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Pac/Floyd investigation, documented punches (disputed rounds) blow by blow

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  • Originally posted by Spoon23 View Post
    You paint him as a racist. When he is obviously not. He says there are white supremist governing the boxing world, but it doesnt mean he is. He is merely a messenger of truth, exposing those that control boxing are the rich whites. If you truly get him, he is speaking out of what is wrong in boxing. Why it is controlled by this white elites. It is reality, people like Bob Arum are connected with the rich whites that invest in boxing. Is it a bad thing? It depends how you see it. To me, it's just how it is. A lot of whites just know how to do business in boxing, Mafia, gangsters have always been in boxing since it's infancy days. Mobs are deeply rooted in boxing, especially rigging fights, And besides, to paint him as a white supremist only shows how narrow minded you are. He is speaking out about what boxing is now, but if you truly understand what he says, boxing has no color. It transends all ethnic backgrounds. As all sports should not be tainted with racism. You bringing up racism to a man talking about it, and judging him for that is you not being able to comprehend the truth he speaks off, and why boxing is in this day and age what it is today. That is why you are again exposed as a man who falsely paints someone for your own ****** perverted agenda. Racism does not belong in boxing bud. What he is explaining is the role that white men protray in boxing is truth. Describing how it is, does not make him a racist, what he is, is a smart rational man explaining what boxing is today.

    You on the other hand is again reaching to paint a false narrative about him. Like CNN is accustomed to fake news. You are the kind that will destroy anyone for your own selfish agenda. That's how pathetic you have become.

    Now will you step up and stop delecting and face my gate keeper. You've been stalling and deflecting far too long. You smell like a VAGINA at this point. Better yet, Just end it and raise your white flag. Like the defeated man that you are. By doing so you will earn my respect. You've got nothing left Travestyny. Time to fold. No worries, I won't rub it in.
    Did you actually view the video titled WHITE SUPREMACY? It had NOTHING to do with boxing. STOP LYING! He's talking about his opinion on who made the most technological advances, who has higher IQ, and who "rules the world." I don't think he even mentions the word "boxing" one time. Stop lying!
    Last edited by travestyny; 04-02-2017, 03:19 PM.


    • No wonder Precise Presenter is so desperate to prove Floyd lost, even to the point that he will ignore punches that Mayweather scored while crediting Pacquiao with punches that didn't land.

      He obviously has an agenda against Floyd because he is black.


      • Originally posted by travestyny View Post
        Did you actually view the video titled WHITE SUPREMACY? It had NOTHING to do with boxing. STOP LYING! He's talking about his opinion on who made the most technological advances, who has higher IQ, and who "rules the world." I don't think he even mentions the word "boxing" one time. Stop lying!


        • Originally posted by ADP02 View Post
          Credibility? You lost it a long time ago. Just a few posts ago, you were massacred.

          You said this and I told you that you were wrong. Now you are agreeing that YOU WERE WRONG!!!

          I'm still waiting for you to calculate this.

          "Urine rate is ~1ml/min"

          DO NOT DUCK: How long would it take Floyd to produce a urine sample of 60-90ml?

          "Water consumption of 1–2 liters over a short period of time can lead to dramatic increases in urine production rates to 10 or even 20 mL/min as demonstrated in the charts below."

          DO NOT DUCK: How long would it take Floyd to produce a urine sample of 60-90ml IF Floyd drank .5 liters of water?

          DO NOT DUCK: How long would it take Floyd to produce a urine sample of 60-90ml IF Floyd drank 1 liter of water?

          DO NOT DUCK: How long would it take Floyd to produce a urine sample of 60-90ml IF Floyd drank 2 liter of water?

          Something tells me that its DUCK SEASON!!!!

          Originally posted by travestyny View Post
          Sure. Will answer all of your questions as I always do, when you answer mine about EPO that you are STILL DUCKING!!!


          See, you bolded for nothing .... I never duck ....
          Now its your turn to respond!

