By Ryan Burton

On a recent edition of BoxingScene's official audio show The Boxing Lab, WBO welterweight king Tim Bradley (29-0, 12KOs) told us that he wants to face the best fighters in his division.

"I want to fight the best opposition out there. I want everyone to know that. I'm not going to name any names. Everyone knows who the best at 147 are," said Bradley.

One fighter that Bradley would like to face is three-division-champion Juan Manuel Marquez. Last year Bradley and Marquez's trainer Nacho Beristain went back and forth on BoxingScene talking about a possible fight. Beristain ultimately said that he didn't recommend the match-up, believing that it would end up turning into an "ugly fight.

Bradley dismissed Beristain's claims.    


"I think that a fight between myself and Marquez would be a great and entertaining fight. I know Beristain said that it wouldn't be but that just shows that they don't want to fight me. They are making excuses," Bradley explained.

The 29-year-old native Californian also said he would be interested in facing the winner of the March 30th rematch between Brandon Rios and Mike Alvarado.  Rios won their first encounter this past October.  Bradley acknowledged that if Rios emerges victorious that a fight between the two would be tough to make. 

"I will fight any of them guys. The downfall is that Cameron Dunkin is both of our managers so I don't think it would happen. Cameron is a great manager and he wouldn't do anything to put either of us in a bad position," Bradley told The Boxing Lab.

You can listen to the interview in its entirety by clicking here:

Send questions or comments to Follow Ryan on Twitter @ringsidewriter and tune in to The Boxing Lab, BoxingScene's official audio on Tuesdays. The show is hosted by Ernie Gabion, Luis Sandoval and Ryan Burton