stop them from going nuts when their check gets cut? Or they get forced to do 'woke' education? Or they had a bad breakup? Or they sleep with a student and they're going to jail?

                      'Good guy with a gun' is not the answer. And you're never going to be able to ban guns.
                      Last edited by Combat Talk Radio; 07-02-2023, 01:03 PM.