          Remember why Floyd was severely dehydrated. He said it was because:
          - He gave urine 4 days before
          - He gave < 1 tbsp. of blood 10 days before.
          - He exercised but admitted on multiple videos this:


          "I'm just at home relaxing...watching playoff basketball, watching movies, and just, you know, go to the gym a little bit and shake out...meditate, sit down, cool out," stated undefeated pound-for-pound king Floyd Mayweather, who talked about what's in store for him in the final days leading up to his May 2 showdown with Manny Pacquiao"


          Originally posted by travestyny View Post
          First of all, you wanted me to answer and I answered the best I could with what I was given. For you to say I'm ducking is absurd. I'm right here answering your question. If you want to provide more information, then do so. I don't mind answering any of these questions for you, little guy.

          Let me pause you right there. What did we see? We saw him take about 6 gulps of water, correct? That's what I see. Unless you have more information...that's what I see. If you have anything else, let me know.

          Ok. Now here is your mistake.

          1. He gave a partial sample before the IV. Do you know whether this was when the DCO first arrived, or sometime after? I've asked you this question before. It makes sense to me that it could very well be when he first arrived, since of course that is when he would ask Floyd to make his first attempt to pee. Right? So why are you worrying about the rate that he produces urine if he gave this initial sample when he was initially visited? Again, this is what happened during the Mosley fight. Why would this be any different?

          2. You are confused. Never ever have I heard anyone say that Floyd Mayweather took an IV so that he could give a full urine sample. What we were told was that Floyd Mayweather took an IV to treat dehydration. Somehow you twisted this story into him having an IV not for rehydration, but in order to give a urine sample.

          So again, what is your point with his production of urine? It's rather ******.

          You initially said that if I answer your question on EPO then YOU, Travestyny, will answer ALL my questions, like you always do.

          Well, maybe you are right. You usually spin 1 and avoid 3 questions!!! lol

          I'm going by your original post. So yes, I'm waiting for you to answer ALL my questions.

          but to help you, look for the 2 diagrams:
          "urine production rate after water loading by E.Baldes and F.Smirk"

          "urine production rate after water loading by Macallum and Benson"

          "Urine rate is ~1ml/min"

          "Water consumption of 1–2 liters over a short period of time can lead to dramatic increases in urine production rates to 10 or even 20 mL/min as demonstrated in the charts below."

          Of course, you are trying to minimize what Floyd drank but in the 2nd gif, you can see that Floyd had drank close to 35-40% of that bottle. The bottle appears to be bigger than 1L but less than 2L.

          Plus, being that Floyd was having no problems drinking orally and as he said he felt dehydrated, I would think that he would be drinking a lot more. Right? Or are you saying that Floyd didn't drink anymore because he was not dehydrated? loooooooooooool

          So for the kicks, that is why I had 500ml(after that video, drank very little or none - but makes no sense if you are supposedly severely dehydrated), or drank most of the water in that bottle > 1 to 1.5 Liters or even showed the DCO that even drinking 2L is not doing the trick.

          Going by those diagrams, the increase in urine production rate is quick. In about 45 minutes, urine production was at 8 ml/min.

          So again, calculate all possibilities like YOU SAID YOU WOULD!!!

          Here was USADA's statement:
          "In a USADA memo obtained by USA TODAY Sports, the agency explains how it oversaw the administering of the IV to Mayweather, as well as other information in the SB Nation story it deems inaccurate.

          A USADA Doping Control Officer (DCO) came to Mayweather’s home on May 1 to collect a urine sample, however Mayweather was dehydrated and unable to produce one. A paramedic was summoned to Mayweather’s home and provided the IV, with the DCO in Mayweather’s presence until the boxer was able to provide a urine sample."

          So to say, not until Floyd had received the IV, was Floyd able to produce the required 90ml. Now if you are objective, you would tell us all that the whole scenario that took place was a complete BS!!!

          Remember that the DCO left at 8pm. How can it take 6+ hours to get 90ml urine sample when Floyd was able to and we saw him drinking easily? and even when using your own calculations from the previous post, it makes Floyd's scenario look very suspect.

          None of that makes any sense!

