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Guys had to share this here. Karate video 1968

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  • Guys had to share this here. Karate video 1968

    I found this gem on Youtube. You know how I harp constantly that karate now a days is not real karate? This is the real deal, the way I was bouncing! no boxing. Look at the difference between this and the crap that goes for karate these days.

    I wanted to at least show this here considering how I have made a point of arguing what kick boxing as a style did to water down karate as a fighting art. If this really does not belong I apologize to the mods in advance, but this tape is a great reference for the stylistic difference that destroyed karate as a fighting art imo.

    After folks take a look maybe I can move it to martial arts...

  • #2
    I wish I could do some of those moves... on Anorak!


    • #3
      - -While I can respect Karate and other martial arts as a physical form and a philosophic discipline, their practitioners were sorta the early mma guys crashing our boxing forum to tell us how their guys would tear up our guys in a street fight.

      Lotsa juvenile insecurity!


      • #4
        ...and the crowd went wild...


        • #5
          Originally posted by QueensburyRules View Post
          - -While I can respect Karate and other martial arts as a physical form and a philosophic discipline, their practitioners were sorta the early mma guys crashing our boxing forum to tell us how their guys would tear up our guys in a street fight.

          Lotsa juvenile insecurity!
          These guys as a rule were very humble...I was taught the same way. now...there were dojo wars and other such things. Big rabbit holes! One of the refs in this clip was Trias who had trained Dante, of death kata fame lol. And Dante was involved with a dojo storm where his friend was killed... When I came up in the early eighties some of this stuff was stll happening. But as a rule you did not talk smack.

          The thing here is, the body dynamics... Karate does not traditionally have bouncing movements because you lose your power. That is why ribs break, faces are smashed, etc... But we fought full contact just the same and took the lumps.

          There are trouble makers from all the traditions unfortunately, the Gracies, depending on which part of the family could be some of the worse.


          • #6
            Originally posted by OctoberRed View Post
            I wish I could do some of those moves... on Anorak!
            Anorak is deadly. Hi name spelled backwards, each letter switchd for the one ahead, or behind, in Japanese Romanji means 'One who kills with the pen."


            • #7
              Goofy, even in 1968


              • #8
                Nice find. David Moon was a new name to me. I remember doing TKD in the early 80s and the sparring and tournaments were similar to what was seen in the video. Too bad Chuck Norris wasn't at that tournament. Or his nemesis Tonny Tulleners. I'm no longer involved in karate so I don't know how much it has changed. But if he were alive today I'll bet Joe Lewis's sidekick would still be unblockable.


                • #9
                  Nice video - thanks for sharing!


                  • #10
                    Doesn't look that different from a lot of karate tournaments these days except these days they look a lot more refined.

