A few days ago, the World Boxing Association super champion Chris John from Indonesia, was awarded by the children of his country, and he hopes he can continue to inspire them and be their role model.  

The award is known as Nickelodeon Indonesia Kids' Choice Awards 2013, and this is the second time he receives it, as he won it in its first edition in 2008.

What makes this award interesting is that the children are the ones in charge to decide who gets it. The winner should be a person they admire and motivate them with his/her behavior.

For this reason John says, “This award means a lot. I would like to thank all the fans that voted, my promoter Dragon Fire & the WBA for giving me the opportunity to become their World Champion.” 

For John what matters the most is its implication. “The fact that I have this kind of impact on the kids of Indonesia makes me feel very humble.” 

As for the future, John trusts says “I hope we have new generation of Indonesian WBA World Champions. We have great talent in this country but they just need the right opportunity”.

The Super champion of the WBA ended by saying “I hope I can be a role model for these kids and they can follow my 3 D’s: Dedication, Determination & Discipline”.