          Originally posted by ADP02 View Post
          Man, you would definitely take a bullet for your hero Floyd.

          The point is this and you kinda answered it, in your own way.

          1) How can Floyd go from 1:45 to much later in the afternoon without being able to produce 90 ml if based on average production urine rate it would have taken only 60 to 90 minutes?

          Now factor in that he was drinking quite a bit. At least 500 ml of fluids as you appear to have agreed. Floyd's urine rate should have gone up quite a bit after about 30-40 minutes. Theoretically, 5X more urine production BUT if Floyd was dehydrated it would make sense that Floyd continued to drink. You do not want to go there BUT either he did drink then add on that amount to the calculation or Floyd didn't drink anymore which makes no sense since that is what you do if you are dehydrated!!! DRINK!!! See, it makes no sense!!!!

          DCO shows up at 1:45pm.

          At 1:45pm, Floyd had "some" urine in his body. Lets call that "A".

          1:45 to 3:15pm at a rate of 1 ml/min: Floyd should have had already enough to produce 90 ml. Lets call that "B".

          Then Floyd drinks at least 500ml of fluids. 30-45 minutes later, Floyd should be ready to explode already. Lets call that "C".

          So add all that (A + B + C) and you have a lot more than 90ml!!!
          So you do not need to be precise in your calculation. Just agree that Floyd's version does NOT make any sense!

          After more time goes by Lets call that D, the DCO tells Floyd to urinate,

          Now add (A + B + C + D) You will get much more than 90ml but all we need is 90ml!

          Floyd cannot say "I cannot pee 90ml". See, it makes no sense!!!!

          2) I told you to take into account the 3 BS reasons that Floyd states are why Floyd was severely dehydrated. Be honest, would any of those factors have affected his urine production rate after Floyd had DAYS to rehydrate himself properly since:
          a) giving a whopping 90ml urine sample 4 day earlier
          b) giving a whopping 1 tbsp of blood 10 days earlier
          c) Exercising "a little" the day before to "stay sharp", "shakeout"?

          The above will have 0 to minimal affect on Floyd's urine sample of May 1st. Drinking minimally and eating right after that "Exercising "a little" the day before to "stay sharp", "shakeout" would have taken care of that the night before and when Floyd ate the morning of or at lunch ..... Remember that Floyd shows off that he can eat like a pig and still make weight EASILY. Floyd admits to making weight EASILY for a decade. So to say, no affect on the next day!!!

          but anyways, Floyd drank at least 500 ml of fluids!!!

          3) The quote that I provided to you stated that Floyd was unable to provide a urine sample. So its not that the DCO was just sticking around to see what Floyd received from the IV. Plus, the DCO is NOT an expert and NO, he would have no idea what was in that IV sample by just "monitoring" .... and anyways, just to say about your version, Floyd could have still got another IV when the DCO left .... If the LABs later (May 2nd sample) found out that Floyd had an IV, well Floyd had the DCO as witness and who documented to prove that he did!

          BTW - On you Mosley note, people have said that that too was su****ious .... but either way, there was a difference between that and this time. With Mosley, Floyd was training hard at that point in time. With Manny, read the above BS excuses!!! Pretend his name is NOT Floyd, .... pretend its Manny and you would be all over your hero Floyd!!!

          Here is Floyd packing it in before the Maidana weigh-in and makes weight EASILY as Floyd admits to doing for a decade!!!

          Originally posted by ADP02 View Post
          Man, stop DEFLECTING.

          1. So this would be A in your calculation. 90 - A = ?

          Now carry on! Man, you just made it very difficult for Floyd!

          2. I would have to go to those threads and see what people said ... oh wait, more DEFLECTIONs!!!

          the point was that Floyd was NOT in the same condition on May 1st. As Floyd stated in several interviews, he was well rested, relaxing for days ...!!!

          ""I'm just at home relaxing...watching playoff basketball, watching movies, and just, you know, go to the gym a little bit and shake out...meditate, sit down, cool out," stated undefeated pound-for-pound king Floyd Mayweather, who talked about what's in store for him in the final days leading up to his May 2 showdown with Manny Pacquiao"

          3. I responded. See you tomorrow.

          4. A + B + C + D = X ml

          So what you got? Do not DUCK again!

