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Wilder is back is he instantly top 3 at HW

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  • #41
    Wilder was never instantly number 3 lol


    • #42
      Originally posted by denium View Post

      Yeah right! It took Usyk 7 rounds to get rid of the complete bum Chazz Witherspoon, and that was a quit in the corner job, not a KO. He couldn't stop an old Chisora or AJ with his glass jaw.

      Usyk can certainly win a decision against Wilder, but no way is he knocking him out.
      wilder sucks, he would get countered badly and usyk can crack at HW, no matter what people say. plus wilder has no stamina and his chin is crap too. usyk is just too good and to accurate,


      • #43
        If Fury ever defeated Usyk denium would be on here everyday reminding us that Usyk would be the greatest boxer ever if it wasn’t for Fury . For the time being he’s just a Cruiserweight though until that happens ,we know this because look at the elevated status he gave Wilder all of a sudden. .
        Last edited by REDEEMER; 05-27-2022, 10:43 AM.


        • #44
          Originally posted by denium View Post

          Fury had just lost 10 stone before he fought Pianetta, was clearly boxing to get rounds in because he'd been out of the ring for years and this was before he adopted the Kronk style.

          A fit Fury knocks him out in the first.

          Usyk can't punch for ****, he isn't knocking anyone out at HW.

          I'm not fake, I was one of the very few people on here who was calling Fury the truth since day 1, and I was proved right.

          You're the biggest mong on the forum, tell us again how Whyte was gonna be Fury's toughest ever fight?
          No one who knows boxing picks Wilder over Usyk not after two knockouts as well so you exposed yourself there .

          Usyks pro heavyweight debut was Witherspoon.,he’s only had 3 heavyweight fights . What top 10 guys has Fury actually stopped in his comeback ? Wilder and who else ? Whyte . That’s two guys one was already stopped by an old man right and Whyte was a bum according to you so he doesn’t even count ?

          See this is where you get sidetracked of being a fanboy instead of a boxing fan .
          Last edited by REDEEMER; 05-27-2022, 11:07 AM.


          • #45
            Originally posted by denium View Post

            Usyk doesn't have Fury's physical strength and length. Both of these attributes are what Fury used to defuse Wilder. Stay out of range, jab, then when you enter the range, bully him with your size & strength to keep him from setting up the big bomb.

            Usyk won't be able to back Wilder up and at some point he's gonna have to enter Wilder's range. Don't get me wrong, Usyk would make Wilder look silly, but at some point that right hand will land and Usyk will wake up in hospital.

            Wilder doesn't care about getting outboxed, he's only looking for one thing.
            Wilder doesn't have the stamina to go 12 rounds at the kind of pace Usyk sets. After 4/5 he would start blowing, backing off looking to take breathers and when that happened Usyk would put his foot down, overwhelm him and force a stoppage. Even before he moved up to HW Usyk was asked in an interview which of the top HWs he thought would be the easiest and which the most difficult to beat. He said straight away that he knew how to beat Wilder and it would be an easy fight for him. I believe him.


            • #46
              Originally posted by denium View Post

              As Deontay himself would say;

              Usyk gotta be perfect for 12 rounds, i only gotta be perfect for 1 second.

              Lol. A statement for the ages, especially that last not


              • #47
                Originally posted by Tails View Post
                I see people mentioning that Wilder would not have an opportunity to land on Uysk but I think he would have plenty of opportunities.

                Usyk is not a defense first fighter. His offense and activity is what wins him fights. I just don't see a scenario where Wilder doesn't hurt hum at least once during a 1e round fight. Not saying he stops him but I see him landing for sure.
                Yeah, but my argument is less to do with Usyk’s defensive abilities, and more the fact that Wilder’s a very predictable puncher in a bout where someone not only knows what he’s about to throw, but also, for the first time in Wilder’s career, has the mobility, footwork and reaction times necessary to preempt him.

                I see Usyk finding a home for the jab all night, and throwing Wilder off balance before he has time to launch. But ofc, they gotta get in the ring 1st…


                • #48
                  It dont work like that. He needs to work his way up. At best he's between 8-10th best

