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Comments Thread For: Jon Jones Wants Tyson Fury Fight: I'd Even Be Willing To Box Him

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  • Comments Thread For: Jon Jones Wants Tyson Fury Fight: I'd Even Be Willing To Box Him

    UFC heavyweight champion Jon Jones is apparently willing to explore the possibility of a cross-sport boxing match with WBC champion Tyson Fury.
    [Click Here To Read More]

  • #2
    Fury would stop roid Jones and ndgonoue on the same night


    • #3
      These MMA guys are tired of fighting for Dana White’s crumbs. They don’t mind losing in a boxing ring for the payday.


      • #4
        Back in your cage clown..
        Gary Coleman Gary Coleman likes this.


        • #5
          If it's such a foregone conclusion, why hasn't Fury accepted already? Force Dana White to either let it happen or back out. Fury already looks like a clown for saying he'd beat anyone in one on one combat, but then backing down every time he's been confronted and saying, "no, only boxing rules."

          If he'd just said "I beat anyone in boxing" he wouldn't be hearing at all from the MMA guys. They'd be staying in their lanes and agreeing with him.

          Does anyone really think he wins a locked door fight with no rules against Jones or Ngannou?


          • #6
            Back to the cage, hugging naked in men in tight clothings. Gay ass sport. If there was no wrestling I would probably watch. Just don't like 2 men hugging on floor for 25 minutes.
            wileyhemi wileyhemi likes this.


            • #7
              id even be willing to box him, what sort of crazy statement is that, they sound so desperate to get fury into the cage they are losing their minds


              • #8
                He wouldn’t be allowed to box him that’s exactly why ngannou left the ufc
                Gary Coleman Gary Coleman likes this.


                • #9
                  Jon Bones Jones shut the *** up if you don't wanna only your bones left.


                  • #10
                    Don't be telling Tyson Fury what you'd be willing to do, he'll be in touch and tell you what you can do. It's not your call to make Jones, Tyson Fury decides everything. Just sit back and wait for your contract, and be sure to sign it in 15 seconds or the deal is off the table. Nash out