          Originally posted by travestyny View Post
          No one is ducking you, idiot. You have poor comprehension skills.

          Partial sample before the weigh-in

          The rest after the IV which makes sense so they test for anything infused.

          Relaxing for days. Lmao. Was he still running? Why did he say he needs to rest his legs if he wasn't? Give up!

          GO pick the damn judges.
          Man, I gave you several days yet you couldn't answer ALL the questions like you said! As expected!

          Comprehesnion problems? Talking to yourself? Didn't you read that Floyd said that the last few days he was going to relax his body and YES, his legs too!!!

          "I'm just at home relaxing...watching playoff basketball, watching movies, and just, you know, go to the gym a little bit and shake out...meditate, sit down, cool out," stated undefeated pound-for-pound king Floyd Mayweather, who talked about what's in store for him in the final days leading up to his May 2 showdown with Manny Pacquiao" - Floyd relaxing Mayweather

          Here is more:
          ""Sit at home watch basketball, go home and lay down, take a nap, go for a nice walk then go around the neighborhood in a golf cart then probably go shakeout at the gym later on." - Floyd relaxing Mayweather

          BTW - definition of shakeout for a runner:
          "A shakeout run is a very easy jog of 10 to 15 minutes

          I'm still waiting for the calculations. How can Floyd not be able to give any urine because of those 3 excuses that had nothing to do with May 1st?


          • Originally posted by ADP02 View Post
            See, you bolded for nothing .... I never duck ....
            Now its your turn to respond!

            Remember why Floyd was severely dehydrated. He said it was because:
            - He gave urine 4 days before
            - He gave < 1 tbsp. of blood 10 days before.
            - He exercised but admitted on multiple videos this:


            "I'm just at home relaxing...watching playoff basketball, watching movies, and just, you know, go to the gym a little bit and shake out...meditate, sit down, cool out," stated undefeated pound-for-pound king Floyd Mayweather, who talked about what's in store for him in the final days leading up to his May 2 showdown with Manny Pacquiao"



            You initially said that if I answer your question on EPO then YOU, Travestyny, will answer ALL my questions, like you always do.

            Well, maybe you are right. You usually spin 1 and avoid 3 questions!!! lol

            I'm going by your original post. So yes, I'm waiting for you to answer ALL my questions.

            but to help you, look for the 2 diagrams:
            "urine production rate after water loading by E.Baldes and F.Smirk"

            "urine production rate after water loading by Macallum and Benson"


            "Urine rate is ~1ml/min"

            "Water consumption of 1–2 liters over a short period of time can lead to dramatic increases in urine production rates to 10 or even 20 mL/min as demonstrated in the charts below."

            Of course, you are trying to minimize what Floyd drank but in the 2nd gif, you can see that Floyd had drank close to 35-40% of that bottle. The bottle appears to be bigger than 1L but less than 2L.

            Plus, being that Floyd was having no problems drinking orally and as he said he felt dehydrated, I would think that he would be drinking a lot more. Right? Or are you saying that Floyd didn't drink anymore because he was not dehydrated? loooooooooooool

            So for the kicks, that is why I had 500ml(after that video, drank very little or none - but makes no sense if you are supposedly severely dehydrated), or drank most of the water in that bottle > 1 to 1.5 Liters or even showed the DCO that even drinking 2L is not doing the trick.

            Going by those diagrams, the increase in urine production rate is quick. In about 45 minutes, urine production was at 8 ml/min.

            So again, calculate all possibilities like YOU SAID YOU WOULD!!!

            Here was USADA's statement:
            "In a USADA memo obtained by USA TODAY Sports, the agency explains how it oversaw the administering of the IV to Mayweather, as well as other information in the SB Nation story it deems inaccurate.

            A USADA Doping Control Officer (DCO) came to Mayweather’s home on May 1 to collect a urine sample, however Mayweather was dehydrated and unable to produce one. A paramedic was summoned to Mayweather’s home and provided the IV, with the DCO in Mayweather’s presence until the boxer was able to provide a urine sample."

            So to say, not until Floyd had received the IV, was Floyd able to produce the required 90ml. Now if you are objective, you would tell us all that the whole scenario that took place was a complete BS!!!

            Remember that the DCO left at 8pm. How can it take 6+ hours to get 90ml urine sample when Floyd was able to and we saw him drinking easily? and even when using your own calculations from the previous post, it makes Floyd's scenario look very suspect.

            None of that makes any sense!

            Man, I gave you several days yet you couldn't answer ALL the questions like you said! As expected!

            Comprehesnion problems? Talking to yourself? Didn't you read that Floyd said that the last few days he was going to relax his body and YES, his legs too!!!

            "I'm just at home relaxing...watching playoff basketball, watching movies, and just, you know, go to the gym a little bit and shake out...meditate, sit down, cool out," stated undefeated pound-for-pound king Floyd Mayweather, who talked about what's in store for him in the final days leading up to his May 2 showdown with Manny Pacquiao" - Floyd relaxing Mayweather

            Here is more:
            ""Sit at home watch basketball, go home and lay down, take a nap, go for a nice walk then go around the neighborhood in a golf cart then probably go shakeout at the gym later on." - Floyd relaxing Mayweather

            BTW - definition of shakeout for a runner:
            "A shakeout run is a very easy jog of 10 to 15 minutes

            I'm still waiting for the calculations. How can Floyd not be able to give any urine because of those 3 excuses that had nothing to do with May 1st?
            You know what? **** you.

            You just admit in the thunderdome that you never even answered the question I asked you over 15 times.

            So when are you going to answer. Is EPO a threshold substance? Yes or no?

            or are you going to say "It was never about that." You're a ****ing disgrace.


            • Originally posted by travestyny
              Are you going to go on record here and admit that EPO is not a threshold substance as per WADA's definition? Why have you ducked and deflected this so much?
              Originally posted by ADP02
              Still trying to play the "got you" game, I see, instead of understanding where I'm coming from. It was NEVER about that. YOU made it about that.

              Originally posted by ADP02 View Post
              Sample A is a mixture of those 2 urine samples. There the second is diluting the initial one.

              b) Threshold substances, there can be traces but the delay and dilution will drive down the numbers

              Originally posted by travestyny View Post
              Just one more thing. Let's get this clear: You think that this IV is a big issue because Floyd can drive down threshold substances, correct?

              So why not take a look at the threshold substances that are set apart by WADA.

              Here is the list:

              As far as I can see, there is only one anabolic steroid on this list.

              Otherwise....all I see on the list is things that could be used for asthma, and stimulants.
              Originally posted by ADP02 View Post
              I didn't even see EPO on the list so it must be a partial list. Anyways, Floyd micro-doses then time is of essence if you want to catch the substance above the threshold.
              Originally posted by travestyny View Post
              you believed EPO was a threshold substance, didn’t you?
              Admit you are wrong.
              Originally posted by ADP02 View Post
              SO TO BE CLEAR, its not whether they found EPO, which is naturally produced in the body. Its if they found traceable amounts that they meet a certain criteria. If they have a result that is somewhat ambiguous then it does NOT meet the threshold acceptance criteria!
              Originally posted by travestyny View Post
              Originally posted by ADP02 View Post
              Thanks Spoon.

              Yup, Travestyny is the champ when it comes to DEFLECTING.
              Originally posted by travestyny View Post
              Shut up, bltch. Let's watch you deflect about EPO. I'm waitinggggggg. lmaooo

              Get ready to lose all credibility. Step up, son!
              Originally posted by ADP02 View Post
              You said this and I told you that you were wrong. Now you are agreeing that YOU WERE WRONG!!!
              Originally posted by travestyny View Post
              What? I'm agreeing that I was wrong?

              Never happened, you cowardly imbecile. You aren't fooling anyone.

              [B]Now stop ducking the question and answer.

              Originally posted by ADP02 View Post
              Hmmm, maybe you still do not know about EPO?
              Here is a definition of Threshold. Got it now? If you still need more info, I will be more than glad to provide it for you ..... see no DUCKING from me.

              Threshold: The magnitude or intensity that must be exceeded for a certain reaction, phenomenon, result, or condition to occur or be manifested.
              Originally posted by travestyny View Post

              IS.....EPO....A....THRESHOLD...SUBSTANCE!!!!!! LOOK AT YOU ****ING SQUIRMING.
              Originally posted by ADP02 View Post
              EPO: Man, your definition is saying pretty much similar. You see, its not just concentration. There are other parameters!!!

              BTW - Yes, I was looking at WADA documents .....
              Originally posted by travestyny View Post
              Thank you for still blatantly ducking. I'm gonna compile another list of this shlt. Let's try again.

              IS EPO A THRESHOLD SUBSTANCE? Yes or no???
              Originally posted by ADP02 View Post
              didn't you add HGH as a threshold substance?
              Originally posted by travestyny View Post
              So, are you ready to answer? Is EPO a threshold substance? Yes or no. The list of ducks is growing!
              Originally posted by ADP02 View Post
              Man, even with Spoon you are trying to correct his spelling, .....

              Yes, YOU'RE da Zzoup ****!!!
              Originally posted by travestyny View Post
              Shouldn't you be admitting that you are wrong about EPO instead of worrying about my critique of Spoon's spelling?

              Let's try this yet again. Is EPO a threshold substance? This requires a simple "yes" or "no." Are you ever going to stop ducking and deflecting so that you can answer this question?
              Originally posted by ADP02 View Post
              Remember that he is a DEFLECTOR .... so he will deflect what you say!!! Meaning, he will come back!
              Originally posted by travestyny View Post
              WOWWW. You still going about this deflector thing:

              yet you still won't answer my simple question? LMAOOOO


              Originally posted by ADP02 View Post
              I see 2 of you in that picture! So you do have a twin!

              I always called you "OLD" and "NEW" Travestyny!

              I answered you already! I provided a definition of what Threshold is .... seems like you did not get it.

              Now where the **** was your answer, DEFLECTOR?
              Last edited by travestyny; 04-02-2017, 08:54 PM.


              • Originally posted by travestyny View Post
                Froze? LMAO.

                1. If you didn't notice, your boy ADP02 has been ducking me for about 2 days. He's in here talking about the rate of urine production when the rate of shlt coming out of his mouth far exceeds that. He better get his ass to the dome so he can be embarrassed already.

                2. YOU have been ducking me as well. Why don't you get your fellow village idiot Vardi-whatever his name is and both of you clowns can challenge me. In the end, I'm gonna beat up on all three of you clowns...that is....unless the two of you keep ducking me. Poor ADP02. He had guts to at least enter the dome. Too bad he's gonna come out decapitated.
                Originally posted by travestyny View Post

                I own both of your souls. It aint hard to tell, biotch. That's why you duck me

                Your boy ADP02 is about to get smashed in the dome. Why won't Spoon23 and Vadrigar. step up. I'll do a match both of you against me. Unbiased judges. Come on, fun boys. STEP UP!
                Originally posted by travestyny View Post
                Yo Spoon23, look at your bltch ADP02 squirming in the Dome. LMAOOOO. I told you this dude was gonna get embarrassed.

                So now he suddenly understands my point? Well why couldn't he answer my one simple question?

                IS EPO A THRESHOLD SUBSTANCE????

                So I guess we finally know who was the DEFLECTOR!

                He's trying to squirm out of it, but I'm still going to pull his card. We are going to proceed with the dome thread. You should show up and watch your boy get smoked.
                Originally posted by travestyny View Post
                You know what? **** you.

                You just admit in the thunderdome that you never even answered the question I asked you over 15 times.

                So when are you going to answer. Is EPO a threshold substance? Yes or no?

                or are you going to say "It was never about that." You're a ****ing disgrace.
                Sorry but you had asked me to answer you and then you would answer ALL my questions.

                So I'm still waiting!

                EPO threshold, I will answer that to .... but looks like you will be the one DEFLECTING .... AGAIN!

                I was skimming thru the post, man, even others have called you out as a deflector!



                • Originally posted by ADP02 View Post
                  Sorry but you had asked me to answer you and then you would answer ALL my questions.

                  So I'm still waiting!

                  EPO threshold, I will answer that to .... but looks like you will be the one DEFLECTING .... AGAIN!

                  I was skimming thru the post, man, even others have called you out as a deflector! :lol:


                  ISN'T THAT RIGHT? DID YOU ANSWER?



                  • Originally posted by travestyny View Post
                    Did you actually view the video titled WHITE SUPREMACY? It had NOTHING to do with boxing. STOP LYING! He's talking about his opinion on who made the most technological advances, who has higher IQ, and who "rules the world." I don't think he even mentions the word "boxing" one time. Stop lying!

                    Your comprehension is so weak. The oligarchs owns the world. The white elites, called the shadow government rules the world. Starting from The bankers that started our currency. The Rothchild family. They are worth trillions. They rule the world silently. They even have control and influnce of the media, the past presidents, they are in some ways part of the illuminati who have so much influence and power they have access to the very top of the food chain. And if you did understand him, boxing eversince was a sport oligarchs invest in. They gamble and rigged fights for their pleasure. Boxing in the past are riddled with mobsters, who rigged fights to make sure their man wins. The corruption in boxing has always been big. Run by whites, and to this day, they still do. That is why John McCain if he won the Presidency before, would have fixed boxing as a whole, because boxing is the only sport without an official governingg body to sanction illegal corrupt acts in the aport. Yes, the white elites are the richest people on earth. That is just a fact. There is a brotherhood of free masons, skull and bones that have been there along time ago. Influencing our scoiety. Their vast richness can tap into our political, social aspects. They control the media, the news that they want to feed. Great example is, the fake polls that the mainstream media keep on blasting on air that ***** is trailing. When he actually was winning. ***** is fighting the shadow government, these shadow government want someone yhey can control, and that was Hillary. A puppet like ***** has become. *****, is not one to mess round as yoi can see thy try to paint him in most mainstream media with fake news about to topple him down and get impeached eventually. This is the shadow goverment he was talking about. The recent one was Goerge Soros, a billinare *** from hungary, who helped crash countries economies in the past and is now helping Hillary, in the recent feminiist Rally. He funded that rally. These billionares are trying to influence everything. What he's trying to say is wakeup son. They are their in the shadows.

                    But off course, I'm just lying again.
                    Last edited by Spoon23; 04-02-2017, 09:58 PM.


                    • Originally posted by Spoon23 View Post

                      Your comprehension is so weak. The oligarchs owns the world. The white elites, called the shadow government rules the world. Starting from The bankers that started our currency. The Rothchild family. They are worth trillions. They rule the world silently. They even have control and influnce of the media, the past presidents, they are in some ways part of the illuminati who have so much influence and power they have access to the very top of the food chain. And if you did understand him, boxing eversince was a sport oligarchs invest in. They gamble and rigged fights for their pleasure. Boxing in the past are riddled with mobsters, who rigged fights to make sure their man wins. He corruption in boxing has always been big. Run by whites, and to this day, they still do. That is why John McCain if he won the Reaidency before, would have fixed boxing as a whole, because boxing is the only sport without an official governingg body to sanction illegal corrupt acts in the aport. Yes, the white elites are the richest people on earth. That is just realy. There is a brotherhood of free masons, skull and bones that have been there along time ago. Influencing our scoiety. They vast richness can tap into our political social aspects. They control the media, the news that they want to feed. Great example is, the fake polls that the mainstream media keep on blasting on air that ***** is trailing. ***** is fighting the shadow g
                      Excuse me....when did Precise Presenter say all of this?

                      I remember him saying, "Whites are Supreme. Whites are the shlt." (not to be confused with shlt.) "Whites have higher IQ's. Whites have made the most technological advances, etc. etc.).

                      You aren't fooling anyone. Should I upload the video here so you can see it for yourself?

